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SmartDialog is a platform used to send and receive SMS- and WhatsApp messages. It offers a wide variety of smart messaging services.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Arena Interactive Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Arena Interactive Oy
Privacy policy
Categories Communication;Collaboration

SmartDialog connector allows you to send and receive messages via the SmartDialog platform. Messages include, but are not limited to SMS, MMS and WhatsApp.


  1. A SmartDialog subscription and account. Please be in contact with
  2. For receiving messages, input sources are needed too. These can be National Shortcodes, International Longcodes or Instant Messaging accounts, like a WhatsApp Business account.

How to get credentials

Contact and sign a contract with Arena Interactive. Once you have an account, proceed to create a One Way messaging service. If you also want to receive inbound messages, you also need a Two Way service with configured address and possible keywords.

Getting started with your connector

Once you have an account you can proceed to send and receive messages from Logic Apps, Power automate and other service. You could for instace trigger new messages from Microsoft CRM when a contact is created or when a case is closed.

Known issues and limitations

Depending on the choice of message types, some restrictions apply. For instance SMS-messages can carry 140 bytes of information per message. If this is exceeded, chaining of messages will be done automatically. Note that the chaining header consumes some data from each message. One example is, using standard GSM alphabet, one message can be 160 characters, but two messages can only carry 306 characters of text due to chaining. Messages are invoice on a part basis, so the previous example would cost two "parts". Using Unicode roughly halves the amount of text each messagepart can carry.

Common errors and remedies

Common errors include authentication errors:

  • Where your SmartDialog user may not be allowed to perfom OAuth2 authentication.
    • Contact your adminstrator or to enable this.
  • Where you might provide an serviceId, or a serviceId belonging to another company.
    • Verify the ServiceId


  • What phone number format should I use in API requests?

We strongly recommend using international format without prefixes (+, 00) and with no extra characters between digits, for example 358207434242. The API makes an attempt to remove extra characters in numbers and to transform national numbers to international form using the Finnish calling code (358) as default, but depending on input and the desired result this process may not always produce the desired outcome.

  • How many characters will fit into one SMS?

One SMS can hold 140 bytes of data. When sending a concatenated (long) message, the concatenation method reserves six bytes from each SMS, leaving 134 bytes for the rest of the message data in each concatenated SMS. When using the GSM 03.38 character set for text messages, characters are packed into 7-bit septets. 140 bytes (one SMS) can hold 160 of these septets, and 134 bytes (concatenation) can hold 153. Most of the characters in GSM 03.38 take one septet each, but there are a handful of characters (most commonly used of which is the euro character) need two septets each. More information about the GSM character set: With Unicode messages each character takes two bytes. 140 bytes (one SMS) can hold 70 of twobyte sequences, and 134 bytes (concatenation) can hold 67. For binary messages space consumption depends on the message type, but the upper limit of 140 bytes per SMS applies to them too.

  • How long concatenated messages can I send?

The concatenation mechanism of SMS's allows up to 255 concatenated parts, but all receiving devices cannot handle anywhere near this many. We do not recommend sending text messages that are longer than three SMS's nor binary messages that are longer than four SMS's.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Create group contact

Create group contact

Create WhatsApp template

Create a new WhatsApp template.

Delete All Group Contacts

Delete All Group Contacts

Delete Group Contact

Delete group contact using phone number.

Get Group Contact

Get Group Contact

Send Discussion Reply Message

Send a Discussion Reply Message to recipients.

Send Message

Send a Message to recipients.

Send Reply Message

Send a Replymessage to recipients.

Send WhatsApp Message

Send WhatsApp template message.

Update Group Contact

Update Group Contact

WhatsApp Opt In (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

WhatsApp Opt In for sender and recipient. (deprecated)

WhatsApp Opt Out (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

WhatsApp Opt Out for sender and recipient. (deprecated)

Create group contact

Create group contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer True string

The Customer to fetch Group Services for.

Group Service
Group Service True string

The Group Service to use.

active boolean

Flag that indicates if the Contact is Active.

phone True string

Phone number of the Contact.

email string

Email address of the Contact.

firstName string

Firstname of the Contact.

lastName string

Lastname of the Contact.

gender string

Gender of the Contact.

Birth Year
birthYear integer

Birth Year of the Contact.

Street Address
streetAddress string

Street Address of the Contact.

Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip Code of the Contact.

city string

City of the Contact.

Country Code
countryCode string

3-letter Country Code of the Contact.

name string

Custom property name.

value string

Custom property value.

Phonenumber Regions
phoneNumberRegions array of string

Phonenumber regions to use for parsing numbers. Defaults to Finland if left empty.


Unique Id of the created Contact.

Contact Id

Create WhatsApp template

Create a new WhatsApp template.


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer-Id True string

The Customer to create the Template for.

IdentityNumber True string

WhatsApp IdentityNumber used for the template.

DisplayName True string

Template Displayname.

RawContent True string

Template content.

Template Category
Category True string

WhatsApp template category.

Template Language
Language True string

2-character code for template language.

Button Type
Type string

Type of Button.

Button Label
Label string

Button Label.

Button Data
Data string

Button data. Url (Url), phone number (Call) or text (QuickReply). Max length is 2000 for Url, and 20 for phone number and text.

Attachment Url
AttachmentUrl string

URL to an example attachment.

Delete All Group Contacts

Delete All Group Contacts


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer True string

The Customer to fetch Group Services for.

Group Service
Group Service True string

The Group Service to use.



Delete Group Contact

Delete group contact using phone number.


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer True string

The Customer to fetch Group Services for.

Group Service
Group Service True string

The Group Service to use.

Phone True string

The Phone number of the contact to Delete.



Get Group Contact

Get Group Contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer True string

The Customer to fetch Group Services for.

Group Service
Group Service True string

The Group Service to use.

Phone True string

The Phone number of the Contact.

Region string

Optional Phonenumber region to use for parsing the Phone number.


Name Path Type Description
phone string

Phone number of the Contact.

email string

Email address of the Contact.

firstName string

Firstname of the Contact.

lastName string

Lastname of the Contact.

gender string

Gender of the Contact.

Birth Year
birthYear integer

Birth Year of the Contact.

Street Address
streetAddress string

Street Address of the Contact.

Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip Code of the Contact.

city string

City of the Contact.

Country Code
countryCode string

Country Code of the Contact.

Failed Messages
failedMessages integer

Number of failed messages for the Contact.

Custom Properties
customContactProperties array of object

Custom Contact Property collection saved for the Contact.

Name string

Custom contact property name.

customContactProperties.value string

Custom contact property value.

Send Discussion Reply Message

Send a Discussion Reply Message to recipients.


Name Key Required Type Description
CustomerId True string

The Customer to use for sending.

Thread Id
ThreadId True string

Id of the existing Thread to reply to.

Message Content
Content True string

The content of the message.

Customer Data
CustomerData string

Billing/grouping data for this message, optional.


Name Path Type Description
Message Id
MessageId string

Newly created message's identifier.

Message Part Count
MessagePartCount integer

Approximated number of message parts for this message.

Recipients array of object


Recipient Address
Recipients.Address string

Recipient address (phone number/email/user id etc.).

Recipient Id
Recipients.Id string

Recipient identifier used for receiving delivery status information.

ThreadId string

Identifier of Thread that the message was sent to.

Send Message

Send a Message to recipients.


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer-Id True string

The Customer to use for sending.

Service-Id True string

The Service to use for sending.

Message Sender
Sender True string

The sender of the message, can be alphanumeric, long code or short code (restrictions apply).

Message Content
Content True string

The content of the message.

Message Protocol
Protocol True string

The protocol to use for sending the message.

Send Datetime
SendDateTime date-time

The date and time to send the message. Leave empty to send instantly.

Address True string

Message recipient address.

Attachment Uri
AttachmentUri string

Attachment Uri to be used when sending WhatsApp message that contains an attachment.

Customer Data
CustomerData string

Billing/grouping data for this message, optional.

Ad Message
AdMessage boolean

Optional overriding flag for marking the message as an ad message

Dlr Url
DlrUrl string

Url for Delivery status callback via http-get. You may add querystring values to url, they will be preserved.

Request Id
RequestId string

Optional unique request id that can be used to identify duplicate requests. If a duplicate request id is detected, sending is cancelled. There is no guarantee that requests with duplicate request ids will be blocked in high throughput/traffic situations. The given requestId will be "remembered" for 7 days.


Name Path Type Description
Message Id
MessageId string

Newly created message's identifier.

Message Part Count
MessagePartCount integer

Approximated number of message parts for this message.

Recipients array of object


Recipient Address
Recipients.Address string

Recipient address (phone number/email/user id etc.).

Recipient Id
Recipients.Id string

Recipient identifier used for receiving delivery status information.

Send Reply Message

Send a Replymessage to recipients.


Name Key Required Type Description
ParentMessage Id
ParentMessageId True string

The Parent message Id to reply to.

Customer-Id True string

The Customer to use for sending.

Service-Id True string

The Service to use for sending.

Message Sender
Sender True string

The sender of the message, can be alphanumeric, long code or short code (restrictions apply).

Message Content
Content True string

The content of the message.

Message Protocol
Protocol True string

The protocol to use for sending the message.

Send Datetime
SendDateTime date-time

The date and time to send the message. Leave empty to send instantly.

Address True string

Message recipient address.

Attachment Uri
AttachmentUri string

Attachment Uri to be used when sending WhatsApp message that contains an attachment.

Customer Data
CustomerData string

Billing/grouping data for this message, optional.

Ad Message
AdMessage boolean

Optional overriding flag for marking the message as an ad message

Dlr Url
DlrUrl string

Url for Delivery status callback via http-get. You may add querystring values to url, they will be preserved.

Request Id
RequestId string

Optional unique request id that can be used to identify duplicate requests. If a duplicate request id is detected, sending is cancelled. There is no guarantee that requests with duplicate request ids will be blocked in high throughput/traffic situations. The given requestId will be "remembered" for 7 days.


Name Path Type Description
Message Id
MessageId string

Newly created message's identifier.

Message Part Count
MessagePartCount integer

Approximated number of message parts for this message.

Recipients array of object


Recipient Address
Recipients.Address string

Recipient address (phone number/email/user id etc.).

Recipient Id
Recipients.Id string

Recipient identifier used for receiving delivery status information.

Send WhatsApp Message

Send WhatsApp template message.


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer-Id True string

The Customer to use for sending.

Service-Id True string

The Service to use for sending.

WhatsApp Template
TemplateName True string

The Template to use for sending.

Address True string

Message recipient address.

BodyParameters array of string


HeaderParameters array of string


Type string

The button type. Only one type per template, may contain multiple of the same type.

Data string

The text of the button.

Send Datetime
SendDateTime string

The date and time to send the message. Leave empty to send instantly.

Attachment Uri
AttachmentUri string

The Attachment Uri if the template contains an attachment.

Use SMS Fallback
UseSmsFallback boolean

Should SMS be used as fallback.

Dlr Url
DlrUrl string

Delivery report Url that will recieve a callback when the sendprocess completes.

Customer Data
CustomerData string

Billing/grouping data for this message, optional.

Request Id
RequestId string

Optional unique request id that can be used to identify duplicate requests. If a duplicate request id is detected, sending is cancelled. There is no guarantee that requests with duplicate request ids will be blocked in high throughput/traffic situations. The given requestId will be "remembered" for 7 days.


Name Path Type Description
Message Id
messageId string

Newly created message's identifier.

Message Part Count
messagePartCount integer

Approximated number of message parts for this message.

recipients array of object


Recipient Address
recipients.address string

Recipient address (phone number/email/user id etc.).

Recipient Id string

Recipient identifier used for receiving delivery status information.

Update Group Contact

Update Group Contact


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer True string

The Customer to fetch Group Services for.

Group Service
Group Service True string

The Group Service to use.

Phone True string

The Phone number of the contact to update.

active boolean

Flag that indicates if the Contact is Active.

email string

Email address of the Contact.

firstName string

Firstname of the Contact.

lastName string

Lastname of the Contact.

gender string

Gender of the Contact.

Birth Year
birthYear integer

Birth Year of the Contact.

Street Address
streetAddress string

Street Address of the Contact.

Zip Code
zipCode string

Zip Code of the Contact.

city string

City of the Contact.

Country Code
countryCode string

3-letter Country Code of the Contact.

name string

Custom contact property name.

value string

Custom contact property value.

Phonenumber Regions
phoneNumberRegions array of string

Phonenumber regions to use for parsing numbers. Defaults to Finland if left empty.



WhatsApp Opt In (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

WhatsApp Opt In for sender and recipient. (deprecated)


Name Key Required Type Description
Sender address
Sender True string

Registered Whatsapp identity number to opt-in to.

Recipient address
Recipient True string

Recipient number to opt-in.

WhatsApp Opt Out (deprecated) [DEPRECATED]

WhatsApp Opt Out for sender and recipient. (deprecated)


Name Key Required Type Description
Sender address
Sender True string

Registered Whatsapp identity number to opt-out from.

Recipient address
Recipient True string

Recipent number to remove from opt-in.


New Message

When a new message arrives to a 2-Way service.

New Message

When a new message arrives to a 2-Way service.


Name Key Required Type Description
Customer True string

The Customer to use.

Service True string

The 2-Way service to use.


Name Path Type Description
Message Sender
sender string

The message sender.

Message Recipient
recipient string

The recipient of the message.

Message Content
content string

The content of the received message.

Message Timestamp
timestamp date-time

The timestamp of the message.

Message Protocol
protocol string

The protocol of the received message.

attachments array of object


Attachment Filename string

The filename of the attachment.

Attachment Mime Type
attachments.mimeType string

The mime type of the attachment.

Attachment Resource Location
attachments.resourceLocation string

The attachment resource location.

Message Id
messageId string

The unique message Id of the received message.



Unique Id of the created Contact.

Unique Id of the created Contact.

Contact Id


This is the basic data type 'boolean'.