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Trabajar con metadatos de atributos


Publicado: noviembre de 2016

Se aplica a: Dynamics CRM 2015

Este tema usan fragmentos de código de Ejemplo: Trabajar con metadatos de atributos para mostrar cómo realizar tareas comunes al trabajar con atributos.

En este tema

Crear atributos

Recuperar un atributo

Actualizar un atributo

Crear un atributo de búsqueda

Actualizar un valor de estado

Crear una lista desplegable que usa un conjunto de opciones global

Insertar un nuevo valor de estado

Insertar una opción nueva en un conjunto de opciones local.

Cambiar el orden de las opciones en un conjunto de opciones local

Eliminar un atributo

Crear atributos

Puede crear atributos al definir uno de los tipos de AttributeMetadata y luego pasarlo al mensaje de CreateAttributeRequest.

El siguiente ejemplo define el AttributeMetadata para distintos tipos de atributos y los agrega a List<AttributeMetadata>. Al final del código las definiciones de atributo se pasan a una instancia de clases de CreateAttributeRequest y el atributo se crea mediante el método de Execute.

El siguiente ejemplo presupone que el prefijo actual de personalización es "nuevo" porque ese es el prefijo de personalización predeterminado para el editor de soluciones de la organización. Debe usar el prefijo de personalización para el editor de soluciones que mejor se ajuste al contexto de la solución.

// Create storage for new attributes being created
addedAttributes = new List<AttributeMetadata>();

// Create a boolean attribute
BooleanAttributeMetadata boolAttribute = new BooleanAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_boolean",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample Boolean", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("Boolean Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    OptionSet = new BooleanOptionSetMetadata(
        new OptionMetadata(new Label("True", _languageCode), 1),
        new OptionMetadata(new Label("False", _languageCode), 0)

// Add to list

// Create a date time attribute
DateTimeAttributeMetadata dtAttribute = new DateTimeAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_datetime",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample DateTime", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("DateTime Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    Format = DateTimeFormat.DateOnly,
    ImeMode = ImeMode.Disabled

// Add to list

// Create a decimal attribute   
DecimalAttributeMetadata decimalAttribute = new DecimalAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_decimal",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample Decimal", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("Decimal Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    MaxValue = 100,
    MinValue = 0,
    Precision = 1

// Add to list

// Create a integer attribute   
IntegerAttributeMetadata integerAttribute = new IntegerAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_integer",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample Integer", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("Integer Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    Format = IntegerFormat.None,
    MaxValue = 100,
    MinValue = 0

// Add to list

// Create a memo attribute 
MemoAttributeMetadata memoAttribute = new MemoAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_memo",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample Memo", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("Memo Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    Format = StringFormat.TextArea,
    ImeMode = ImeMode.Disabled,
    MaxLength = 500

// Add to list

// Create a money attribute 
MoneyAttributeMetadata moneyAttribute = new MoneyAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_money",
    DisplayName = new Label("Money Picklist", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("Money Attribue", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    MaxValue = 1000.00,
    MinValue = 0.00,
    Precision = 1,
    PrecisionSource = 1,
    ImeMode = ImeMode.Disabled

// Add to list

// Create a picklist attribute  
PicklistAttributeMetadata pickListAttribute =
    new PicklistAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_picklist",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample Picklist", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("Picklist Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    // Build local picklist options
    OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata
            IsGlobal = false,
            OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist,
            Options = 
            new OptionMetadata(
                new Label("Created", _languageCode), null),
            new OptionMetadata(
                new Label("Updated", _languageCode), null),
            new OptionMetadata(
                new Label("Deleted", _languageCode), null)

// Add to list

// Create a string attribute
StringAttributeMetadata stringAttribute = new StringAttributeMetadata
    // Set base properties
    SchemaName = "new_string",
    DisplayName = new Label("Sample String", _languageCode),
    RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
    Description = new Label("String Attribute", _languageCode),
    // Set extended properties
    MaxLength = 100

// Add to list

// NOTE: LookupAttributeMetadata cannot be created outside the context of a relationship.
// Refer to the WorkWithRelationships.cs reference SDK sample for an example of this attribute type.

// NOTE: StateAttributeMetadata and StatusAttributeMetadata cannot be created via the SDK.

foreach (AttributeMetadata anAttribute in addedAttributes)
    // Create the request.
    CreateAttributeRequest createAttributeRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
        EntityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
        Attribute = anAttribute

    // Execute the request.

    Console.WriteLine("Created the attribute {0}.", anAttribute.SchemaName);

' Create storage for new attributes being created
addedAttributes = New List(Of AttributeMetadata)()

' Create a boolean attribute
Dim boolAttribute As BooleanAttributeMetadata = New BooleanAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_boolean",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample Boolean", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("Boolean Attribute", _languageCode),
 .OptionSet = New BooleanOptionSetMetadata(
  New OptionMetadata(
   New Label("True", _languageCode), 1),
   New OptionMetadata(
   New Label("False", _languageCode), 0)
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' Create a date time attribute
Dim dtAttribute As DateTimeAttributeMetadata = New DateTimeAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_datetime",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample DateTime", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("DateTime Attribute", _languageCode),
 .Format = DateTimeFormat.DateOnly,
 .ImeMode = ImeMode.Disabled}
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' Create a decimal attribute    
Dim decimalAttribute As DecimalAttributeMetadata = New DecimalAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_decimal",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample Decimal", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("Decimal Attribute", _languageCode),
 .MaxValue = 100,
 .MinValue = 0,
 .Precision = 1}
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' Create a integer attribute    
Dim integerAttribute As IntegerAttributeMetadata = New IntegerAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_integer",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample Integer", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("Integer Attribute", _languageCode),
 .Format = IntegerFormat.None,
 .MaxValue = 100,
 .MinValue = 0}
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' Create a memo attribute 
Dim memoAttribute As MemoAttributeMetadata = New MemoAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_memo",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample Memo", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("Memo Attribute", _languageCode),
 .Format = StringFormat.TextArea,
 .ImeMode = ImeMode.Disabled,
 .MaxLength = 500}
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' Create a money attribute    
Dim moneyAttribute As MoneyAttributeMetadata = New MoneyAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_money",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Money Picklist", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("Money Attribue", _languageCode),
 .MaxValue = 1000.0,
 .MinValue = 0.0,
 .Precision = 1,
 .PrecisionSource = 1,
 .ImeMode = ImeMode.Disabled}
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' Create a picklist attribute    
Dim pickListAttribute As PicklistAttributeMetadata = New PicklistAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_picklist",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample Picklist", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("Picklist Attribute", _languageCode)}
Dim pickListOptionSetMetadata As OptionSetMetadata = New OptionSetMetadata() With {
 .IsGlobal = False,
 .OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist}
pickListOptionSetMetadata.Options.Add(New OptionMetadata(New Label("Created", _languageCode), Nothing))
pickListOptionSetMetadata.Options.Add(New OptionMetadata(New Label("Updated", _languageCode), Nothing))
pickListOptionSetMetadata.Options.Add(New OptionMetadata(New Label("Deleted", _languageCode), Nothing))
pickListAttribute.OptionSet = pickListOptionSetMetadata
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties
' Build local picklist options

' Add to list

' Create a string attribute
Dim stringAttribute As StringAttributeMetadata = New StringAttributeMetadata With {
 .SchemaName = "new_string",
 .DisplayName = New Label("Sample String", _languageCode),
 .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
 .Description = New Label("String Attribute", _languageCode),
 .MaxLength = 100}
' Set base properties
' Set extended properties

' Add to list

' NOTE: LookupAttributeMetadata cannot be created outside the context of a relationship.
' Refer to the WorkWithRelationships.cs reference SDK sample for an example of this attribute type.

' NOTE: StateAttributeMetadata and StatusAttributeMetadata cannot be created via the SDK.

For Each anAttribute As AttributeMetadata In addedAttributes
 ' Create the request.
 Dim createAttributeRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
  .EntityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
  .Attribute = anAttribute}

 ' Execute the request.

 Console.WriteLine("Created the attribute {0}.", anAttribute.SchemaName)
Next anAttribute

Recuperar un atributo

Este ejemplo muestra cómo recuperar el AttributeMetadata para un atributo mediante RetrieveAttributeRequest. Este ejemplo recupera los metadatos para un atributo de StringAttributeMetadata personalizados llamado "new_string" para la entidad Contacto creada en Crear atributos.


Porque RetrieveAsIfPublished es true, esta solicitud devuelve la definición actual sin publicar de este atributo. Puede usar esta opción si está creando un editor de Atributo y desea recuperar la definición del atributo sin publicar. De lo contrario, no debe especificar RetrieveAsIfPublished.Más información:Recuperar metadatos sin publicar

// Create the request
RetrieveAttributeRequest attributeRequest = new RetrieveAttributeRequest
    EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    LogicalName = "new_string",
    RetrieveAsIfPublished = true

// Execute the request
RetrieveAttributeResponse attributeResponse =

Console.WriteLine("Retrieved the attribute {0}.",

' Create the request
Dim attributeRequest As RetrieveAttributeRequest = New RetrieveAttributeRequest With {
 .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .LogicalName = "new_string",
 .RetrieveAsIfPublished = True}

' Execute the request
Dim attributeResponse As RetrieveAttributeResponse = CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(attributeRequest), RetrieveAttributeResponse)

Console.WriteLine("Retrieved the attribute {0}.", attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata.SchemaName)

Actualizar un atributo

Este ejemplo muestra cómo actualizar un atributo. Este ejemplo usa UpdateAttributeRequest para cambiar la propiedad AttributeMetadata.DisplayName de un atributo personalizado previamente recuperado para la entidad Contact.

// Modify the retrieved attribute
AttributeMetadata retrievedAttributeMetadata =
retrievedAttributeMetadata.DisplayName =
    new Label("Update String Attribute", _languageCode);

// Update an attribute retrieved via RetrieveAttributeRequest
UpdateAttributeRequest updateRequest = new UpdateAttributeRequest
    Attribute = retrievedAttributeMetadata,
    EntityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    MergeLabels = false

// Execute the request

Console.WriteLine("Updated the attribute {0}.",

' Modify the retrieved attribute
Dim retrievedAttributeMetadata As AttributeMetadata = attributeResponse.AttributeMetadata
retrievedAttributeMetadata.DisplayName = New Label("Update String Attribute", _languageCode)

' Update an attribute retrieved via RetrieveAttributeRequest
Dim updateRequest As UpdateAttributeRequest = New UpdateAttributeRequest With {
 .Attribute = retrievedAttributeMetadata,
 .EntityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .MergeLabels = False}

' Execute the request

Console.WriteLine("Updated the attribute {0}.", retrievedAttributeMetadata.SchemaName)

Crear un atributo de búsqueda

Este ejemplo muestra cómo crear un atributo de búsqueda.

Un atributo de búsqueda se crea mediante el CreateOneToManyRequest.

CreateOneToManyRequest req = new CreateOneToManyRequest()
 Lookup = new LookupAttributeMetadata()
  Description = new Label("The owner of the bank account", 1033),
  DisplayName = new Label("Account Owner", 1033),
  LogicalName = "new_parent_contactid",
  SchemaName = "New_Parent_ContactId",
  RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.ApplicationRequired)
 OneToManyRelationship = new OneToManyRelationshipMetadata()
  AssociatedMenuConfiguration = new AssociatedMenuConfiguration()
   Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseCollectionName,
   Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
   Label = new Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
   Order = 10000
  CascadeConfiguration = new CascadeConfiguration()
   Assign = CascadeType.Cascade,
   Delete = CascadeType.Cascade,
   Merge = CascadeType.Cascade,
   Reparent = CascadeType.Cascade,
   Share = CascadeType.Cascade,
   Unshare = CascadeType.Cascade
  ReferencedEntity = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
  ReferencedAttribute = "contactid",
  ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
  SchemaName = "new_contact_new_bankaccount"

Dim req As New CreateOneToManyRequest() With {
 .Lookup = New LookupAttributeMetadata() With {
  .Description = New Label("The owner of the bank account", 1033),
  .DisplayName = New Label("Account Owner", 1033),
  .LogicalName = "new_parent_contactid",
  .SchemaName = "New_Parent_ContactId",
  .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.ApplicationRequired)},
 .OneToManyRelationship = New OneToManyRelationshipMetadata() With {
  .AssociatedMenuConfiguration = New AssociatedMenuConfiguration() With {
   .Behavior = AssociatedMenuBehavior.UseCollectionName,
   .Group = AssociatedMenuGroup.Details,
   .Label = New Label("Bank Accounts", 1033),
   .Order = 10000},
  .CascadeConfiguration = New CascadeConfiguration() With {
   .Assign = CascadeType.Cascade,
   .Delete = CascadeType.Cascade,
   .Merge = CascadeType.Cascade,
   .Reparent = CascadeType.Cascade,
   .Share = CascadeType.Cascade,
   .Unshare = CascadeType.Cascade},
  .ReferencedEntity = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
  .ReferencedAttribute = "contactid",
  .ReferencingEntity = _customEntityName,
  .SchemaName = "new_contact_new_bankaccount"

Crear una lista desplegable que usa un conjunto de opciones global

Este ejemplo muestra cómo crear un atributo de PicklistAttributeMetadata que está asociado con un conjunto de opciones globales.

El siguiente ejemplo se usa CreateAttributeRequest para establecer las opciones para que un atributo de PicklistAttributeMetadata use un conjunto de opciones global con un nombre representado por la variable de cadena _globalOptionSetName.Más información:Personalizar conjuntos de opciones globales

// Create a Picklist linked to the option set.
// Specify which entity will own the picklist, and create it.
CreateAttributeRequest createRequest = new CreateAttributeRequest
    EntityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    Attribute = new PicklistAttributeMetadata
        SchemaName = "sample_examplepicklist",
        LogicalName = "sample_examplepicklist",
        DisplayName = new Label("Example Picklist", _languageCode),
        RequiredLevel = new AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),

        // In order to relate the picklist to the global option set, be sure
        // to specify the two attributes below appropriately.
        // Failing to do so will lead to errors.
        OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata
            IsGlobal = true,
            Name = _globalOptionSetName


' Create a Picklist linked to the option set.
' Specify which entity will own the picklist, and create it.
Dim createRequest As CreateAttributeRequest = New CreateAttributeRequest With {
 .EntityName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .Attribute = New PicklistAttributeMetadata With {
  .SchemaName = "sample_examplepicklist", .LogicalName = "sample_examplepicklist",
  .DisplayName = New Label("Example Picklist", _languageCode),
  .RequiredLevel = New AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty(AttributeRequiredLevel.None),
  .OptionSet = New OptionSetMetadata With {
   .IsGlobal = True,
   .Name = _globalOptionSetName
' In order to relate the picklist to the global option set, be sure
' to specify the two attributes below appropriately.
' Failing to do so will lead to errors.


Insertar un nuevo valor de estado

Este ejemplo muestra cómo insertar una nueva opción Razón para el estado para el atributo de StatusAttributeMetadata.

El siguiente ejemplo usa InsertStatusValueRequest para especificar una nueva opción para el atributo Contact.StatusCode de la entidad Contact que es válido cuando Contact.StateCode es 0 (activo). El método IOrganizationService.Execute procesa la solicitud.

El siguiente ejemplo permite dos opciones válidas de Razón para el estado para los contactos activos: Activo e Inactivo.

// Use InsertStatusValueRequest message to insert a new status 
// in an existing status attribute. 
// Create the request.
InsertStatusValueRequest insertStatusValueRequest =
    new InsertStatusValueRequest
    AttributeLogicalName = "statuscode",
    EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    Label = new Label("Dormant", _languageCode),
    StateCode = 0

// Execute the request and store newly inserted value 
// for cleanup, used later part of this sample. 
_insertedStatusValue = ((InsertStatusValueResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

Console.WriteLine("Created {0} with the value of {1}.",

' Use InsertStatusValueRequest message to insert a new status 
' in an existing status attribute. 
' Create the request.
Dim insertStatusValueRequest As InsertStatusValueRequest = New InsertStatusValueRequest With {
 .AttributeLogicalName = "statuscode",
 .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .Label = New Label("Dormant", _languageCode),
 .StateCode = 0}

' Execute the request and store newly inserted value 
' for cleanup, used later part of this sample. 
_insertedStatusValue = (CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(insertStatusValueRequest), InsertStatusValueResponse)).NewOptionValue

Console.WriteLine("Created {0} with the value of {1}.", insertStatusValueRequest.Label.LocalizedLabels(0).Label, _insertedStatusValue)

Actualizar un valor de estado

Este ejemplo muestra cómo cambiar la etiqueta para una opción en un atributo de StateAttributeMetadata.

El siguiente ejemplo usa UpdateStateValueRequest para cambiar la etiqueta de la opción de Contact.StateCodeActivo a Abrir.

// Modify the state value label from Active to Open.
// Create the request.
UpdateStateValueRequest updateStateValue = new UpdateStateValueRequest
    AttributeLogicalName = "statecode",
    EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    Value = 1,
    Label = new Label("Open", _languageCode)

// Execute the request.

    "Updated {0} state attribute of {1} entity from 'Active' to '{2}'.",

' Modify the state value label from Active to Open.
' Create the request.
Dim updateStateValue As UpdateStateValueRequest = New UpdateStateValueRequest With {
 .AttributeLogicalName = "statecode",
 .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .Value = 1,
 .Label = New Label("Open", _languageCode)}

' Execute the request.

Console.WriteLine("Updated {0} state attribute of {1} entity from 'Active' to '{2}'.",

No puede agregar o quitar las opciones de StateCode, pero puede cambiar las etiquetas para las opciones.

Insertar una opción nueva en un conjunto de opciones local.

Este ejemplo muestra cómo agregar una nueva opción a un conjunto de opciones local. El siguiente ejemplo usa InsertOptionValueRequest para agregar una opción nueva a un atributo personalizado de PicklistAttributeMetadata para la entidad de Contact.

// Create a request.
InsertOptionValueRequest insertOptionValueRequest =
    new InsertOptionValueRequest
    AttributeLogicalName = "new_picklist",
    EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    Label = new Label("New Picklist Label", _languageCode)

// Execute the request.
int insertOptionValue = ((InsertOptionValueResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(

Console.WriteLine("Created {0} with the value of {1}.",

' Create a request.
Dim insertOptionValueRequest As InsertOptionValueRequest = New InsertOptionValueRequest With {
 .AttributeLogicalName = "new_picklist",
 .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .Label = New Label("New Picklist Label", _languageCode)}

' Execute the request.
Dim insertOptionValue As Integer = (CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(insertOptionValueRequest), InsertOptionValueResponse)).NewOptionValue

Console.WriteLine("Created {0} with the value of {1}.", insertOptionValueRequest.Label.LocalizedLabels(0).Label, insertOptionValue)

Cambiar el orden de las opciones en un conjunto de opciones local

Este ejemplo muestra cómo cambiar el orden de las opciones de un conjunto de opciones local. El siguiente ejemplo recupera un atributo personalizado de PicklistAttributeMetadata y cambia el orden de las opciones originales mediante la función OrderByLINQ para ordenar los elementos en orden ascendente por texto de etiqueta. Después usa OrderOptionRequest para establecer el nuevo pedido de las opciones para el atributo.

Use la función OrderByDecending linq para ordenar los artículos por orden descendente.

// Use the RetrieveAttributeRequest message to retrieve  
// a attribute by it's logical name.
RetrieveAttributeRequest retrieveAttributeRequest =
    new RetrieveAttributeRequest
    EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    LogicalName = "new_picklist",
    RetrieveAsIfPublished = true

// Execute the request.
RetrieveAttributeResponse retrieveAttributeResponse =

// Access the retrieved attribute.
PicklistAttributeMetadata retrievedPicklistAttributeMetadata =

// Get the current options list for the retrieved attribute.
OptionMetadata[] optionList =

// Change the order of the original option's list.
// Use the OrderBy (OrderByDescending) linq function to sort options in  
// ascending (descending) order according to label text.
// For ascending order use this:
var updateOptionList =
    optionList.OrderBy(x => x.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label).ToList();

// For descending order use this:
// var updateOptionList =
//      optionList.OrderByDescending(
//      x => x.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label).ToList();

// Create the request.
OrderOptionRequest orderOptionRequest = new OrderOptionRequest
    // Set the properties for the request.
    AttributeLogicalName = "new_picklist",
    EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
    // Set the changed order using Select linq function 
    // to get only values in an array from the changed option list.
    Values = updateOptionList.Select(x => x.Value.Value).ToArray()

// Execute the request

Console.WriteLine("Option Set option order changed");

' Use the RetrieveAttributeRequest message to retrieve  
' a attribute by it's logical name.
Dim retrieveAttributeRequest As RetrieveAttributeRequest = New RetrieveAttributeRequest With {
 .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .LogicalName = "new_picklist",
 .RetrieveAsIfPublished = True}

' Execute the request.
Dim retrieveAttributeResponse As RetrieveAttributeResponse = CType(_serviceProxy.Execute(retrieveAttributeRequest), RetrieveAttributeResponse)

' Access the retrieved attribute.
Dim retrievedPicklistAttributeMetadata As PicklistAttributeMetadata = CType(retrieveAttributeResponse.AttributeMetadata, PicklistAttributeMetadata)

' Get the current options list for the retrieved attribute.
Dim optionList() As OptionMetadata = retrievedPicklistAttributeMetadata.OptionSet.Options.ToArray()

' Change the order of the original option's list.
' Use the OrderBy (OrderByDescending) linq function to sort options in  
' ascending (descending) order according to label text.
' For ascending order use this:
Dim updateOptionList = optionList.OrderBy(Function(x) x.Label.LocalizedLabels(0).Label).ToList()

' For descending order use this:
' var updateOptionList =
'      optionList.OrderByDescending(
'      x => x.Label.LocalizedLabels[0].Label).ToList();

' Create the request.
Dim orderOptionRequest As OrderOptionRequest = New OrderOptionRequest With {
 .AttributeLogicalName = "new_picklist",
 .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
 .Values = updateOptionList.Select(Function(x) x.Value.Value).ToArray()}
' Set the properties for the request.
' Set the changed order using Select linq function 
' to get only values in an array from the changed option list.

' Execute the request

Console.WriteLine("Option Set option order changed")

Eliminar un atributo

Este ejemplo muestra cómo eliminar los atributos almacenados en List<AttributeMetadata> que se crearon para la entidad de Contact en Crear atributos. Para cada AttributeMetadata el DeleteAttributeRequest prepara la solicitud que se procesa mediante IOrganizationService.Execute.

// Delete all attributes created for this sample.
foreach (AttributeMetadata anAttribute in addedAttributes)
    // Create the request object
    DeleteAttributeRequest deleteAttribute = new DeleteAttributeRequest
        // Set the request properties 
        EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
        LogicalName = anAttribute.SchemaName
    // Execute the request

' Delete all attributes created for this sample.
For Each anAttribute As AttributeMetadata In addedAttributes
 ' Create the request object
 Dim deleteAttribute As DeleteAttributeRequest = New DeleteAttributeRequest With {
  .EntityLogicalName = Contact.EntityLogicalName,
  .LogicalName = anAttribute.SchemaName}
 ' Set the request properties 
 ' Execute the request
Next anAttribute

Ver también

Personalizar metadatos de atributos de entidad
Mensajes de metadatos de atributos de entidad
Ejemplo: Trabajar con metadatos de atributos
Personalizar asignaciones de entidad y atributo

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