इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

CertStore_GetCertificateIssuerName function

Header: #include <applibs/certstore.h>

Gets the issuer name field from a certificate.

static int CertStore_GetCertificateIssuerName(const char *identifier,
                                               struct CertStore_IssuerName *outIssuerName);


  • identifier The ID of the certificate.

  • outIssuerName A pointer to a CertStore_IssuerName structure to receive the issuer name.


Returns -1 if an error is encountered and sets errno to the error value.

  • EACCES: the operation isn't allowed because the CertStore capability isn't set in the application manifest.

  • EAGAIN: the OS certstore component isn't ready yet.

  • EFAULT: the identifier is NULL.

  • EINVAL: the identifier parameter specifies an invalid or corrupted certificate.

  • ENOENT: the identifier certificate cannot be found.

Any other errno may also be specified; such errors aren't deterministic and there's no guarantee that the same behavior will be retained through system updates.

Return value

Returns 0 for success, or -1 for failure, in which case errno is set to the error value.

Application manifest requirements

The application manifest must include the CertStore capability.