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Tutorial: Machine learning model scoring wizard for dedicated SQL pools

Learn how to easily enrich your data in dedicated SQL pools with predictive machine learning models. The models that your data scientists create are now easily accessible to data professionals for predictive analytics. A data professional in Azure Synapse Analytics can simply select a model from the Azure Machine Learning model registry for deployment in Azure Synapse SQL pools and launch predictions to enrich the data.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:

  • Train a predictive machine learning model and register the model in the Azure Machine Learning model registry.
  • Use the SQL scoring wizard to launch predictions in a dedicated SQL pool.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


Sign in to the Azure portal

Sign in to the Azure portal.

Train a model in Azure Machine Learning

Before you begin, verify that your version of sklearn is 0.20.3.

Before you run all cells in the notebook, check that the compute instance is running.

Screenshot that shows verification of Azure Machine Learning compute.

  1. Go to your Azure Machine Learning workspace.

  2. Download Predict NYC Taxi Tips.ipynb.

  3. Open the Azure Machine Learning workspace in Azure Machine Learning Studio.

  4. Go to Notebooks > Upload files. Then select the Predict NYC Taxi Tips.ipynb file that you downloaded and upload it. Screenshot of the button for uploading a file.

  5. After the notebook is uploaded and opened, select Run all cells.

    One of the cells might fail and ask you to authenticate to Azure. Watch for this in the cell outputs, and authenticate in your browser by following the link and entering the code. Then re-run the notebook.

  6. The notebook will train an ONNX model and register it with MLflow. Go to Models to check that the new model is registered properly. Screenshot that shows the model in the registry.

  7. Running the notebook will also export the test data into a CSV file. Download the CSV file to your local system. Later, you'll import the CSV file into a dedicated SQL pool and use the data to test the model.

    The CSV file is created in the same folder as your notebook file. Select Refresh in File Explorer if you don't see it right away.

    Screenshot that shows the C S V file.

Launch predictions with the SQL scoring wizard

  1. Open the Azure Synapse workspace with Synapse Studio.

  2. Go to Data > Linked > Storage Accounts. Upload test_data.csv to the default storage account.

    Screenshot that shows selections for uploading data.

  3. Go to Develop > SQL scripts. Create a new SQL script to load test_data.csv into your dedicated SQL pool.


    Update the file URL in this script before running it.

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE NAME = 'nyc_taxi' AND TYPE = 'U')
    CREATE TABLE dbo.nyc_taxi
        tipped int,
        fareAmount float,
        paymentType int,
        passengerCount int,
        tripDistance float,
        tripTimeSecs bigint,
        pickupTimeBin nvarchar(30)
    COPY INTO dbo.nyc_taxi
    (tipped 1, fareAmount 2, paymentType 3, passengerCount 4, tripDistance 5, tripTimeSecs 6, pickupTimeBin 7)
    FROM '<URL to linked storage account>/test_data.csv'
        FILE_TYPE = 'CSV',
        FIELDQUOTE = '"',
        FIELDTERMINATOR = ',',
        FIRSTROW = 2
    SELECT TOP 100 * FROM nyc_taxi

    Load data to dedicated SQL pool

  4. Go to Data > Workspace. Open the SQL scoring wizard by right-clicking the dedicated SQL pool table. Select Machine Learning > Predict with a model.


    The machine learning option does not appear unless you have a linked service created for Azure Machine Learning. (See Prerequisites at the beginning of this tutorial.)

    Screenshot that shows the machine Learning option.

  5. Select a linked Azure Machine Learning workspace in the drop-down box. This step loads a list of machine learning models from the model registry of the chosen Azure Machine Learning workspace. Currently, only ONNX models are supported, so this step will display only ONNX models.

  6. Select the model that you just trained, and then select Continue.

    Screenshot that shows selecting the Azure Machine Learning model.

  7. Map the table columns to the model inputs and specify the model outputs. If the model is saved in the MLflow format and the model signature is populated, the mapping will be done automatically for you by using a logic based on the similarity of names. The interface also supports manual mapping.

    Select Continue.

    Screenshot that shows table-to-model mapping.

  8. The generated T-SQL code is wrapped inside a stored procedure. This is why you need to provide a stored procedure name. The model binary, including metadata (version, description, and other information), will be physically copied from Azure Machine Learning to a dedicated SQL pool table. So you need to specify which table to save the model in.

    You can choose either Existing table or Create new. When you're done, select Deploy model + open script to deploy the model and generate a T-SQL prediction script.

    Screenshot that shows selections for creating a stored procedure.

  9. After the script is generated, select Run to execute the scoring and get predictions.

    Screenshot that shows scoring and predictions.

Next steps