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Error codes: Azure Active Directory B2C

The following errors can be returned by the Azure Active Directory B2C service.

Error code Message Notes
AADB2C90001 This user already exists, and profile '{0}' does not allow the same user to be created again. Sign-up flow
AADB2C90002 The CORS resource '{0}' returned a 404 not found. Hosting the page content
AADB2C90006 The redirect URI '{0}' provided in the request is not registered for the client ID '{1}'. Register a web application, Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90007 The application associated with client ID '{0}' has no registered redirect URIs. Register a web application, Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90008 The request does not contain a client ID parameter. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90010 The request does not contain a scope parameter. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90011 The client ID '{0}' provided in the request does not match client ID '{1}' registered in policy.
AADB2C90012 The scope '{0}' provided in request is not supported. Register web API and configure scopes, Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90013 The requested response type '{0}' provided in the request is not supported. Web sign-in with OpenID Connect
AADB2C90014 The requested response mode '{0}' provided in the request is not supported. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90016 The requested client assertion type '{0}' does not match the expected type '{1}'. deprecated
AADB2C90017 The client assertion provided in the request is invalid: {0} deprecated
AADB2C90018 The client ID '{0}' specified in the request is not registered in tenant '{1}'. Register a web application, Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90019 The key container with ID '{0}' in tenant '{1}' does not have a valid key. Reason: {2}.
AADB2C90021 The technical profile '{0}' does not exist in the policy '{1}' of tenant '{2}'.
AADB2C90022 Unable to return metadata for the policy '{0}' in tenant '{1}'. Share the application's metadata publicly
AADB2C90023 Profile '{0}' does not contain the required metadata key '{1}'.
AADB2C90025 Profile '{0}' in policy '{1}' in tenant '{2}' does not contain the required cryptographic key '{3}'.
AADB2C90027 Basic credentials specified for '{0}' are invalid. Check that the credentials are correct and that access has been granted by the resource. HTTP basic authentication
AADB2C90028 Client certificate specified for '{0}' is invalid. Check that the certificate is correct, contains a private key and that access has been granted by the resource. HTTPS client certificate authentication
AADB2C90031 Policy '{0}' does not specify a default user journey. Ensure that the policy or it's parents specify a default user journey as part of a relying party section. Default user journey
AADB2C90035 The service is temporarily unavailable. Please retry after a few minutes.
AADB2C90036 The request does not contain a URI to redirect the user to post logout. Specify a URI in the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter field. Send a sign-out request
AADB2C90037 An error occurred while processing the request. Please locate the CorrelationId from the response. Submit a new support request, and include the CorrelationId.
AADB2C90039 The request contains a client assertion, but the provided policy '{0}' in tenant '{1}' is missing a client_secret in RelyingPartyPolicy. deprecated
AADB2C90040 User journey '{0}' does not contain a send claims step. User journey orchestration steps
AADB2C90043 The prompt included in the request contains invalid values. Expected 'none', 'login', 'consent' or 'select_account'.
AADB2C90044 The claim '{0}' is not supported by the claim resolver '{1}'. Claim resolvers
AADB2C90046 We are having trouble loading your current state. You might want to try starting your session over from the beginning.
AADB2C90047 The resource '{0}' contains script errors preventing it from being loaded. Configure CORS
AADB2C90048 An unhandled exception has occurred on the server.
AADB2C90051 No suitable claims providers were found.
AADB2C90052 Invalid username or password.
AADB2C90053 A user with the specified credential could not be found.
AADB2C90054 Invalid username or password.
AADB2C90055 The scope '{0}' provided in request must specify a resource, such as 'https://example.com/calendar.read'. Web API application
AADB2C90057 The provided application is not configured to allow the OAuth Implicit flow. Enable the implicit grant flow, Single-page sign in using the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow
AADB2C90058 The provided application is not configured to allow public clients. Register application as a public client
AADB2C99059 The supplied request must present a code_challenge. Required for single-page apps using the authorization code flow. Authorization code flow
AADB2C90067 The post logout redirect URI '{0}' has an invalid format. Specify an https based URL such as 'https://example.com/return' or for native clients use the IETF native client URI 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'. Send a sign-out request
AADB2C90068 The provided application with ID '{0}' is not valid against this service. Please use an application created via the B2C portal and try again. Register a web application in Azure AD B2C
AADB2C90073 KeyContainer with 'id': '{0}' cannot be found in the directory '{1}'
AADB2C90075 The claims exchange '{0}' specified in step '{1}' returned HTTP error response with Code '{2}' and Reason '{3}'.
AADB2C90077 User does not have an existing session and request prompt parameter has a value of '{0}'.
AADB2C90079 Clients must send a client_secret when redeeming a confidential grant. Create a web app client secret
AADB2C90080 The provided grant has expired. Please re-authenticate and try again. Current time: {0}, Grant issued time: {1}, Grant sliding window expiration time: {2}. Token lifetime behavior
AADB2C90081 The specified client_secret does not match the expected value for this client. Please correct the client_secret and try again. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90083 The request is missing required parameter: {0}. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90084 Public clients should not send a client_secret when redeeming a publicly acquired grant. Test the ROPC flow
AADB2C90085 The service has encountered an internal error. Please reauthenticate and try again.
AADB2C90086 The supplied grant_type [{0}] is not supported. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90087 The provided grant has not been issued for this version of the protocol endpoint.
AADB2C90088 The provided grant has not been issued for this endpoint. Actual Value : {0} and Expected Value : {1}
AADB2C90091 User cancellation. User canceled the operation
AADB2C90092 The provided application with ID '{0}' is disabled for the tenant '{1}'. Please enable the application and try again.
AADB2C90107 The application with ID '{0}' cannot get an ID token either because the openid scope was not provided in the request or the application is not authorized for it. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90108 The orchestration step '{0}' does not specify a CpimIssuerTechnicalProfileReferenceId when one was expected. User journeys
AADB2C90110 The scope parameter must include 'openid' when requesting a response_type that includes 'id_token'. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90111 Your account has been locked. Contact your support person to unlock it, then try again. Mitigate credential attacks
AADB2C90114 Your account is temporarily locked to prevent unauthorized use. Try again later. Mitigate credential attacks
AADB2C90115 When requesting the 'code' response_type, the scope parameter must include a resource or client ID for access tokens, and 'openid' for ID tokens. Additionally include 'offline_access' for refresh tokens. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90117 The scope '{0}' provided in the request is not supported. Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90118 The user has forgotten their password. Password reset error
AADB2C90120 The max age parameter '{0}' specified in the request is invalid. Max age must be an integer between '{1}' and '{2}' inclusive.
AADB2C90122 Input for '{0}' received in the request has failed HTTP request validation. Ensure that the input does not contain characters such as < or &.
AADB2C90128 The account associated with this grant no longer exists. Please reauthenticate and try again.
AADB2C90129 The provided grant has been revoked. Please reauthenticate and try again.
AADB2C90145 No unverified phone numbers have been found and policy does not allow a user entered number.
AADB2C90146 The scope '{0}' provided in request specifies more than one resource for an access token, which is not supported.
AADB2C90149 Script '{0}' failed to load.
AADB2C90151 User has exceeded the maximum number for retries for multifactor authentication.
AADB2C90152 A multi-factor poll request failed to get a response from the service.
AADB2C90154 A multi-factor verification request failed to get a session ID from the service.
AADB2C90155 A multi-factor verification request has failed with reason '{0}'.
AADB2C90156 A multi-factor validation request has failed with reason '{0}'.
AADB2C90157 User has exceeded the maximum number for retries for a self-asserted step.
AADB2C90158 A self-asserted validation request has failed with reason '{0}'.
AADB2C90159 A self-asserted verification request has failed with reason '{0}'.
AADB2C90161 A self-asserted send response has failed with reason '{0}'.
AADB2C90165 The SAML initiating message with ID '{0}' cannot be found in state.
AADB2C90168 The HTTP-Redirect request does not contain the required parameter '{0}' for a signed request.
AADB2C90178 The signing certificate '{0}' has no private key.
AADB2C90182 The supplied code_verifier does not match associated code_challenge
AADB2C90183 The supplied code_verifier is invalid
AADB2C90184 The supplied code_challenge_method is not supported. Supported values are plain or S256
AADB2C90188 The SAML technical profile '{0}' specifies a PartnerEntity URL of '{1}', but fetching the metadata fails with reason '{2}'. Share the application's metadata publicly
AADB2C90194 Claim '{0}' specified for the bearer token is not present in the available claims. Available claims '{1}'. OAuth2 bearer authentication
AADB2C90205 This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation. Register web API and configure scopes
AADB2C90206 A time out has occurred initialization the client.
AADB2C90208 The provided id_token_hint parameter is expired. Please provide another token and try again. Token format
AADB2C90209 The provided id_token_hint parameter does not contain an accepted audience. Valid audience values: '{0}'. Please provide another token and try again. Token format
AADB2C90210 The provided id_token_hint parameter could not be validated. Please provide another token and try again. Token format, Issue a token with symmetric keys
AADB2C90211 The request contained an incomplete state cookie.
AADB2C90212 The request contained an invalid state cookie.
AADB2C90220 The key container in tenant '{0}' with storage identifier '{1}' exists but does not contain a valid certificate. The certificate might be expired or your certificate might become active in the future (nbf). Policy keys in Azure AD B2C
AADB2C90223 An error has occurred sanitizing the CORS resource.
AADB2C90224 Resource owner flow has not been enabled for the application. Register a ROPC flow enabled application
AADB2C90225 The username or password provided in the request are invalid.
AADB2C90226 The specified token exchange is only supported over HTTP POST. Token format
AADB2C90232 The provided id_token_hint parameter does not contain an accepted issuer. Valid issuers: '{0}'. Please provide another token and try again.
AADB2C90233 The provided id_token_hint parameter failed signature validation. Please provide another token and try again. Issue a token with symmetric keys
AADB2C90235 The provided id_token is expired. Please provide another token and try again. Token format
AADB2C90237 The provided id_token does not contain a valid audience. Valid audience values: '{0}'. Please provide another token and try again. Token format
AADB2C90238 The provided id_token does not contain a valid issuer. Valid issuer values: '{0}'. Please provide another token and try again. Token format
AADB2C90239 The provided id_token failed signature validation. Please provide another token and try again. Issue a token with symmetric keys
AADB2C90240 The provided id_token is malformed and could not be parsed. Please provide another token and try again. Issue a token with symmetric keys
AADB2C90242 The SAML technical profile '{0}' specifies PartnerEntity CDATA which cannot be loaded for reason '{1}'. Configure the SAML technical profile
AADB2C90243 The IDP's client key/secret is not properly configured. Add an IDP to your Azure AD B2C tenant
AADB2C90244 There are too many requests at this moment. Please wait for some time and try again. Azure AD B2C service limits and restrictions
AADB2C90248 Resource owner flow can only be used by applications created through the B2C admin portal. Register a ROPC flow enabled application
AADB2C90250 The generic login endpoint is not supported. Supported and unsupported SAML modalities
AADB2C90255 The claims exchange specified in technical profile '{0}' did not complete as expected. You might want to try starting your session over from the beginning.
AADB2C90261 The claims exchange '{0}' specified in step '{1}' returned HTTP error response that could not be parsed.
AADB2C90272 The id_token_hint parameter has not been specified in the request. Please provide token and try again. Issue a token with symmetric keys
AADB2C90273 An invalid response was received : '{0}'
AADB2C90274 The provider metadata does not specify a single logout service or the endpoint binding is not one of 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-Redirect' or 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST'. Share the application's metadata publicly
AADB2C90276 The request is not consistent with the control setting '{0}': '{1}' in technicalProfile '{2}' for policy '{3}' tenant '{4}'.
AADB2C90277 The orchestration step '{0}' of user journey '{1}' of policy '{2}' does not contain a content definition reference. Content definitions
AADB2C90279 The provided client ID '{0}' does not match the client ID that issued the grant. Web sign-in with OpenID Connect
AADB2C90284 The application with identifier '{0}' has not been granted consent and is unable to be used for local accounts. Register a web application in Azure AD B2C
AADB2C90285 The application with identifier '{0}' was not found. Register a web application in Azure AD B2C
AADB2C90288 UserJourney with ID '{0}' referenced in TechnicalProfile '{1}' for refresh token redemption for tenant '{2}' does not exist in policy '{3}' or any of its base policies.
AADB2C90287 The request contains invalid redirect URI '{0}'. Register a web application, Sending authentication requests
AADB2C90289 We encountered an error connecting to the identity provider. Please try again later. Add an IDP to your Azure AD B2C tenant
AADB2C90289 We encountered an 'invalid_client' error connecting to the identity provider. Please try again later. Make sure the application secret is correct or it hasn't expired. Learn how to Register apps.
AADB2C90296 Application has not been configured correctly. Please contact administrator of the site you are trying to access. Register a web application
AADB2C99005 The request contains an invalid scope parameter which includes an illegal character '{0}'. Web sign-in with OpenID Connect
AADB2C99006 Azure AD B2C cannot find the extensions app with app ID '{0}'. Please visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851224 for more information. Azure AD B2C extensions app
AADB2C99011 The metadata value '{0}' has not been specified in TechnicalProfile '{1}' in policy '{2}'. Custom policy Technical profiles
AADB2C99013 The supplied grant_type [{0}] and token_type [{1}] combination is not supported.
AADB2C99015 Profile '{0}' in policy '{1}' in tenant '{2}' is missing all InputClaims required for resource owner password credential flow. Create a resource owner policy
AADB2C99002 User doesn't exist. Please sign up before you can sign in.
AADB2C99027 Policy '{0}' does not contain an AuthorizationTechnicalProfile with a corresponding ClientAssertionType. Client credentials flow
AADB2C90229 Azure AD B2C throttled traffic if too many requests are sent from the same source in a short period of time Best practices for Azure Active Directory B2C