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Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync error codes and descriptions

The following is a list of error codes and their description

Error codes

Error code Details Scenario Resolution
TimeOut Error Message: We've detected a request timeout error when contacting the on-premises agent and synchronizing your configuration. For additional issues related to your cloud sync agent, please see our troubleshooting guidance. Request to HIS timed out. Current Timeout value is 10 minutes. See our troubleshooting guidance
HybridSynchronizationActiveDirectoryInternalServerError Error Message: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support and provide the following job identifier: AD2AADProvisioning.30b500eaf9c643b2b78804e80c1421fe.5c291d3c-d29f-4570-9d6b-f0c2fa3d5926. Additional details: Processing of the HTTP request resulted in an exception. Couldn't process the parameters received in SCIM request to a Search request. Please see the HTTP response returned by the 'Response' property of this exception for details.
HybridIdentityServiceNoAgentsAssigned Error Message: We're unable to find an active agent for the domain you're trying to sync. Please check to see if the agents have been removed. If so, re-install the agent again. There are no agents running. Probably agents have been removed. Register a new agent. "In this case, you won't see any agent assigned to the domain in portal.
HybridIdentityServiceNoActiveAgents Error Message: We're unable to find an active agent for the domain you're trying to sync. Please check to see if the agent is running by going to the server, where the agent is installed, and check to see if Microsoft Entra Connect cloud sync agent under Services is running. "Agents aren't listening to the ServiceBus endpoint. The agent is behind a firewall that doesn't allow connections to service bus
HybridIdentityServiceInvalidResource Error Message: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support and provide the following job identifier: AD2AADProvisioning.3a2a0d8418f34f54a03da5b70b1f7b0c.d583d090-9cd3-4d0a-aee6-8d666658c3e9. Additional details: There seems to be an issue with your cloud sync setup. Please re-register your cloud sync agent on your on-premises AD domain and restart configuration from portal. The resource name must be set so HIS knows which agent to contact. Please re-register your cloud sync agent on your on-premises AD domain and restart configuration from portal.
HybridIdentityServiceAgentSignalingError Error Message: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support and provide the following job identifier: AD2AADProvisioning.92d2e8750f37407fa2301c9e52ad7e9b.efb835ef-62e8-42e3-b495-18d5272eb3f9. Additional details: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration). Service Bus isn't able to send a message to the agent. Could be an outage in service bus, or the agent isn't responsive. If this issue persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration).
AzureDirectoryServiceServerBusy Error Message: An error occurred. Error Code: 81. Error Description: Microsoft Entra ID is currently busy. This operation will be retried automatically. If this issue persists for more than 24 hours, contact Technical Support. Tracking ID: 8a4ab3b5-3664-4278-ab64-9cff37fd3f4f Server Name: Microsoft Entra ID is currently busy. If this issue persists for more than 24 hours, contact Technical Support.
AzureActiveDirectoryInvalidCredential Error Message: We found an issue with the service account that is used to run Microsoft Entra Cloud Sync. You can repair the cloud service account by following the instructions at here. If the error persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration). Additional Error Details: CredentialsInvalid AADSTS50034: The user account {EmailHidden} doesn't exist in the directory. To sign into this application, the account must be added to the directory. Trace ID: 0000aaaa-11bb-cccc-dd22-eeeeee333333 Correlation ID: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd Timestamp: 2021-01-12 21:08:29Z This error is thrown when the sync service account ADToAADSyncServiceAccount doesn't exist in the tenant. It can be due to accidental deletion of the account. Use Repair-AADCloudSyncToolsAccount to fix the service account.
AzureActiveDirectoryExpiredCredentials Error Message: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration). Additional Error Details: CredentialsExpired AADSTS50055: The password is expired. Trace ID: 1111bbbb-22cc-dddd-ee33-ffffff444444 Correlation ID: bbbbbbbb-1111-2222-3333-cccccccccccc Timestamp: 2021-01-12 20:59:31Z Response status code doesn't indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
Azure AD Sync service account credentials are expired.
You can repair the cloud service account by following the instructions at If the error persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration). Additional Error Details: Your administrative Microsoft Entra tenant credentials were exchanged for an OAuth token that has since expired."
AzureActiveDirectoryAuthenticationFailed Error Message: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support and provide the following job identifier: AD2AADProvisioning.60b943e88f234db2b887f8cb91dee87c.707be0d2-c6a9-405d-a3b9-de87761dc3ac. Additional details: We were unable to process this request at this point. If this issue persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration). Additional Error Details: UnexpectedError. Unknown error. If this issue persists, please contact support with Job ID (from status pane of your configuration).

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