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Set up diagnostic logging

An important part of any Analysis Services solution is monitoring how your servers are performing. For general information about monitoring Azure Analysis Services, see Monitor Azure Analysis Services.

This article describes how to set up, view, and manage Azure Monitor resource logs for your Analysis Services servers. You can send resource logs to Azure Storage, stream them to Azure Event Hubs, and export them to Azure Monitor logs.

Resource logging to Storage, Event Hubs, or Azure Monitor logs


We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.

What's logged?

You can select Engine, Service, and Metrics log categories. For a listing of what's logged for each category, see Supported resource logs for Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers.

Set up diagnostics logging

Azure portal

  1. In Azure portal > server, click Diagnostic settings in the left navigation, and then click Turn on diagnostics.

    Screenshot showing Turn on diagnostics in the Azure portal.

  2. In Diagnostic settings, specify the following options:

    • Name. Enter a name for the logs to create.

    • Archive to a storage account. To use this option, you need an existing storage account to connect to. See Create a storage account. Follow the instructions to create a Resource Manager, general-purpose account, then select your storage account by returning to this page in the portal. It may take a few minutes for newly created storage accounts to appear in the drop-down menu.

    • Stream to an event hub. To use this option, you need an existing Event Hub namespace and event hub to connect to. To learn more, see Create an Event Hubs namespace and an event hub using the Azure portal. Then return to this page in the portal to select the Event Hub namespace and policy name.

    • Send to Azure Monitor (Log Analytics workspace). To use this option, either use an existing workspace or create a new workspace resource in the portal. For more information on viewing your logs, see View logs in Log Analytics workspace in this article.

    • Engine. Select this option to log xEvents. If you're archiving to a storage account, you can select the retention period for the resource logs. Logs are autodeleted after the retention period expires.

    • Service. Select this option to log service level events. If you are archiving to a storage account, you can select the retention period for the resource logs. Logs are autodeleted after the retention period expires.

    • Metrics. Select this option to store verbose data in Metrics. If you are archiving to a storage account, you can select the retention period for the resource logs. Logs are autodeleted after the retention period expires.

  3. Click Save.

    If you receive an error that says "Failed to update diagnostics for <workspace name>. The subscription <subscription id> is not registered to use microsoft.insights." follow the Troubleshoot Azure Diagnostics instructions to register the account, then retry this procedure.

    If you want to change how your resource logs are saved at any point in the future, you can return to this page to modify settings.


Here are the basic commands to get you going. If you want step-by-step help on setting up logging to a storage account by using PowerShell, see the tutorial later in this article.

To enable metrics and resource logging by using PowerShell, use the following commands:

  • To enable storage of resource logs in a storage account, use this command:

    Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [your resource id] -StorageAccountId [your storage account id] -Enabled $true

    The storage account ID is the resource ID for the storage account where you want to send the logs.

  • To enable streaming of resource logs to an event hub, use this command:

    Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [your resource id] -ServiceBusRuleId [your service bus rule id] -Enabled $true

    The Azure Service Bus rule ID is a string with this format:

    {service bus resource ID}/authorizationrules/{key name}
  • To enable sending resource logs to a Log Analytics workspace, use this command:

    Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [your resource id] -WorkspaceId [resource id of the log analytics workspace] -Enabled $true
  • You can obtain the resource ID of your Log Analytics workspace by using the following command:


You can combine these parameters to enable multiple output options.


Learn how to change diagnostics settings by using the Azure Monitor REST API.

Resource Manager template

Learn how to enable diagnostics settings at resource creation by using a Resource Manager template.

Manage your logs

Logs are typically available within a couple hours of setting up logging. It's up to you to manage your logs in your storage account:

  • Use standard Azure access control methods to secure your logs by restricting who can access them.
  • Delete logs that you no longer want to keep in your storage account.
  • Be sure to set a retention period for so old logs are deleted from your storage account.

View logs in Log Analytics workspace

To view your diagnostic data, in Log Analytics workspace, open Logs from the left menu.

Screenshot showing log Search options in the Azure portal.

In the query builder, expand LogManagement > AzureDiagnostics. AzureDiagnostics includes Engine and Service events. Notice a query is created on-the-fly. The EventClass_s field contains xEvent names, which may look familiar if you've used xEvents for on-premises logging. Click EventClass_s or one of the event names and Log Analytics workspace continues constructing a query. Be sure to save your queries to reuse later.

For more queries you can use with Analysis Services, see Sample Kusto queries.

Turn on logging by using PowerShell

In this quick tutorial, you create a storage account in the same subscription and resource group as your Analysis Service server. You then use Set-AzDiagnosticSetting to turn on diagnostics logging, sending output to the new storage account.


To complete this tutorial, you must have the following resources:

Connect to your subscriptions

Start an Azure PowerShell session and sign in to your Azure account with the following command:


In the pop-up browser window, enter your Azure account user name and password. Azure PowerShell gets all the subscriptions that are associated with this account and by default, uses the first one.

If you have multiple subscriptions, you might have to specify a specific one that was used to create your Azure Key Vault. Type the following to see the subscriptions for your account:


Then, to specify the subscription that's associated with the Azure Analysis Services account you are logging, type:

Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId <subscription ID>


If you have multiple subscriptions associated with your account, it is important to specify the subscription.

Create a new storage account for your logs

You can use an existing storage account for your logs, provided it's in the same subscription as your server. For this tutorial, you create a new storage account dedicated to Analysis Services logs. To make it easy, you're storing the storage account details in a variable named sa.

You also use the same resource group as the one that contains your Analysis Services server. Substitute values for awsales_resgroup, awsaleslogs, and West Central US with your own values:

$sa = New-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName awsales_resgroup `
-Name awsaleslogs -Type Standard_LRS -Location 'West Central US'

Identify the server account for your logs

Set the account name to a variable named account, where ResourceName is the name of the account.

$account = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName awsales_resgroup `
-ResourceName awsales -ResourceType "Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers"

Enable logging

To enable logging, use the Set-AzDiagnosticSetting cmdlet together with the variables for the new storage account, server account, and the category. Run the following command, setting the -Enabled flag to $true:

Set-AzDiagnosticSetting  -ResourceId $account.ResourceId -StorageAccountId $sa.Id -Enabled $true -Categories Engine

The output should look something like this example:

StorageAccountId            : 
ServiceBusRuleId            :
EventHubAuthorizationRuleId :
    TimeGrain       : PT1M
    Enabled         : False
    Enabled : False
    Days    : 0

    Category        : Engine
    Enabled         : True
    Enabled : False
    Days    : 0

    Category        : Service
    Enabled         : False
    Enabled : False
    Days    : 0

WorkspaceId                 :
Id                          : /subscriptions/a23279b5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-47b7c6d423ea/resourcegroups/awsales_resgroup/providers/microsoft.analysisservic
Name                        : service
Type                        :
Location                    :
Tags                        :

This output confirms that logging is now enabled for the server, saving information to the storage account.

You can also set retention policy for your logs so older logs are automatically deleted. For example, set retention policy using -RetentionEnabled flag to $true, and set -RetentionInDays parameter to 90. Logs older than 90 days are automatically deleted.

Set-AzDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId $account.ResourceId`
 -StorageAccountId $sa.Id -Enabled $true -Categories Engine`
  -RetentionEnabled $true -RetentionInDays 90

Next steps