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Azure Resource Graph sample queries for Azure Service Health

This page is a collection of Azure Resource Graph sample queries for Azure Service Health.

Azure Service Health

Active Service Health event subscription impact

Returns all active Service Health events - including service issues, planned maintenance, health advisories, and security advisories – grouped by event type and including count of impacted subscriptions.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = tostring(properties.EventType), status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
| where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active'
| summarize count(subscriptionId) by name
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = tostring(properties.EventType), status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime | where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active' | summarize count(subscriptionId) by name"

All active health advisory events

Returns all active health advisory Service Health events across all subscriptions to which the user has access.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime))
| where eventType == 'HealthAdvisory' and impactMitigationTime > now()
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime)) | where eventType == 'HealthAdvisory' and impactMitigationTime > now()"

All active planned maintenance events

Returns all active planned maintenance Service Health events across all subscriptions to which the user has access.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime))
| where eventType == 'PlannedMaintenance' and impactMitigationTime > now()
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = todatetime(tolong(properties.ImpactMitigationTime)) | where eventType == 'PlannedMaintenance' and impactMitigationTime > now()"

All active Service Health events

Returns all active Service Health events across all subscriptions to which the user has access including service issues, planned maintenance, health advisories, and security advisories.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
| where (eventType in ('HealthAdvisory', 'SecurityAdvisory', 'PlannedMaintenance') and impactMitigationTime > now()) or (eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active')
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime | where (eventType in ('HealthAdvisory', 'SecurityAdvisory', 'PlannedMaintenance') and impactMitigationTime > now()) or (eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active')"

All active service issue events

Returns all active service issue (outage) Service Health events across all subscriptions to which the user has access.

| where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events'
| extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime
| where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active'
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.ResourceHealth/events' | extend eventType = properties.EventType, status = properties.Status, description = properties.Title, trackingId = properties.TrackingId, summary = properties.Summary, priority = properties.Priority, impactStartTime = properties.ImpactStartTime, impactMitigationTime = properties.ImpactMitigationTime | where eventType == 'ServiceIssue' and status == 'Active'"

Confirmed impacted resources

Returns all impacted resources for all service issue (outage) Service Health events across all subscriptions to which the user has access.

| where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/events/impactedresources"
| extend TrackingId = split(split(id, "/events/", 1)[0], "/impactedResources", 0)[0]
| extend p = parse_json(properties)
| project subscriptionId, TrackingId, resourceName= p.resourceName, resourceGroup=p.resourceGroup, resourceType=p.targetResourceType, details = p, id
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/events/impactedresources' | extend TrackingId = split(split(id, '/events/', 1)[0], '/impactedResources', 0)[0] | extend p = parse_json(properties) | project subscriptionId, TrackingId, resourceName= p.resourceName, resourceGroup=p.resourceGroup, resourceType=p.targetResourceType, details = p, id"

Confirmed impacted resources with more details

Returns all impacted resources for all service issue (outage) Service Health events across all subscriptions to which the user has access. This query also provides more details from the resources table.

| where type == "microsoft.resourcehealth/events/impactedresources"
| extend TrackingId = split(split(id, "/events/", 1)[0], "/impactedResources", 0)[0]
| extend p = parse_json(properties)
| project subscriptionId, TrackingId, targetResourceId= tostring(p.targetResourceId), details = p
| join kind=inner (
    on $left.targetResourceId == $right.id
az graph query -q "ServiceHealthResources | where type == 'microsoft.resourcehealth/events/impactedresources' | extend TrackingId = split(split(id, '/events/', 1)[0], '/impactedResources', 0)[0] | extend p =  parse_json(properties) | project subscriptionId, TrackingId, targetResourceId = tostring(p.targetResourceId), details = p | join kind=inner (resources) on $left.targetResourceId == $right.id"

Resource health

Count of virtual machines by availability state and subscription ID

Returns the count of virtual machines (type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) aggregated by their availability state across each of your subscriptions.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| summarize count() by subscriptionId, AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | summarize count() by subscriptionId, AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)"

List of virtual machines and associated availability states by resource IDs

Returns the latest list of virtual machines (type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) aggregated by availability state. The query also provides the associated Resource ID based on properties.targetResourceId, for easy debugging and mitigation. Availability states can be one of four values: Available, Unavailable, Degraded, and Unknown. For more details on what each of the availability states mean, go to Azure Resource Health overview.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)"

List of virtual machines by availability state and power state with resource IDs and resource groups

Returns list of virtual machines (type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) aggregated on their power state and availability state to provide a cohesive state of health for your virtual machines. The query also provides details on the resource group and resource ID associated with each entry for detailed visibility into your resources.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project resourceGroup, Id = tolower(id), PowerState = tostring( properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code)
| join kind=leftouter (
  | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
  | where tostring(properties.targetResourceType) =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
  | project targetResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState))
  on $left.Id == $right.targetResourceId
| project-away targetResourceId
| where PowerState != 'PowerState/deallocated'
az graph query -q "Resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project resourceGroup, Id = tolower(id), PowerState = tostring( properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code) | join kind=leftouter ( HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where tostring(properties.targetResourceType) =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' | project targetResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)) on \$left.Id == \$right.targetResourceId | project-away targetResourceId | where PowerState != 'PowerState/deallocated'"

List of virtual machines that aren't available by resource IDs

Returns the latest list of virtual machines (type Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines) aggregated by their availability state. The populated list only highlights virtual machines whose availability state isn't Available to ensure you're aware of all the concerning states your virtual machines are in. When all your virtual machines are Available, you can expect to receive no results.

| where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses'
| where tostring(properties.availabilityState) != 'Available'
| summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)
az graph query -q "HealthResources | where type =~ 'microsoft.resourcehealth/availabilitystatuses' | where tostring(properties.availabilityState) != 'Available' | summarize by ResourceId = tolower(tostring(properties.targetResourceId)), AvailabilityState = tostring(properties.availabilityState)"

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