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Secrets CLI (legacy)


This documentation has been retired and might not be updated.

This information applies to legacy Databricks CLI versions 0.18 and below. Databricks recommends that you use newer Databricks CLI version 0.205 or above instead. See What is the Databricks CLI?. To find your version of the Databricks CLI, run databricks -v.

To migrate from Databricks CLI version 0.18 or below to Databricks CLI version 0.205 or above, see Databricks CLI migration.

You run Databricks secrets CLI subcommands by appending them to databricks secrets. These subcommands call the Secrets API.

For more information about secrets, see Secret management.


The Secrets CLI requires Databricks CLI 0.7.1 or above.

databricks secrets --help
Usage: databricks secrets [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Utility to interact with secret API.

  -v, --version   [VERSION]
  --profile TEXT  CLI connection profile to use. The default profile is
  -h, --help      Show this message and exit.

  create-scope  Creates a secret scope.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --initial-manage-principal     The initial principal that can manage the created secret scope.
                                      If specified, the initial ACL with MANAGE permission applied
                                      to the scope is assigned to the supplied principal (user or group).
                                      The only supported principal is the group
                                      "users", which contains all users in the workspace. If not
                                      specified, the initial ACL with MANAGE permission applied to
                                      the scope is assigned to request issuer's user identity.
  delete        Deletes a secret.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --key KEY                      The name of secret key.
  delete-acl    Deletes an access control rule for a principal.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the scope.
      --principal PRINCIPAL          The name of the principal.
  delete-scope  Deletes a secret scope.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
  get-acl       Gets the details for an access control rule.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --principal PRINCIPAL          The name of the principal.
      --output FORMAT                JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
  list          Lists all the secrets in a scope.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --output FORMAT                JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
  list-acls     Lists all access control rules for a given secret scope.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --output FORMAT                JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
  list-scopes   Lists all secret scopes.
      --output FORMAT                JSON or TABLE. Set to TABLE by default.
  put           Puts a secret in a scope.
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --key KEY                      The name of the secret key.
      --string-value TEXT            Read value from string and stored in UTF-8 (MB4) form
      --binary-file PATH             Read value from binary-file and stored as bytes.
  put-acl       Creates or overwrites an access control rule for a principal
                applied to a given secret scope.
      --scope SCOPE                    The name of the secret scope.
      --principal PRINCIPAL            The name of the principal.
      --permission [MANAGE|WRITE|READ] The permission to apply.
  write         Puts a secret in a scope. "write" is an alias for "put".
      --scope SCOPE                  The name of the secret scope.
      --key KEY                      The name of the secret key.
      --string-value TEXT            Read value from string and stored in UTF-8 (MB4) form
      --binary-file PATH             Read value from binary-file and stored as bytes.
  write-acl     Creates or overwrites an access control rule for a principal
                applied to a given secret scope. "write-acl" is an alias for
      --scope SCOPE                    The name of the secret scope.
      --principal PRINCIPAL            The name of the principal.
      --permission [MANAGE|WRITE|READ] The permission to apply.

Create a secret scope

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets create-scope --help.

databricks secrets create-scope --scope my-scope

If successful, no output is displayed.

To use the Databricks CLI to create an Azure Key Vault-backed secret scope, run databricks secrets create-scope --help to display information about additional --scope-backend-type, --resource-id, and --dns-name options. For more information, see Secrets.

Delete a secret

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets delete --help.

databricks secrets delete --scope my-scope --key my-key

If successful, no output is displayed.

Revoke an ACL for a principal

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets delete-acl --help.

databricks secrets delete-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com

If successful, no output is displayed.

Delete a secret scope

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets delete-scope --help.

databricks secrets delete-scope --scope my-scope

If successful, no output is displayed.

Get an ACL for a principal

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets get-acl --help.

databricks secrets get-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com --output JSON
  "principal": "sonmeone@example.com",
  "permission": "MANAGE"

List the secret keys stored within a secret scope

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets list --help.

databricks secrets list --scope my-scope --output JSON
  "secrets": [
      "key": "my-key",
      "last_updated_timestamp": 1621284092605


You cannot access secret values by using the Databricks CLI. To access secret values, you must use the Databricks Utilities secrets utility within a Databricks notebook.

List the ACLs for a secret scope

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets list-acls --help.

databricks secrets list-acls --scope my-scope --output JSON
  "items": [
      "principal": "someone@example.com",
      "permission": "MANAGE"

List all available secret scopes in the workspace

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets list-scopes --help.

databricks secrets list-scopes --output JSON
  "scopes": [
      "name": "my-scope",
      "backend_type": "DATABRICKS"

Create or update a secret

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets put --help or databricks secrets write --help.

There are three ways to store a secret. The easiest way is to use the --string-value option; the secret will be stored in UTF-8 (MB4) form. You should be careful with this option, because your secret may be stored in your command line history in plain text.

databricks secrets put --scope my-scope --key my-key --string-value my-value


databricks secrets write --scope my-scope --key my-key --string-value my-value

If successful, no output is displayed.

You can also use the --binary-file option to provide a secret stored in a file. The file content will be read as is and stored as bytes.

databricks secrets put --scope my-scope --key my-key --binary-file my-secret.txt


databricks secrets write --scope my-scope --key my-key --binary-file my-secret.txt

If successful, no output is displayed.

If you don’t specify an option, an editor will be opened for you to enter your secret. Follow the instructions shown in the editor to enter your secret.

databricks secrets put --scope my-scope --key my-key


databricks secrets write --scope my-scope --key my-key

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit the above line. Everything below it will be ignored.
# Please input your secret value above the line. Text will be stored in
# UTF-8 (MB4) form and any trailing new line will be stripped.
# Exit without saving will abort writing secret.

Grant or change an ACL to a secret scope for a principal

To display usage documentation, run databricks secrets put-acl --help or databricks secrets write-acl --help.

databricks secrets put-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com --permission MANAGE


databricks secrets write-acl --scope my-scope --principal someone@example.com --permission MANAGE

If successful, no output is displayed.