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Code review and feedback field reference in Azure Boards and Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

You can use the code review and feedback fields to create queries and reports that track the status of these processes. The fields appear in the following work item types, which are included with the default processes for Azure Boards and TFS: Code Review Request, Code Review Response, Feedback Request, and Feedback Response.

Fields used to track code reviews

The following fields are used to track code review requests and responses. You can only make a Code Review request against code maintained in a Team Foundation version control (TFVC) repository. A code review response is created for each person who provides review comments. See Day in the life of a Developer: Suspend work, fix a bug, and conduct a code review.


Retrieving code review comments programmatically isn't a supported feature.

Field name Description Data type
Accepted By The name of the code reviewer.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.AcceptedBy
Accepted Date The date and time when the code-reviewer responded.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.AcceptedDate
Associated Context The name assigned to the code work requested for review.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.Context
Associated Context Code An integer value that captures whether the code review is for 1 (shelveset) or 2 (changeset).
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ContextCode
Associated Context Owner The GUID assigned to the shelveset owner who requested the code review.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ContextOwner
Associated Context Type The type of code work requested for review: Shelveset or Changeset.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ContextType
Closed Status The status selected by the reviewer when closing the code review request. The number is stored in the system and written to the data warehouse as follows:

- 0 — Not Reviewed
- 1 - Looks Good
- 2 - With Comments
- 3- Needs Work
- 4 - Declined
- 5 - Removed
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ClosedStatus
Closed Status Code A value ranging from 0 to 5 that corresponds to the status selected by the reviewer when closing the code review request.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ClosedStatusCode
Closing Comments The comment entered by the reviewer when closing the review request.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.CodeReview.ClosingComment
Reviewed By The name of the team member who reviewed the code. The State transitions to Reviewed when the code reviewer responds. (Code Review Response)
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ReviewedBy
Reviewed Date The date-time stamp when the reviewer closed the request. (Code Review Response)
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ReviewedDate
State Code Mirror field used to track the current state in code.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateCode

Fields used to track feedback

The following fields track feedback requests and responses. You complete the first three fields in the feedback request form. A feedback response is created for each person and for each item for which feedback is provided. See Get feedback.

Field name Description Data type
Application Launch Instructions Instructions to stakeholders on how to start the application.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationLaunchInstructions
Application Start Information Guidelines to direct stakeholder feedback.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationStartInformation
Application Type The type of application that stakeholders provide feedback on. The valid types are specified in the process configuration file, ProcessConfiguration. The default values are Web Application, Remote Machine, and Client Application.
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationType
Rating The number of stars that an item receives from a reviewer in a star-based ranking system. (Feedback Response)
The number is stored in the system and written to the data warehouse as follows:

- 0 — Not Rated
- 1 - Poor
- 2 - Fair
- 3- Good
- 4- Very Good
- 5 - Excellent
Reference name=Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Rating