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Dir command (Team Foundation Version Control)

Azure DevOps Services | Azure DevOps Server 2022 - Azure DevOps Server 2019

Visual Studio 2019 | Visual Studio 2022

The dir command displays all or some of the contents of the server for Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC).


To use the dir command, you must have Read permission set to Allow. For more information, see Default TFVC permissions.


tf dir itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/recursive] 
[/folders] [/deleted] [/login:username,[password]] [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]






Identifies the file or folder to return information about. For more information about how TFVC parses the itemspec to determine which items are within scope, see Use options to modify how a command functions.


You can specify more than one itemspec argument.


The user-provided value for the /version option. For more information about how TFVC parses a version specification to determine which items are within its scope, see Use Team Foundation version control commands.


Provides a value to the /login option. You can specify a username value as either DOMAIN\username or username.


The URL of the project collection that contains one or more files or folders about which you want to display information, for example http://myserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/.





Specifies that TFVC should only show files and folders of a certain version.


Displays all files and subfolders in the specified directory.


Displays folders only.


Displays deleted items and existing items. The deleted items are followed with ;Xn where n is the deletion ID.


Specifies the user name and password to authenticate the user with Azure DevOps.


Specifies the project collection.


The dir command operates on the Azure DevOps server copies of files, not the local copies. The command uses the local mapped folder to locate the appropriate Azure DevOps server path. You use this command to explore the Azure DevOps server and identify files you may have to obtain.

For more information on how to use the tf command-line utility, see Use Team Foundation version control commands.


The following example displays a list of files, folders, subfolders, and files in the Azure DevOps server folder that c:\projects maps to. The number of items is also listed. For more information about how to view and edit working folder mappings, see Workspace command and Workfold command.

c:\projects>tf dir /recursive

The following example displays all Azure DevOps server files at the 314dir path. The 314dir subfolder doesn't have to exist in the local folder.

c:\projects>tf dir 314dir

The following example displays the version of files labeled My label in the 314dir Azure DevOps server path. The 314dir subfolder doesn't have to exist in the local folder.

c:\projects>tf dir /version:L"My label" 314dir

The following example displays all folders in the root of the Azure DevOps server. The local working folder is ignored, because $/ denotes an Azure DevOps server path.

c:\projects>tf dir /folders $/

The following example lists every file and folder in the Azure DevOps server.

c:\projects>tf dir /recursive $/

The following example lists all items in the current folder, including deleted items with their deletion IDs.

c:\projects>tf dir /deleted