संपादित करें

इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

ILOpCode Enum


public enum class ILOpCode
public enum ILOpCode
type ILOpCode = 
Public Enum ILOpCode


Add 88
Add_ovf 214
Add_ovf_un 215
And 95
Arglist 65024
Beq 59
Beq_s 46
Bge 60
Bge_s 47
Bge_un 65
Bge_un_s 52
Bgt 61
Bgt_s 48
Bgt_un 66
Bgt_un_s 53
Ble 62
Ble_s 49
Ble_un 67
Ble_un_s 54
Blt 63
Blt_s 50
Blt_un 68
Blt_un_s 55
Bne_un 64
Bne_un_s 51
Box 140
Br 56
Br_s 43
Break 1
Brfalse 57
Brfalse_s 44
Brtrue 58
Brtrue_s 45
Call 40
Calli 41
Callvirt 111
Castclass 116
Ceq 65025
Cgt 65026
Cgt_un 65027
Ckfinite 195
Clt 65028
Clt_un 65029
Constrained 65046
Conv_i 211
Conv_i1 103
Conv_i2 104
Conv_i4 105
Conv_i8 106
Conv_ovf_i 212
Conv_ovf_i_un 138
Conv_ovf_i1 179
Conv_ovf_i1_un 130
Conv_ovf_i2 181
Conv_ovf_i2_un 131
Conv_ovf_i4 183
Conv_ovf_i4_un 132
Conv_ovf_i8 185
Conv_ovf_i8_un 133
Conv_ovf_u 213
Conv_ovf_u_un 139
Conv_ovf_u1 180
Conv_ovf_u1_un 134
Conv_ovf_u2 182
Conv_ovf_u2_un 135
Conv_ovf_u4 184
Conv_ovf_u4_un 136
Conv_ovf_u8 186
Conv_ovf_u8_un 137
Conv_r_un 118
Conv_r4 107
Conv_r8 108
Conv_u 224
Conv_u1 210
Conv_u2 209
Conv_u4 109
Conv_u8 110
Cpblk 65047
Cpobj 112
Div 91
Div_un 92
Dup 37
Endfilter 65041
Endfinally 220
Initblk 65048
Initobj 65045
Isinst 117
Jmp 39
Ldarg 65033
Ldarg_0 2
Ldarg_1 3
Ldarg_2 4
Ldarg_3 5
Ldarg_s 14
Ldarga 65034
Ldarga_s 15
Ldc_i4 32
Ldc_i4_0 22
Ldc_i4_1 23
Ldc_i4_2 24
Ldc_i4_3 25
Ldc_i4_4 26
Ldc_i4_5 27
Ldc_i4_6 28
Ldc_i4_7 29
Ldc_i4_8 30
Ldc_i4_m1 21
Ldc_i4_s 31
Ldc_i8 33
Ldc_r4 34
Ldc_r8 35
Ldelem 163
Ldelem_i 151
Ldelem_i1 144
Ldelem_i2 146
Ldelem_i4 148
Ldelem_i8 150
Ldelem_r4 152
Ldelem_r8 153
Ldelem_ref 154
Ldelem_u1 145
Ldelem_u2 147
Ldelem_u4 149
Ldelema 143
Ldfld 123
Ldflda 124
Ldftn 65030
Ldind_i 77
Ldind_i1 70
Ldind_i2 72
Ldind_i4 74
Ldind_i8 76
Ldind_r4 78
Ldind_r8 79
Ldind_ref 80
Ldind_u1 71
Ldind_u2 73
Ldind_u4 75
Ldlen 142
Ldloc 65036
Ldloc_0 6
Ldloc_1 7
Ldloc_2 8
Ldloc_3 9
Ldloc_s 17
Ldloca 65037
Ldloca_s 18
Ldnull 20
Ldobj 113
Ldsfld 126
Ldsflda 127
Ldstr 114
Ldtoken 208
Ldvirtftn 65031
Leave 221
Leave_s 222
Localloc 65039
Mkrefany 198
Mul 90
Mul_ovf 216
Mul_ovf_un 217
Neg 101
Newarr 141
Newobj 115
Nop 0
Not 102
Or 96
Pop 38
Readonly 65054
Refanytype 65053
Refanyval 194
Rem 93
Rem_un 94
Ret 42
Rethrow 65050
Shl 98
Shr 99
Shr_un 100
Sizeof 65052
Starg 65035
Starg_s 16
Stelem 164
Stelem_i 155
Stelem_i1 156
Stelem_i2 157
Stelem_i4 158
Stelem_i8 159
Stelem_r4 160
Stelem_r8 161
Stelem_ref 162
Stfld 125
Stind_i 223
Stind_i1 82
Stind_i2 83
Stind_i4 84
Stind_i8 85
Stind_r4 86
Stind_r8 87
Stind_ref 81
Stloc 65038
Stloc_0 10
Stloc_1 11
Stloc_2 12
Stloc_3 13
Stloc_s 19
Stobj 129
Stsfld 128
Sub 89
Sub_ovf 218
Sub_ovf_un 219
Switch 69
Tail 65044
Throw 122
Unaligned 65042
Unbox 121
Unbox_any 165
Volatile 65043
Xor 97

Applies to