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Monitored SAP security parameters for detecting suspicious configuration changes

This article details the security parameters in the SAP system that the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications monitors as part of the "SAP - (Preview) Sensitive Static Parameter has Changed" analytics rule.

The Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications will provide updates for this content according to SAP best practice changes. You can also add parameters to watch for, change values according to your organization's needs, and disable specific parameters in the SAPSystemParameters watchlist.


For the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications to successfully monitor the SAP security parameters, the solution needs to successfully monitor the SAP PAHI table at regular intervals. Verify that the solution can successfully monitor the PAHI table.

Monitored static SAP security parameters

This list includes the static SAP security parameters that the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP® applications monitors to protect your SAP system. The list isn't a recommendation for configuring these parameters. For configuration considerations, consult your SAP admins.

Parameter Description Security value/considerations
gw/accept_remote_trace_level Controls whether or not the Central Process Integration (CPI) and Remote Function Call (RFC) subsystems adopt the remote trace level. When this parameter is set to 1, the CPI and RFC subsystems accept and adopt the remote trace levels. When set to 0, remote trace levels aren't accepted and the local trace level is used instead.

The trace level is a setting that determines the level of detail recorded in the system log for a specific program or process. When the subsystems adopt the trace levels, you can set the trace level for a program or process from a remote system and not only from the local system. This setting can be useful in situations where remote debugging or troubleshooting is required.
The parameter can be configured to restrict the trace level accepted from external systems. Setting a lower trace level may reduce the amount of information that external systems can obtain about the internal workings of the SAP system.
login/password_change_for_SSO Controls how password changes are enforced in single sign-on situations. High, because enforcing password changes can help prevent unauthorized access to the system by attackers who may have obtained valid credentials through phishing or other means.
icm/accept_remote_trace_level Determines whether the Internet Communication Manager (ICM) accepts remote trace level changes from external systems. Medium, because allowing remote trace level changes can provide valuable diagnostic information to attackers and potentially compromise system security.
rdisp/gui_auto_logout Specifies the maximum idle time for SAP GUI connections before automatically logging out the user. High, because automatically logging out inactive users can help prevent unauthorized access to the system by attackers who may have gained access to a user's workstation.
rsau/enable Controls whether the Security Audit log is enabled. High, because the Security Audit log can provide valuable information for detecting and investigating security incidents.
login/min_password_diff Specifies the minimum number of characters that must differ between the old and new password when users change their passwords. High, because requiring a minimum number of character differences can help prevent users from choosing weak passwords that can easily be guessed.
login/min_password_digits Sets the minimum number of digits required in a password for a user. High, because the parameter increases the complexity of passwords and makes them harder to guess or crack.
login/ticket_only_by_https This parameter controls whether authentication tickets are only sent via HTTPS or can be sent via HTTP as well. High, because using HTTPS for ticket transmission encrypts the data in transit, making it more secure.
auth/rfc_authority_check Controls whether authority checks are performed for RFCs. High, because enabling this parameter helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and functions via RFCs.
gw/acl_mode Sets the mode for the access control list (ACL) file used by the SAP gateway. High, because the parameter controls access to the gateway and helps prevent unauthorized access to the SAP system.
gw/logging Controls the logging settings for the SAP gateway. High, because this parameter can be used to monitor and detect suspicious activity or potential security breaches.
login/fails_to_session_end Sets the number of invalid login attempts allowed before the user's session is terminated. High, because the parameter helps prevent brute-force attacks on user accounts.
wdisp/ssl_encrypt Sets the mode for SSL re-encryption of HTTP requests. High, because this parameter ensures that data transmitted over HTTP is encrypted, which helps prevent eavesdropping and data tampering.
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar Controls the automatic login of the SAP* user. High, because this parameter helps prevent unauthorized access to the SAP system via the default SAP* account.
rsau/max_diskspace/local Defines the maximum amount of disk space that can be used for local storage of audit logs. This security parameter helps to prevent the filling up of disk space and ensures that audit logs are available for investigation. Setting an appropriate value for this parameter helps prevent the local audit logs from consuming too much disk space, which could lead to system performance issues or even denial of service attacks. On the other hand, setting a value that's too low may result in the loss of audit log data, which may be required for compliance and auditing.
snc/extid_login_diag Enables or disables the logging of external ID in Secure Network Communication (SNC) logon errors. This security parameter can help identify attempts of unauthorized access to the system. Enabling this parameter can be helpful for troubleshooting SNC-related issues, because it provides additional diagnostic information. However, the parameter may also expose sensitive information about the external security products used by the system, which could be a potential security risk if that information falls into the wrong hands.
login/password_change_waittime Defines the number of days a user must wait before changing their password again. This security parameter helps enforce password policies and ensure that users change their passwords periodically. Setting an appropriate value for this parameter can help ensure that users change their passwords regularly enough to maintain the security of the SAP system. At the same time, setting the wait time too short can be counterproductive because users may be more likely to reuse passwords or choose weak passwords that are easier to remember.
snc/accept_insecure_cpic Determines whether or not the system accepts insecure SNC connections using the CPIC protocol. This security parameter controls the level of security for SNC connections. Enabling this parameter can increase the risk of data interception or manipulation, because it accepts SNC-protected connections that don't meet the minimum security standards. Therefore, the recommended security value for this parameter is to set it to 0, which means that only SNC connections that meet the minimum security requirements are accepted.
snc/accept_insecure_r3int_rfc Determines whether or not the system accepts insecure SNC connections for R/3 and RFC protocols. This security parameter controls the level of security for SNC connections. Enabling this parameter can increase the risk of data interception or manipulation, because it accepts SNC-protected connections that don't meet the minimum security standards. Therefore, the recommended security value for this parameter is to set it to 0, which means that only SNC connections that meet the minimum security requirements are accepted.
snc/accept_insecure_rfc Determines whether or not the system accepts insecure SNC connections using RFC protocols. This security parameter controls the level of security for SNC connections. Enabling this parameter can increase the risk of data interception or manipulation, because it accepts SNC-protected connections that don't meet the minimum security standards. Therefore, the recommended security value for this parameter is to set it to 0, which means that only SNC connections that meet the minimum security requirements are accepted.
snc/data_protection/max Defines the maximum level of data protection for SNC connections. This security parameter controls the level of encryption used for SNC connections. Setting a high value for this parameter can increase the level of data protection and reduce the risk of data interception or manipulation. The recommended security value for this parameter depends on the organization's specific security requirements and risk management strategy.
rspo/auth/pagelimit Defines the maximum number of spool requests that a user can display or delete at once. This security parameter helps to prevent denial-of-service attacks on the spool system. This parameter doesn't directly affect the security of the SAP system, but can help to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive authorization data. By limiting the number of entries displayed per page, it can reduce the risk of unauthorized individuals viewing sensitive authorization information.
snc/accept_insecure_gui Determines whether or not the system accepts insecure SNC connections using the GUI. This security parameter controls the level of security for SNC connections. Setting the value of this parameter to 0 is recommended to ensure that SNC connections made through the SAP GUI are secure, and to reduce the risk of unauthorized access or interception of sensitive data. Allowing insecure SNC connections may increase the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information or data interception, and should only be done when there is a specific need and the risks have been properly assessed.
login/accept_sso2_ticket Enables or disables the acceptance of SSO2 tickets for logon. This security parameter controls the level of security for logon to the system. Enabling SSO2 can provide a more streamlined and convenient user experience, but also introduces additional security risks. If an attacker gains access to a valid SSO2 ticket, they may be able to impersonate a legitimate user and gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or perform malicious actions.
login/multi_login_users Defines whether or not multiple logon sessions are allowed for the same user. This security parameter controls the level of security for user sessions and helps prevent unauthorized access. Enabling this parameter can help prevent unauthorized access to SAP systems by limiting the number of concurrent logins for a single user. When this parameter is set to 0, only one login session is allowed per user, and additional login attempts are rejected. This can help prevent unauthorized access to SAP systems in case a user's login credentials are compromised or shared with others.
login/password_expiration_time Specifies the maximum time interval in days for which a password is valid. When this time elapses, the user is prompted to change their password. Setting this parameter to a lower value can improve security by ensuring that passwords are changed frequently.
login/password_max_idle_initial Specifies the maximum time interval in minutes for which a user can remain logged on without performing any activity. After this time elapses, the user is automatically logged off. Setting a lower value for this parameter can improve security by ensuring that idle sessions aren't left open for extended periods of time.
login/password_history_size Specifies the number of previous passwords that a user isn't allowed to reuse. This parameter prevents users from repeatedly using the same passwords, which can improve security.
snc/data_protection/use Enables the use of SNC data protection. When enabled, SNC ensures that all data transmitted between SAP systems is encrypted and secure.
rsau/max_diskspace/per_day Specifies the maximum amount of disk space in MB that can be used for audit logs per day. Setting a lower value for this parameter can help ensure that audit logs don't consume too much disk space and can be managed effectively.
snc/enable Enables SNC for communication between SAP systems. When enabled, SNC provides an extra layer of security by encrypting data transmitted between systems.
auth/no_check_in_some_cases Disables authorization checks in certain cases. While this parameter may improve performance, it can also pose a security risk by allowing users to perform actions they may not have permission for.
auth/object_disabling_active Disables specific authorization objects for user accounts that have been inactive for a specified period of time. Can help improve security by reducing the number of inactive accounts with unnecessary permissions.
login/disable_multi_gui_login Prevents a user from being logged in to multiple GUI sessions simultaneously. This parameter can help improve security by ensuring that users are only logged in to one session at a time.
login/min_password_lng Specifies the minimum length that a password can be. Setting a higher value for this parameter can improve security by ensuring that passwords aren't easily guessed.
rfc/reject_expired_passwd Prevents the execution of RFCs when the user's password has expired. Enabling this parameter can be helpful when enforcing password policies and preventing unauthorized access to SAP systems. When this parameter is set to 1, RFC connections are rejected if the user's password has expired, and the user is prompted to change their password before they can connect. This helps ensure that only authorized users with valid passwords can access the system.
rsau/max_diskspace/per_file Sets the maximum size of an audit file that SAP system auditing can create. Setting a lower value helps prevent excessive growth of audit files and thus helps ensure adequate disk space. Setting an appropriate value helps manage the size of audit files and avoid storage issues.
login/min_password_letters Specifies the minimum number of letters that must be included in a user's password. Setting a higher value helps increase password strength and security. Setting an appropriate value helps enforce password policies and improve password security.
rsau/selection_slots Sets the number of selection slots that can be used for audit files. Setting a higher value can help to avoid overwriting of older audit files. Helps ensure that audit files are retained for a longer period of time, which can be useful in a security breach.
gw/sim_mode This parameter sets the gateway's simulation mode. When enabled, the gateway only simulates communication with the target system, and no actual communication takes place. Enabling this parameter can be useful for testing purposes and can help prevent any unintended changes to the target system.
login/fails_to_user_lock Sets the number of failed login attempts after which the user account gets locked. Setting a lower value helps prevent brute force attacks. Helps prevent unauthorized access to the system and helps protect user accounts from being compromised.
login/password_compliance_to_current_policy Enforces the compliance of new passwords with the current password policy of the system. Its value should be set to 1 to enable this feature. High. Enabling this parameter can help ensure that users comply with the current password policy when changing passwords, which reduces the risk of unauthorized access to SAP systems. When this parameter is set to 1, users are prompted to comply with the current password policy when changing their passwords.
rfc/ext_debugging Enables the RFC debugging mode for external RFC calls. Its value should be set to 0 to disable this feature.
gw/monitor Enables monitoring of gateway connections. Its value should be set to 1 to enable this feature.
login/create_sso2_ticket Enables the creation of SSO2 tickets for users. Its value should be set to 1 to enable this feature.
login/failed_user_auto_unlock Enables automatic unlocking of user accounts after a failed login attempt. Its value should be set to 1 to enable this feature.
login/min_password_uppercase Sets the minimum number of uppercase letters required in new passwords. Its value should be set to a positive integer.
login/min_password_specials Sets the minimum number of special characters required in new passwords. Its value should be set to a positive integer.
snc/extid_login_rfc Enables the use of SNC for external RFC calls. Its value should be set to 1 to enable this feature.
login/min_password_lowercase Sets the minimum number of lowercase letters required in new passwords. Its value should be set to a positive integer.
login/password_downwards_compatibility Allows passwords to be set using old hashing algorithms for backwards compatibility with older systems. Its value should be set to 0 to disable this feature.
snc/data_protection/min Sets the minimum level of data protection that must be used for SNC-protected connections. Its value should be set to a positive integer. Setting an appropriate value for this parameter helps ensure that SNC-protected connections provide a minimum level of data protection. This setting helps prevent sensitive information from being intercepted or manipulated by attackers. The value of this parameter should be set based on the security requirements of the SAP system and the sensitivity of the data transmitted over SNC-protected connections.

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