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EventWaitHandle.GetAccessControl Method


Gets an EventWaitHandleSecurity object that represents the access control security for the named system event represented by the current EventWaitHandle object.

 System::Security::AccessControl::EventWaitHandleSecurity ^ GetAccessControl();
public System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity GetAccessControl ();
member this.GetAccessControl : unit -> System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity
Public Function GetAccessControl () As EventWaitHandleSecurity


An EventWaitHandleSecurity object that represents the access control security for the named system event.


The current EventWaitHandle object represents a named system event, and the user does not have ReadPermissions.


The current EventWaitHandle object represents a named system event, and was not opened with ReadPermissions.

The Close() method was previously called on this EventWaitHandle.


The following code example demonstrates the cross-process behavior of a named system event with access control security. The example uses the OpenExisting(String) method overload to test for the existence of a named event.

If the event does not exist, it is created with initial ownership and access control security that denies the current user the right to use the event, but grants the right to read and change permissions on the event.

If you run the compiled example from two command windows, the second copy will throw an access violation exception on the call to OpenExisting(String). The exception is caught, and the example uses the OpenExisting(String, EventWaitHandleRights) method overload to wait on the event with the rights needed to read and change the permissions.

After the permissions have been read, using the GetAccessControl method, and changed, the event is opened with the rights required to wait on it and signal it. If you run the compiled example from a third command window, the example runs using the new permissions.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Security::AccessControl;
using namespace System::Security::Permissions;

public ref class Example
   static void Main()
      String^ ewhName = L"EventWaitHandleExample5";

      EventWaitHandle^ ewh = nullptr;
      bool doesNotExist = false;
      bool unauthorized = false;
      // The value of this variable is set by the event
      // constructor. It is true if the named system event was
      // created, and false if the named event already existed.
      bool wasCreated;
      // Attempt to open the named event.
         // Open the event with (EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize
         // | EventWaitHandleRights.Modify), to wait on and
         // signal the named event.
         ewh = EventWaitHandle::OpenExisting( ewhName );
      catch ( WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException^ ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Named event does not exist." );
         doesNotExist = true;
      catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Unauthorized access: {0}", ex->Message );
         unauthorized = true;

      // There are three cases: (1) The event does not exist.
      // (2) The event exists, but the current user doesn't
      // have access. (3) The event exists and the user has
      // access.
      if ( doesNotExist )
         // The event does not exist, so create it.

         // Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
         // current user the right to wait on or signal the
         // event, but allows the right to read and change
         // security information for the event.
         String^ user = String::Concat( Environment::UserDomainName, L"\\",
            Environment::UserName );
         EventWaitHandleSecurity^ ewhSec = gcnew EventWaitHandleSecurity;
         //following constructor fails
         EventWaitHandleAccessRule^ rule = gcnew EventWaitHandleAccessRule(
               EventWaitHandleRights::Synchronize | 
            AccessControlType::Deny );
         ewhSec->AddAccessRule( rule );

         rule = gcnew EventWaitHandleAccessRule( user,
               EventWaitHandleRights::ReadPermissions | 
            AccessControlType::Allow );
         ewhSec->AddAccessRule( rule );
         // Create an EventWaitHandle object that represents
         // the system event named by the constant 'ewhName',
         // initially signaled, with automatic reset, and with
         // the specified security access. The Boolean value that
         // indicates creation of the underlying system object
         // is placed in wasCreated.
         ewh = gcnew EventWaitHandle( true,
            ewhSec );
         // If the named system event was created, it can be
         // used by the current instance of this program, even
         // though the current user is denied access. The current
         // program owns the event. Otherwise, exit the program.
         if ( wasCreated )
            Console::WriteLine( L"Created the named event." );
            Console::WriteLine( L"Unable to create the event." );
      else if ( unauthorized )
         // Open the event to read and change the access control
         // security. The access control security defined above
         // allows the current user to do this.
            ewh = EventWaitHandle::OpenExisting( ewhName, 
                  EventWaitHandleRights::ReadPermissions |
                  EventWaitHandleRights::ChangePermissions) );
            // Get the current ACL. This requires
            // EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions.
            EventWaitHandleSecurity^ ewhSec = ewh->GetAccessControl();
            String^ user = String::Concat( Environment::UserDomainName, L"\\",
               Environment::UserName );
            // First, the rule that denied the current user
            // the right to enter and release the event must
            // be removed.
            EventWaitHandleAccessRule^ rule = gcnew EventWaitHandleAccessRule(
                  EventWaitHandleRights::Synchronize |
               AccessControlType::Deny );
            ewhSec->RemoveAccessRule( rule );
            // Now grant the user the correct rights.
            rule = gcnew EventWaitHandleAccessRule( user,
                  EventWaitHandleRights::Synchronize |
               AccessControlType::Allow );
            ewhSec->AddAccessRule( rule );
            // Update the ACL. This requires
            // EventWaitHandleRights.ChangePermissions.
            ewh->SetAccessControl( ewhSec );
            Console::WriteLine( L"Updated event security." );
            // Open the event with (EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize
            // | EventWaitHandleRights.Modify), the rights required
            // to wait on and signal the event.
            ewh = EventWaitHandle::OpenExisting( ewhName );
         catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
            Console::WriteLine( L"Unable to change permissions: {0}",
               ex->Message );

      // Wait on the event, and hold it until the program
      // exits.
         Console::WriteLine( L"Wait on the event." );
         Console::WriteLine( L"Event was signaled." );
         Console::WriteLine( L"Press the Enter key to signal the event and exit." );
      catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"Unauthorized access: {0}", ex->Message );

int main()
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Security.AccessControl;

internal class Example
    internal static void Main()
        const string ewhName = "EventWaitHandleExample5";

        EventWaitHandle ewh = null;
        bool doesNotExist = false;
        bool unauthorized = false;

        // The value of this variable is set by the event
        // constructor. It is true if the named system event was
        // created, and false if the named event already existed.
        bool wasCreated;

        // Attempt to open the named event.
            // Open the event with (EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize
            // | EventWaitHandleRights.Modify), to wait on and 
            // signal the named event.
            ewh = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(ewhName);
        catch (WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException)
            Console.WriteLine("Named event does not exist.");
            doesNotExist = true;
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message);
            unauthorized = true;

        // There are three cases: (1) The event does not exist.
        // (2) The event exists, but the current user doesn't 
        // have access. (3) The event exists and the user has
        // access.
        if (doesNotExist)
            // The event does not exist, so create it.

            // Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
            // current user the right to wait on or signal the 
            // event, but allows the right to read and change
            // security information for the event.
            string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
                + Environment.UserName;
            EventWaitHandleSecurity ewhSec = 
                new EventWaitHandleSecurity();

            EventWaitHandleAccessRule rule = 
                new EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, 
                    EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize | 

            rule = new EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, 
                EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions | 

            // Create an EventWaitHandle object that represents
            // the system event named by the constant 'ewhName', 
            // initially signaled, with automatic reset, and with
            // the specified security access. The Boolean value that 
            // indicates creation of the underlying system object
            // is placed in wasCreated.
            ewh = new EventWaitHandle(true, 
                out wasCreated, 

            // If the named system event was created, it can be
            // used by the current instance of this program, even 
            // though the current user is denied access. The current
            // program owns the event. Otherwise, exit the program.
            if (wasCreated)
                Console.WriteLine("Created the named event.");
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to create the event.");
        else if (unauthorized)
            // Open the event to read and change the access control
            // security. The access control security defined above
            // allows the current user to do this.
                ewh = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(ewhName, 
                    EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions | 

                // Get the current ACL. This requires 
                // EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions.
                EventWaitHandleSecurity ewhSec = ewh.GetAccessControl();
                string user = Environment.UserDomainName + "\\"
                    + Environment.UserName;

                // First, the rule that denied the current user 
                // the right to enter and release the event must
                // be removed.
                EventWaitHandleAccessRule rule = 
                    new EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, 
                        EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize | 

                // Now grant the user the correct rights.
                rule = new EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, 
                    EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize | 

                // Update the ACL. This requires
                // EventWaitHandleRights.ChangePermissions.

                Console.WriteLine("Updated event security.");

                // Open the event with (EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize 
                // | EventWaitHandleRights.Modify), the rights required
                // to wait on and signal the event.
                ewh = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(ewhName);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to change permissions: {0}",

        // Wait on the event, and hold it until the program
        // exits.
            Console.WriteLine("Wait on the event.");
            Console.WriteLine("Event was signaled.");
            Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to signal the event and exit.");
        catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message);
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Security.AccessControl

Friend Class Example

    <MTAThread> _
    Friend Shared Sub Main()
        Const ewhName As String = "EventWaitHandleExample5"

        Dim ewh As EventWaitHandle = Nothing
        Dim doesNotExist as Boolean = False
        Dim unauthorized As Boolean = False

        ' The value of this variable is set by the event
        ' constructor. It is True if the named system event was
        ' created, and False if the named event already existed.
        Dim wasCreated As Boolean

        ' Attempt to open the named event.
            ' Open the event with (EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize
            ' Or EventWaitHandleRights.Modify), to wait on and 
            ' signal the named event.
            ewh = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(ewhName)
        Catch ex As WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException
            Console.WriteLine("Named event does not exist.")
            doesNotExist = True
        Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", ex.Message)
            unauthorized = True
        End Try

        ' There are three cases: (1) The event does not exist.
        ' (2) The event exists, but the current user doesn't 
        ' have access. (3) The event exists and the user has
        ' access.
        If doesNotExist Then
            ' The event does not exist, so create it.

            ' Create an access control list (ACL) that denies the
            ' current user the right to wait on or signal the 
            ' event, but allows the right to read and change
            ' security information for the event.
            Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
                & "\" & Environment.UserName
            Dim ewhSec As New EventWaitHandleSecurity()

            Dim rule As New EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, _
                EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize Or _
                EventWaitHandleRights.Modify, _

            rule = New EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, _
                EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions Or _
                EventWaitHandleRights.ChangePermissions, _

            ' Create an EventWaitHandle object that represents
            ' the system event named by the constant 'ewhName', 
            ' initially signaled, with automatic reset, and with
            ' the specified security access. The Boolean value that 
            ' indicates creation of the underlying system object
            ' is placed in wasCreated.
            ewh = New EventWaitHandle(True, _
                EventResetMode.AutoReset, ewhName, _
                wasCreated, ewhSec)

            ' If the named system event was created, it can be
            ' used by the current instance of this program, even 
            ' though the current user is denied access. The current
            ' program owns the event. Otherwise, exit the program.
            If wasCreated Then
                Console.WriteLine("Created the named event.")
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to create the event.")
            End If

        ElseIf unauthorized Then

            ' Open the event to read and change the access control
            ' security. The access control security defined above
            ' allows the current user to do this.
                ewh = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(ewhName, _
                    EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions Or _

                ' Get the current ACL. This requires 
                ' EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions.
                Dim ewhSec As EventWaitHandleSecurity = _
                Dim user As String = Environment.UserDomainName _ 
                    & "\" & Environment.UserName

                ' First, the rule that denied the current user 
                ' the right to enter and release the event must
                ' be removed.
                Dim rule As New EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, _
                    EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize Or _
                    EventWaitHandleRights.Modify, _

                ' Now grant the user the correct rights.
                rule = New EventWaitHandleAccessRule(user, _
                    EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize Or _
                    EventWaitHandleRights.Modify, _

                ' Update the ACL. This requires
                ' EventWaitHandleRights.ChangePermissions.

                Console.WriteLine("Updated event security.")

                ' Open the event with (EventWaitHandleRights.Synchronize 
                ' Or EventWaitHandleRights.Modify), the rights required
                ' to wait on and signal the event.
                ewh = EventWaitHandle.OpenExisting(ewhName)

            Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
                Console.WriteLine("Unable to change permissions: {0}", _
            End Try

        End If

        ' Wait on the event, and hold it until the program
        ' exits.
            Console.WriteLine("Wait on the event.")
            Console.WriteLine("Event was signaled.")
            Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to signal the event and exit.")
        Catch ex As UnauthorizedAccessException
            Console.WriteLine("Unauthorized access: {0}", _
        End Try
    End Sub 
End Class


The GetAccessControl method uses the following combination of flags (combined using the bitwise OR operation) to search for permissions: AccessControlSections.Access, AccessControlSections.Owner, and AccessControlSections.Group.

The user must have EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions rights to call this method, and the event must have been opened with the EventWaitHandleRights.ReadPermissions flag.

Applies to

See also