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Tesseron Ticket (Preview)

This connector allows you to create, edit and search Tickets in your Tesseron ASM Instance.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Tesseron ASM Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher luithle + Luithle GmbH
Privacy policy
Categories IT Operations;Communication

This connector allows you to create, edit and search Tickets in your Tesseron Instance. Create, update and retrieve all information of your tickets. Integrate Tesseron into your flows and automate your business processes.


You will need the following to proceed:

  • A Tesseron Instance
  • A Tesseron licensed user
  • An API Key (Service: Ticket)

How to get credentials

Please request your API Key from your system partner or administrator.

Get started with your connector

Since Tesseron Rest API uses API keys to validate your user, you first need to contact your system administrator to create an API key for your user. After that is completed you can create your Tesseron connection.

  1. Check user rights With this connector you will be able to perform asset actions within your Tesseron instance. Therefore you need to have the mandatory user rights in the needed asset scopes.

  2. Apply for your API key Currently, API keys can only be created by your system administrator. Therefore, request your API key from your system administrator.

  3. Create a new connection

    • Provide your Tesseron instance URL
    • Enter your Tesseron API key

Provide users with a step-by-step process for getting started with your connector. This is where you should highlight common use cases, such as your expected popular triggers and actions, and how they can help in automation scenarios. Include images where possible.

Known issues and limitations

  • Sufficient user rights are mandatory to receive asset in specific asset scopes

Common errors and remedies


Is there any extra charge using this connector? No

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Instance URL string Your Tesseron instance URL True
API Key securestring Your Tesseron API key (Service: Ticket) True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create Ticket

Tis method allows you to create a new ticket in your Tesseron ASM instance.

Create Ticket Position

This method allows you to create info positions, end reports and tickets to reopen the specified ticket.

Get ticket information

This method allows you to get the ticket number by entering a reference number.

Search Ticket

Search for ticket number

Search ticket by parameter

Receive ticket information providing a search query.

Create Ticket

Tis method allows you to create a new ticket in your Tesseron ASM instance.


Name Key Required Type Description
Ticket Type
ticketType True integer

Choose the ticket type

Ticket Header
ticketHeader True string

Specify the ticket subject

Ticket Text
ticketText True string

Specify the ticket description

Reference Number
referenceNumber string

Specify the ticket or reference number of an existing ticket

Entrance Type
entranceType True integer

Specify the receipt type of the ticket

Area ID
areaId True integer

Select the area

Project ID
projectId integer

Specify the project ID of the ticket

tags string

Enter the tags

Released Option
releasedOption True boolean

Specify whether the ticket is a released ticket

Private Option
privateOption True boolean

Specify whether the ticket is a private ticket

Internal Option
internalOption True boolean

Specify if this is an internal ticket

urgencyType True integer

Select the urgency of the ticket

effectsType True integer

Select the effects of the ticket

Service Contract ID
serviceContractId integer

Enter the ID of the service contract

Ticket Editor
delegatedTicketEditor integer

Enter the editor of the ticket

Enterprise ID
enterpriseId True integer

Specify the ID of the business partner

Contact ID
contactId integer

Select the main contact of the ticket


Name Path Type Description
Message string


Success boolean


TicketNumber array of string

The ticket number of the created ticket.

Ticket Position
TicketPositionNumber string

The ID of the ticket position

Create Ticket Position

This method allows you to create info positions, end reports and tickets to reopen the specified ticket.


Name Key Required Type Description
Reference number
referenceNumber True string

Specify the ticket or reference number

Position Text
ticketPositionText True string

Enter the text of the ticket position

Position Type
TicketPositionType True integer

Specify the position type

Is internal?
TicketPositionVisibility boolean

Specify whether this is a internal position


Name Path Type Description
Message string


Success boolean


TicketNumber array of string


Ticket Position ID
TicketPositionNumber string

ID of the created ticket position

Get ticket information

This method allows you to get the ticket number by entering a reference number.


Name Key Required Type Description
Reference Number
referenceNumber True string

Enter the ticket or reference number


Name Path Type Description
Ticket Number
TicketNumber string

Tesseorn ASM Ticket Number

Ticket Type ID
TicketType integer

ID of the ticket type

Ticket Type Name
TicketTypeName string

Name of the ticket type

Ticket Header
TicketHeader string

Subject of the ticket

Ticket Text
TicketText string

Description of the ticket

Reference Number
ReferenceNumber string

Reference Number of the ticket

Entrance Type ID
EntranceType integer

ID of the ticket entrance type

Entrance Type Name
EntranceTypeName string

Name of the ticket entrance type

Area ID
AreaId integer

ID of the ticket area

Area Name
AreaName string

Name of the ticket area

Project ID
ProjectId integer

ID of the related project

Project Phase ID
ProjectPhaseId integer

Phase of the related project

Project Phase Task ID
ProjectPhaseTaskId integer

Task of the related project

Tags array of string

All Tags added to the ticket

Released Option
ReleasedOption boolean

Indicates the release status of the ticket

Private Option
PrivateOption boolean

Indicates if the ticket is private

Internal Option
InternalOption boolean

Indicates if the ticket is private

Urgency Type ID
UrgencyType integer

ID of the ticket urgency

Urgency Type Name
UrgencyTypeName string

Name of the ticket urgency

EffectsType integer

Effects of the ticket

Effects Name
EffectsTypeName string

Name of the ticket effects

Service Contract ID
ServiceContractId integer

ID of the related contract

Enterprise ID
EnterpriseId integer

ID of the ticket main enterprise

Enterprise Name
EnterpriseName string

Name of the ticket main enterprise

Contact ID
ContactId string

ID of the ticket main contact

Contact Name
ContactName string

Name of the ticket main contact

Message string


Success boolean


Search Ticket

Search for ticket number


Name Key Required Type Description
Reference Number
referencenumber True string

Enter the ticket or reference number


Name Path Type Description
Message string


Success boolean


TicketNumber array of string


Ticket Position Number
TicketPositionNumber string


Search ticket by parameter

Receive ticket information providing a search query.


Name Key Required Type Description
Filter string

Specify a filter for your query

Search Parameters
searchParam True string

Specify the search parameters for your query.

take True integer

Specify how many entries you would like to receive.

skip True integer

Please specify how many entries should be skipped.


Name Path Type Description
Success boolean


Message string


Tickets array of object


Ticket ID
Tickets.TicketId integer

The ticket ID.

Ticket Number
Tickets.TicketNumber string

The ticket number.

Ticket Header
Tickets.TicketHeader string

The ticket header.

Ticket Text
Tickets.TicketText string

The ticket text.

Creation Date
Tickets.CreationDate string

The creation date of the ticket.

Creation Date
Tickets.CreationDateText string

The creation date of the ticket.

Ticket Status
Tickets.TicketStatus string

The current ticket status.