इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

az sphere device wifi

Manage Wi-Fi configurations for the attached device.

Operation Description
az sphere device wifi add Add a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.
az sphere device wifi disable Disable a Wi-Fi connection on the attached device.
az sphere device wifi enable Enable a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.
az sphere device wifi forget Forget a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.
az sphere device wifi list List the current Wi-Fi configurations for the attached device.
az sphere device wifi reload-config Reload the Wi-Fi network configuration on the attached device. Use this command after you add or remove a certificate (azsphere device certificate) to ensure that EAP-TLS networks use the most recent contents of the certificate store.
az sphere device wifi scan Scan for available Wi-Fi networks visible to the attached device.
az sphere device wifi show Show details of a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.
az sphere device wifi show-status Show the status of the wireless interface on the attached device.


az sphere device wifi add

Add a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--ssid -s The SSID of the network to connect to.
targeted-scan Attempt to connect to an SSID even if not advertised.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--client-cert-id [EAP-TLS] - A string value (up to 16 characters) that identifies the client certificate (containing both the public and private key). Required to set up an EAP-TLS network.
--client-id user@domain [EAP-TLS] ID recognized for authentication by this network's RADIUS server. Required for some EAP-TLS networks.
--config-name A string value (up to 16 characters) that specifies the name for this network configuration.
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list
--root-ca-cert-id [EAP-TLS] - A string value (up to 16 characters) that identifies the server's root CA certificate for EAP-TLS networks where the device authenticates the server.
--psk -p The WPA/WPA2 PSK for the new network. Do not set this if connecting to an open network.
--targeted-scan Attempt to connect to an SSID even if not advertised


Add open Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi add --ssid

Add a WPA/WPA2 PSK-protected Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi add --ssid NETWORK1 --psk EXAMPLEPSK

Add an EAP-TLS Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi add --ssid myEapTlsSsid --client-cert-id myClientCert --client-id user@domain.com --root-ca-cert-id myRootCA --config-name Network1

az sphere device wifi disable

Disable a Wi-Fi connection on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--id -i The ID of the network to disable.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Disable configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi disable --id 1

az sphere device wifi enable

Enable a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--id -i The ID of the network to enable.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Enable configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi enable --id 1

az sphere device wifi forget

Forget a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--id -i The ID of the network to forget.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Forget configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi forget --id 1

az sphere device wifi list

List the current Wi-Fi configurations for the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


List configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi list

az sphere device wifi reload-config

Reload the Wi-Fi network configuration on the attached device. Use this command after you add or remove a certificate (azsphere device certificate) to ensure that EAP-TLS networks use the most recent contents of the certificate store.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Reload configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi reload-config

az sphere device wifi scan

Scan for available Wi-Fi networks visible to the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Scan for Wi-Fi networks

az sphere device wifi scan

az sphere device wifi show

Show details of a Wi-Fi network on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--id -i The ID of the network to show details for.
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Show details of a configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi show

az sphere device wifi show-status

Show the status of the wireless interface on the attached device.

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
--catalog -c The Azure Sphere Catalog in which to perform this operation. Specify Azure Sphere Catalog name. You can configure the default Azure Sphere Catalog using az config set defaults.sphere.catalog=<name>. Values from: az sphere catalog list.
--resource-group -r Name of the Azure resource group. You can configure the default group using az config set defaults.group=<name>. Values from: az group list.

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
--device -d The device to run the command on when multiple devices are attached. Specify the ID, IP address, or Local Connection ID of an attached device. Values from: az sphere device list


Show status of configured Wi-Fi network

az sphere device wifi show-status