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IShiftOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> Interface


Defines a mechanism for shifting a value by another value.

generic <typename TSelf, typename TOther, typename TResult>
 where TSelf : IShiftOperators<TSelf, TOther, TResult>public interface class IShiftOperators
public interface IShiftOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult> where TSelf : IShiftOperators<TSelf,TOther,TResult>
type IShiftOperators<'Self, 'Other, 'Result (requires 'Self :> IShiftOperators<'Self, 'Other, 'Result>)> = interface
Public Interface IShiftOperators(Of TSelf, TOther, TResult)

Type Parameters


The type that implements this interface.


The type used to specify the amount by which TSelf should be shifted.


The type that contains the result of shifting TSelf by TResult.



LeftShift(TSelf, TOther)

Shifts a value left by a given amount.

RightShift(TSelf, TOther)

Shifts a value right by a given amount.

UnsignedRightShift(TSelf, TOther)

Shifts a value right by a given amount.

Applies to