इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

az sphere device certificate

Manage certificates on the attached device.

Operation Description
az sphere device certificate add Add a certificate in the attached device's certificate store.
az sphere device certificate delete Delete a certificate in the attached device's certificate store.
az sphere device certificate list List certificates in the attached device's certificate store.
az sphere device certificate show-quota Show the available free space in the attached device's certificate store.
az sphere device certificate show Show details of a certificate in the attached device's certificate store.


az sphere device certificate add

Add a certificate in the attached device's certificate store.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--certificate -c The name of the certificate to delete. Values from: az sphere device certificate list
--cert-type -t 'The type of certificate to add. rootca - a root CA certificate for use with EAP-TLS networks where the device authenticates the server. client - a client certificate, containing both the public and private key, for use with EAP-TLS networks. Please see: https://aka.ms/AzureSphereCertificateStore for more details.'
--public-key-file -p The path to a public key certificate .pem file. You can provide a relative or absolute path.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--private-key-file 'The path to a client private key .pem file. Required when adding a certificate of type client. You can provide a relative or absolute path.'
--private-key-password -w Password for the client private key. Required when adding a client private key that is encrypted.


Add a rootca certificate on the attached device.

az sphere device certificate add --certificate certSample --cert-type rootca --public-key-file pubcert.pem

Add a client certificate on the attached device.

az sphere device certificate add --certificate certSample --cert-type client --public-key-file pubcert.pem --private-key-file privkeycert.pem --private-key-password 1234

az sphere device certificate delete

Delete a certificate in the attached device's certificate store.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--certificate -c The name of the certificate to delete. Values from: az sphere device certificate list
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Delete a certificate on the attached device.

az sphere device certificate delete --certificate certSample

az sphere device certificate list

List certificates in the attached device's certificate store.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


List certificates on the attached device.

az sphere device certificate list

az sphere device certificate show-quota

Show the available free space in the attached device's certificate store.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Show the available free space in the attached device's certificate store.

az sphere device certificate show-quota

az sphere device certificate show

Show details of a certificate in the attached device's certificate store.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--certificate -c The name of the certificate to delete. Values from: az sphere device certificate list
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Show details of a certificate on the attached device.

az sphere device certificate show --certificate certSample