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SHRTCODE (Independent Publisher)

With this free Link Shortener you can make Links shorter and easier to remember.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure China regions
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Name Chandra Sekhar
URL https://github.com/sekharmalla
Email chandra.malla@msftcommunity.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Chandra Sekhar Malla
Website https://shrtco.de/
Privacy policy https://shrtco.de/tos
Categories Website;Productivity

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Getting information on a Link

Get the long link of a shortened link and much more. Requires a code parameter containing a shrtcode code. The code is the last part of a short link. Example short link: shrtco.de/example -> Code: "example"

Shortening a Link

Create a short link for a given URL. Requires a url parameter.

Get the long link of a shortened link and much more. Requires a code parameter containing a shrtcode code. The code is the last part of a short link. Example short link: shrtco.de/example -> Code: "example"


Name Key Required Type Description
Short link code
code True string

The code is the last part of a short link. Example short link: shrtco.de/example -> Code: "example".


Name Path Type Description
ok boolean


result.code string

SHRTCODE generated UID

result.url string

Original URL

Password Protected
result.password_protected boolean

The URL is password protected or not

result.blocked boolean

The URL blocked or not

result.created string

When the URL shortened

Create a short link for a given URL. Requires a url parameter.


Name Key Required Type Description
given URL
url True string

URL to be shortened


Name Path Type Description
ok boolean


result.code string


Short link
result.short_link string

URL that is shortened

Full shortened link
result.full_short_link string

Full URL that is shortened

Short link 2
result.short_link2 string

Second URL that is shortened

Full short link 2
result.full_short_link2 string

Second Full URL that is shortened

Share link
result.share_link string

Sharable link of shorten URL

Full share link
result.full_share_link string

Full sharable link of shorten URL

Original link
result.original_link string

Original URL