Teacher and student actions for assignments and submissions

This article describes student and teacher roles for assignments and submissions status transitions, and related transition rules.

Get all the assignments and their respective submissions that belong to a specific student

Make the following request to get the student's actions:

me/assignments?$expand=submissions with delegated permissions, or users/id/assignments?$expand=submissions for application permissions.

See the code sample for a student account with Education assignment using Microsoft Graph SDK


For student roles, the isTeacher parameter needs to be set to false.

Get all the assignments for teacher and then submissions for each assignment

Make the following request to get the teacher's actions:

me/assignments or users/id/assignments to get the assignments belonging to a teacher. For each of the assignments, use classses/id/assignments/id/submissions to get the submissions status (one assignment will contain n number of submissions, where n is the number of students. It can be a single student, a group of students or the entire class).

See the code sample for a teacher account with Education assignment using Microsoft Graph SDK.

For a student, an assignment is actionable if the corresponding submission is in a working, returned or reassigned status. For a teacher, an assignment is actionable if any of the submissions of that assignment are in a submitted status.

Status transition rules

The following status transition rules are applicable for both student and teacher roles:

  • A student turns in, and teacher returns or returns for revision.
  • A teacher returns submissions.
  • A student can turn in the assignment only when the submission is in working or reassigned status.
  • The return for revision action makes the submission status as reassigned.