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Comparison of Base R and RevoScaleR Functions

This article provides a list of the functions provided by the RevoScaleR package and lists comparable functions included in the base distribution of R.

Data Input and Output

rx function Description Nearest base R function
rxGetInfo Retrieves header information from an .XDF file or summary information from a data frame str()


rxGetVarInfo Retrieves variable information from an .XDF file or data frame names()




RxSasData Creates a SAS data source object foreign::read.ssd()
RxSpssData Creates an SPSS data source object foreign::read.ssps()
rxOpen Opens a data source for reading read.table() etc.
rxReadNext Reads data from a data source read.table(), etc.

Data Manipulation and Chunking

rx function Description Nearest base R function
rxDataStep Transforms and subsets data in .XDF files or data frames transform()



rxFactors Recodes a factor variable, or converts a non-factor variable into a factor factor()
rxSort Performs multi-key sorting of the variables in an .XDF file or data frame sort()

rxMerge Merges two .XDF files or two data frames using a variety of merge types merge()


rxSplit Splits an .XDF file or a data frame into multiple .XDF files or data frames split()

Descriptive Statistics and Cross-Tabulation

rx function Description Nearest base R function
rxSummary Generates summary statistics for a data frame, including computations by group summary()

lapply(x, …)
rxQuantile Computes approximate quantiles for an .XDF file or data frame without sorting quantile()
rxCrossTabs Creates a cross-tabulation of data based on a formula provided as parameter xtabs()
rxCube Creates a cross-tabulation of data based on formula provided as parameter

This function is an alternative to rxCrossTabs and is designed for efficient representation.
rxMarginals Creates a marginal summary for an xtab object addmargins()


as.crosstabs Converts cross tabulation results to an xtab object xtabs()
rxChiSquaredTest Performs a chi-squared test on an xtab object chisq.test()
rxFisherTest Performs Fisher's Exact Test on an xtab object fisher.test()
rxKendallCor Computes Kendall's Tau Rank Correlation Coefficient using an xtab object cor(…, method="kendall")

Statistical Modeling

rx function Description Nearest base R function
rxLinMod Fits a linear model to data lm()
rxCovCor Calculates the covariance, correlation, or sum of squares (cross-product) matrix for a set of variables cor()


rxCov Calculates the covariance matrix for a set of variables cov()
rxCor Calculates the correlation matrix for a set of variables cov()
rxLogit Fits a logistic regression model to data glm(…, family="binomial")
rxGlm Fits a generalized linear model to data glm()
rxDTree Fits a classification or regression tree to data tree::tree()

rxPredict Calculates predictions for fitted models predict()
rxKmeans Performs K-means clustering cluster::kmeans()

Basic Graphing

rx function Description Nearest base R function
rxHistogram Creates a histogram from data hist()
rxLinePlot Creates a line plot from data plot()


See Also

SQL Server R Services Features and Tasks