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Office 365 Groups Mail

The Office 365 Groups Mail connector allows users to work with data located in a Office 365 Group mailbox. The functionality in this connector works independently from a single user's personal mailbox and allows users to work with any Group they can access within their organization. The connector works off the Microsoft Graph API, and uses terminology specified in a Office 365 Groups documentation within the Graph API. Learn more in the connector documentation.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions
Power Automate Standard All Power Automate regions
Power Apps Standard All Power Apps regions
Name Microsoft
URL Microsoft LogicApps Support
Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Microsoft
Website https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/groups-overview?view=graph-rest-1.0
Categories Productivity


In order to use this connector, you'll need a user account that has access to Office 365 Groups within an organization.

We also recommend that you review the Microsoft Graph API Documentation for Microsoft 365 Groups to understand the way the data is structured within the API. There is key terminology that should be reviewed prior to using this connector, such as "conversation", "thread", and "post".

Known Issues and Limitations

For troubleshooting the "Specified object was not found in the store" error, you can do the following:

  • Verify the permissions for the account.
  • Try deleting the current Office 365 Groups Mail connection and create a new one.

Accessing "Public" Groups without membership

An authenticated user is able to access Group data from Groups they are a member of and any "Public" Group within their organization. In the connector experience, when selecting a Group, the connector offers a dynamic dropdown of Groups to select from. For a cleaner experience, this dropdown is automatically populated only with the Groups that the authenticated user is a member of.

To access "Public" Groups within your organization that are not populated in the dropdown, you'll need to provide the Group ID in the connector dropdown by scrolling to the very bottom and selecting Enter a custom value.

To find a Group ID within your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Microsoft Graph Explorer and authenticate with your user on the top left.

  2. In the Sample queries section, select Groups, and then GET all groups in my organization.

  3. In the Response preview, find the Group within your organization that you're searching for. Provide the value in the id property as the custom value in the connector dropdown experience.

  4. Ensure the Group visibility is set to Public, or else the user will not be able to access the data within the Group.

  5. If you can't find the Group, you may need to look in the next page of results, which can be accessed by copying the link in @odata.nextLink and running it as a query at the top of the page.

Mail Triggers

If there are lots of emails sent at the same time, some emails could be missed by the trigger. This is due to underlying system limitations with email processing delays that cause emails to become "visible" late (after the connector has processed the batch that contains the late email).

Deprecation Information

The "Forward a post" operation has been temporarily deprecated due to lack of email exfiltration control support for this connector. We are working on providing support and will update the operation when complete.

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds
Frequency of trigger polls 1 60 seconds


Create a conversation thread

Create a new thread in the specified conversation.

Create a new conversation in a group

Create a new conversation in this group.

Delete a conversation thread

Deletes the specified conversation thread.

Forward a post (Preview)

Forward a post to a recipient.

Forward a post [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Forward a post instead.

Forward a post to a recipient.

Get a conversation thread

Get a specific thread that belongs to a group.

Get a group conversation

Retrieves the properties of a particular conversation.

Get a thread post

Retrieves a post in a specified thread.

List the attachments of a post

Retrieve a list of attachments that belong to a post.

List the conversation threads of a conversation

Get all the threads in a group conversation.

List the conversations of a group

Get all the conversations in this group.

List the posts of a conversation thread

Get all the posts of the specified conversation thread.

List the threads of a group

Get all the threads of a group.

Reply to a conversation thread

Reply to a thread in a group conversation and add a new post to it.

Reply to a post

Reply to a post and add a new post to the specified thread in a group conversation.

Send an HTTP request

Construct a Microsoft Graph REST API request to invoke. Learn more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/use-the-api

Start a new group conversation by creating a thread

Start a new group conversation by first creating a thread.

Create a conversation thread

Create a new thread in the specified conversation.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Conversation ID
conversationId True string

Enter the conversation ID.

New topic
topic True string

Topic of the new conversation.

content True html

Content of the new conversation.

categories array of string

The categories associated with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Attachment name
Name True string

Name of the attachment.

Attachment content
ContentBytes True byte

Content of the attachment.


Create a new conversation in a group

Create a new conversation in this group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

New topic
topic True string

Topic of the new conversation.

content True html

Content of the new conversation.

categories array of string

The categories associated with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Attachment name
Name True string

Name of the attachment.

Attachment content
ContentBytes True byte

Content of the attachment.


The response of with the created conversation details.

Created conversation object

Delete a conversation thread

Deletes the specified conversation thread.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

Forward a post (Preview)

Forward a post to a recipient.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group mail
groupMail True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter the group mail address.

Conversation ID
conversationId True string

Enter the conversation ID.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

Post ID
postId True string

Enter the post ID.

Comment html

Comment to forward with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Forward a post [DEPRECATED]

This action has been deprecated. Please use Forward a post instead.

Forward a post to a recipient.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

Post ID
postId True string

Enter the post ID.

comment string

Comment to forward with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Get a conversation thread

Get a specific thread that belongs to a group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.


Conversation thread object.

Get a group conversation

Retrieves the properties of a particular conversation.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Conversation ID
conversationId True string

Enter the conversation ID.


Conversation object.

Get a thread post

Retrieves a post in a specified thread.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

Post ID
postId True string

Enter the post ID.


Represents an individual Post item within a conversationThread entity.


List the attachments of a post

Retrieve a list of attachments that belong to a post.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

Post ID
postId True string

Enter the post ID.


Name Path Type Description
value array of Attachment

Array containing the attachments of the post.

List the conversation threads of a conversation

Get all the threads in a group conversation.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Conversation ID
conversationId True string

Enter the conversation ID.


Name Path Type Description
value array of ConversationThread

List the conversations of a group

Get all the conversations in this group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.


Name Path Type Description
value array of Conversation

List the posts of a conversation thread

Get all the posts of the specified conversation thread.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.


Name Path Type Description
value array of Post

Array containing the posts in the specified thread.

List the threads of a group

Get all the threads of a group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.


Name Path Type Description
value array of ConversationThread

Reply to a conversation thread

Reply to a thread in a group conversation and add a new post to it.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

content True html

Content of the new conversation.

categories array of string

The categories associated with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Attachment name
Name True string

Name of the attachment.

Attachment content
ContentBytes True byte

Content of the attachment.

Reply to a post

Reply to a post and add a new post to the specified thread in a group conversation.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

Thread ID
threadId True string

Enter the conversation thread ID.

Post ID
postId True string

Enter the post ID.

content True html

Content of the new conversation.

categories array of string

The categories associated with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Attachment name
Name True string

Name of the attachment.

Attachment content
ContentBytes True byte

Content of the attachment.

Send an HTTP request

Construct a Microsoft Graph REST API request to invoke. Learn more: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/use-the-api


Name Key Required Type Description
Uri True string

The full or relative URI. Example: https://graph.microsoft.com/{version}/{resource}.

Method True string

The HTTP method (default is GET).

Body binary

The request body content.

ContentType string

The content-type header for the body (default is application/json).

CustomHeader1 string

Custom header 1. Specify in format: header-name: header-value

CustomHeader2 string

Custom header 2. Specify in format: header-name: header-value

CustomHeader3 string

Custom header 3. Specify in format: header-name: header-value

CustomHeader4 string

Custom header 4. Specify in format: header-name: header-value

CustomHeader5 string

Custom header 5. Specify in format: header-name: header-value


Start a new group conversation by creating a thread

Start a new group conversation by first creating a thread.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.

New topic
topic True string

Topic of the new conversation.

content True html

Content of the new conversation.

categories array of string

The categories associated with the post.

Address email

Email address.

Attachment name
Name True string

Name of the attachment.

Attachment content
ContentBytes True byte

Content of the attachment.



When a new email arrives to a group

When a new email arrives to a group.

When a new email arrives to a group

When a new email arrives to a group.


Name Key Required Type Description
Group ID
groupId True string

Pick a group from the drop down or enter group id.


Name Path Type Description
value array of ConversationTriggerResponse

Response of the trigger.



Conversation object.

Name Path Type Description
Conversation ID
id string

The conversations's unique identifier.

Conversation topic
topic string

The topic of the conversation.

Has attachments?
hasAttachments boolean

Indicates whether any of the posts within this Conversation has at least one attachment.

Last delivered timestamp
lastDeliveredDateTime date-time

The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.

Unique senders array
uniqueSenders array of string

All the users that sent a message to this Conversation.

preview string

A short summary from the body of the latest post in this Conversation.


Conversation thread object.

Name Path Type Description
Conversation thread ID
id string

The conversation thread's unique identifier.

Conversation topic
topic string

The topic of the conversation.

Has attachments?
hasAttachments boolean

Indicates whether any of the posts within this Conversation has at least one attachment.

Last delivered timestamp
lastDeliveredDateTime date-time

The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.

Unique senders array
uniqueSenders array of string

All the users that sent a message to this Conversation.

preview string

A short summary from the body of the latest post in this Conversation.

Is Locked?
isLocked boolean

Indicates if the thread is locked.

toRecipients array of EmailAddress

The To: recipients for the thread.

ccRecipients array of EmailAddress

The Cc: recipients for the thread.


Represents an individual Post item within a conversationThread entity.

Name Path Type Description
Post ID
id string

The post's unique identifier.

Created timestamp of the post
createdDateTime date-time
Last modified timestamp of the post
lastModifiedDateTime date-time
Change Key
changeKey string

Identifies the version of the post.

Conversation ID
conversationId string

Unique ID of the conversation the post belongs to.

Conversation thread ID
conversationThreadId string

Unique ID of the conversation thread the post belongs to.

categories array of string

The categories associated with the post.

Received timestamp
receivedDateTime date-time

Post received timestamp.

Has attachments?
hasAttachments boolean

Indicates whether the post has at least one attachment.

New participants
newParticipants array of EmailAddress

Conversation participants that were added to the thread as part of this post.

body ItemBody

Represents properties of the body of an item, such as a message, event or group post.

from EmailAddress
sender EmailAddress
attachments array of Attachment


Name Path Type Description
Attachment ID
id string

Id of the attachment.

Attachment name
name string

Name of attachment.

Attachment content Type
contentType string

Content type of attachment.

Attachment size
size integer

Size of attachment.

Attachment content bytes
contentBytes byte

Content of attachment.


Name Path Type Description
Name of the user
emailAddress.name string
Email address of the user
emailAddress.address email


Represents properties of the body of an item, such as a message, event or group post.

Name Path Type Description
Body content type
contentType string

Content type of the body.

Body content
content string

Content of the body.


The response of with the created conversation details.

Name Path Type Description
Conversation ID
id string

New Conversation ID.

Conversation threads
threads array of object

Created conversation thread.

Thread ID
threads.id string

The new thread ID.


Name Path Type Description
Conversation thread ID
id string

New conversation thread ID.


When a new email arrives trigger response.

Name Path Type Description
Conversation ID
id string

The conversation unique identifier.

Last delivered timestamp
lastDeliveredDateTime date-time

The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time.

threads array of ConversationThreadTriggerResponse


Conversation thread object.

Name Path Type Description
Conversation thread ID
id string

The conversation thread's unique identifier.

posts array of PostTriggerResponse


Represents an individual Post item within a conversationThread entity.

Name Path Type Description
Post ID
id string

The post's unique identifier.

Last modified timestamp of the post
lastModifiedDateTime date-time
Change Key
changeKey string

Identifies the version of the post.
