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Reference for X12 message settings in agreements for Azure Logic Apps

Applies to: Azure Logic Apps (Consumption + Standard)

This reference describes the properties that you can set in an X12 agreement for specifying how to handle messages between trading partners. Set up these properties based on your agreement with the partner that exchanges messages with you.

X12 Receive Settings

Screenshot showing Azure portal and X12 agreement settings for inbound messages.


Property Description
ISA1 (Authorization Qualifier) The Authorization Qualifier value that you want to use. The default value is 00 - No Authorization Information Present.

Note: If you select other values, specify a value for the ISA2 property.
ISA2 The Authorization Information value to use when the ISA1 property is not 00 - No Authorization Information Present. This property value must have a minimum of one alphanumeric character and a maximum of 10.
ISA3 (Security Qualifier) The Security Qualifier value that you want to use. The default value is 00 - No Security Information Present.

Note: If you select other values, specify a value for the ISA4 property.
ISA4 The Security Information value to use when the ISA3 property is not 00 - No Security Information Present. This property value must have a minimum of one alphanumeric character and a maximum of 10.


Property Description
TA1 Expected Return a technical acknowledgment (TA1) to the interchange sender.
FA Expected Return a functional acknowledgment (FA) to the interchange sender.

For the FA Version property, based on the schema version, select the 997 or 999 acknowledgments.

To enable generation of AK2 loops in functional acknowledgments for accepted transaction sets, select Include AK2 / IK2 Loop.


For this section, select a schema from your integration account for each transaction type (ST01) and Sender Application (GS02). The EDI Receive Pipeline disassembles the incoming message by matching the values and schema that you set in this section with the values for ST01 and GS02 in the incoming message and with the schema of the incoming message. After you complete each row, a new empty row automatically appears.

Property Description
Version The X12 version for the schema
Transaction Type (ST01) The transaction type
Sender Application (GS02) The sender application
Schema The schema file that you want to use


Property Description
ISA11 Usage The separator to use in a transaction set:

- Standard Identifier: Use a period (.) for decimal notation, rather than the decimal notation of the incoming document in the EDI Receive Pipeline.

- Repetition Separator: Specify the separator for repeated occurrences of a simple data element or a repeated data structure. For example, usually the carat (^) is used as the repetition separator. For HIPAA schemas, you can only use the carat.

Control Numbers

Property Description
Disallow Interchange control number duplicates Block duplicate interchanges. Check the interchange control number (ISA13) for the received interchange control number. If a match is detected, the EDI Receive Pipeline doesn't process the interchange.

To specify the number of days to perform the check, enter a value for the Check for duplicate ISA13 every (days) property.
Disallow Group control number duplicates Block interchanges that have duplicate group control numbers.
Disallow Transaction set control number duplicates Block interchanges that have duplicate transaction set control numbers.


The Default row shows the validation rules that are used for an EDI message type. If you want to define different rules, select each box where you want the rule set to true. After you complete each row, a new empty row automatically appears.

Property Description
Message Type The EDI message type
EDI Validation Perform EDI validation on data types as defined by the schema's EDI properties, length restrictions, empty data elements, and trailing separators.
Extended Validation If the data type isn't EDI, validation is on the data element requirement and allowed repetition, enumerations, and data element length validation (min or max).
Allow Leading/Trailing Zeroes Keep any additional leading or trailing zero and space characters. Don't remove these characters.
Trim Leading/Trailing Zeroes Remove any leading or trailing zero and space characters.
Trailing Separator Policy Generate trailing separators.

- Not Allowed: Prohibit trailing delimiters and separators in the inbound interchange. If the interchange has trailing delimiters and separators, the interchange is declared not valid.

- Optional: Accept interchanges with or without trailing delimiters and separators.

- Mandatory: The inbound interchange must have trailing delimiters and separators.

Internal Settings

Property Description
Convert implied decimal format Nn to a base 10 numeric value Convert an EDI number that is specified with the format "Nn" into a base-10 numeric value.
Create empty XML tags if trailing separators are allowed Have the interchange sender include empty XML tags for trailing separators.
Split Interchange as transaction sets - suspend transaction sets on error Parse each transaction set that's in an interchange into a separate XML document by applying the appropriate envelope to the transaction set. Suspend only the transactions where the validation fails.
Split Interchange as transaction sets - suspend interchange on error Parse each transaction set that's in an interchange into a separate XML document by applying the appropriate envelope. Suspend the entire interchange when one or more transaction sets in the interchange fail validation.
Preserve Interchange - suspend transaction sets on error Leave the interchange intact and create an XML document for the entire batched interchange. Suspend only the transaction sets that fail validation, but continue to process all other transaction sets.
Preserve Interchange - suspend interchange on error Leaves the interchange intact, creates an XML document for the entire batched interchange. Suspends the entire interchange when one or more transaction sets in the interchange fail validation.

X12 Send settings

Screenshot showing Azure portal and X12 agreement settings for outbound messages.


Property Description
ISA1 (Authorization Qualifier) The Authorization Qualifier value that you want to use. The default value is 00 - No Authorization Information Present.

Note: If you select other values, specify a value for the ISA2 property.
ISA2 The Authorization Information value to use when the ISA1 property is not 00 - No Authorization Information Present. This property value must have a minimum of one alphanumeric character and a maximum of 10.
ISA3 (Security Qualifier) The Security Qualifier value that you want to use. The default value is 00 - No Security Information Present.

Note: If you select other values, specify a value for the ISA4 property.
ISA4 The Security Information value to use when the ISA3 property is not 00 - No Security Information Present. This property value must have a minimum of one alphanumeric character and a maximum of 10.


Property Description
TA1 Expected Return a technical acknowledgment (TA1) to the interchange sender.

This setting specifies that the host partner, who is sending the message, requests an acknowledgment from the guest partner in the agreement. These acknowledgments are expected by the host partner based on the agreement's Receive Settings.
FA Expected Return a functional acknowledgment (FA) to the interchange sender. For the FA Version property, based on the schema version, select the 997 or 999 acknowledgments.

This setting specifies that the host partner, who is sending the message, requests an acknowledgment from the guest partner in the agreement. These acknowledgments are expected by the host partner based on the agreement's Receive Settings.


For this section, select a schema from your integration account for each transaction type (ST01). After you complete each row, a new empty row automatically appears.

Property Description
Version The X12 version for the schema
Transaction Type (ST01) The transaction type for the schema
Schema The schema file that you want to use. If you select the schema first, the version and transaction type are automatically set.


Property Description
ISA11 Usage The separator to use in a transaction set:

- Standard Identifier: Use a period (.) for decimal notation, rather than the decimal notation of the outbound document in the EDI Send Pipeline.

- Repetition Separator: Specify the separator for repeated occurrences of a simple data element or a repeated data structure. For example, usually the carat (^) is used as the repetition separator. For HIPAA schemas, you can only use the carat.

Control Version Number

For this section, select a schema from your integration account for each interchange. After you complete each row, a new empty row automatically appears.

Property Description
Control Version Number (ISA12) The version of the X12 standard
Usage Indicator (ISA15) The context of an interchange, which is either Test data, Information data, or Production data
Schema The schema to use for generating the GS and ST segments for an X12-encoded interchange that's sent to the EDI Send Pipeline.
GS1 Optional, select the functional code.
GS2 Optional, specify the application sender.
GS3 Optional, specify the application receiver.
GS4 Optional, select CCYYMMDD or YYMMDD.
GS5 Optional, select HHMM, HHMMSS, or HHMMSSdd.
GS7 Optional, select a value for the responsible agency.
GS8 Optional, specify the schema document version.

Control Numbers

Property Description
Interchange Control Number (ISA13) The range of values for the interchange control number, which can have a minimum of value 1 and a maximum value of 999999999
Group Control Number (GS06) The range of values for the group control number, which can have a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 999999999
Transaction Set Control Number (ST02) The range of values for the transaction set control number, which can have a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 999999999

- Prefix: Optional, an alphanumeric value
- Suffix: Optional, an alphanumeric value

Character Sets and Separators

The Default row shows the character set that's used as delimiters for a message schema. If you don't want to use the Default character set, you can enter a different set of delimiters for each message type. After you complete each row, a new empty row automatically appears.


To provide special character values, edit the agreement as JSON and provide the ASCII value for the special character.

Property Description
Character Set to be used The X12 character set, which is either Basic, Extended, or UTF8.
Schema The schema that you want to use. After you select the schema, select the character set that you want to use, based on the separator descriptions below.
Input Type The input type for the character set
Component Separator A single character that separates composite data elements
Data Element Separator A single character that separates simple data elements within composite data
Replacement Character Separator A replacement character that replaces all separator characters in the payload data when generating the outbound X12 message
Segment Terminator A single character that indicates the end of an EDI segment
Suffix The character to use with the segment identifier. If you specify a suffix, the segment terminator data element can be empty. If the segment terminator is left empty, you must designate a suffix.


The Default row shows the validation rules that are used for an EDI message type. If you want to define different rules, select each box where you want the rule set to true. After you complete each row, a new empty row automatically appears.

Property Description
Message Type The EDI message type
EDI Validation Perform EDI validation on data types as defined by the schema's EDI properties, length restrictions, empty data elements, and trailing separators.
Extended Validation If the data type isn't EDI, validation is on the data element requirement and allowed repetition, enumerations, and data element length validation (min or max).
Allow Leading/Trailing Zeroes Keep any additional leading or trailing zero and space characters. Don't remove these characters.
Trim Leading/Trailing Zeroes Remove any leading or trailing zero and space characters.
Trailing Separator Policy Generate trailing separators.

- Not Allowed: Prohibit trailing delimiters and separators in the outbound interchange. If the interchange has trailing delimiters and separators, the interchange is declared not valid.

- Optional: Send interchanges with or without trailing delimiters and separators.

- Mandatory: The outbound interchange must have trailing delimiters and separators.

HIPAA schemas and message types

When you work with HIPAA schemas and the 277 or 837 message types, you need to perform a few extra steps. The document version numbers (GS8) for these message types have more than nine characters, for example, "005010X222A1". Also, some document version numbers map to variant message types. If you don't reference the correct message type in your schema and in your agreement, you get this error message:

"The message has an unknown document type and did not resolve to any of the existing schemas configured in the agreement."

This table lists the affected message types, any variants, and the document version numbers that map to those message types:

Message type or variant Description Document version number (GS8)
277 Health Care Information Status Notification 005010X212
837_I Health Care Claim Institutional 004010X096A1
837_D Health Care Claim Dental 004010X097A1
837_P Health Care Claim Professional 004010X098A1

You also need to disable EDI validation when you use these document version numbers because they result in an error that the character length is invalid.

To specify these document version numbers and message types, follow these steps:


Each message with 837_P, 837_I, or 837_D type requires a separate agreement.

  1. In your HIPAA schema, replace the current message type with the variant message type for the document version number that you want to use.

    For example, suppose you want to use document version number 005010X222A1 with the 837 message type. In your schema, replace each "X12_00501_837" value with the "X12_00501_837_P" value instead.

    To update your schema, follow these steps:

    1. In the Azure portal, go to your integration account. Find and download your schema. Replace the message type and rename the schema file, and upload your revised schema to your integration account. For more information, see Edit a schema.

    2. In your agreement's message settings, select the revised schema.

  2. In your agreement's schemaReferences object, add another entry that specifies the variant message type that matches your document version number.

    For example, suppose you want to use document version number 005010X222A1 for the 837 message type. Your agreement has a schemaReferences section with these properties and values:

    "schemaReferences": [
          "messageId": "837",
          "schemaVersion": "00501",
          "schemaName": "X12_00501_837"

    Edit your schemaReferences section to look like the following example:

    "schemaReferences": [
          "messageId": "837",
          "schemaVersion": "00501",
          "schemaName": "X12_00501_837_P"
  3. In your agreement's message settings, disable EDI validation by clearing the EDI Validation checkbox either for each message type or for all message types if you're using the Default values.

    Screenshot shows X12 agreement settings to disable validation for all message types or each message type.

Next steps

Exchange X12 messages