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UInt128.IBinaryInteger<UInt128>.GetByteCount Method


Gets the number of bytes that will be written as part of TryWriteLittleEndian(Span<Byte>, Int32).

 virtual int System.Numerics.IBinaryInteger<System.UInt128>.GetByteCount() = System::Numerics::IBinaryInteger<UInt128>::GetByteCount;
int IBinaryInteger<UInt128>.GetByteCount ();
abstract member System.Numerics.IBinaryInteger<System.UInt128>.GetByteCount : unit -> int
override this.System.Numerics.IBinaryInteger<System.UInt128>.GetByteCount : unit -> int
Function GetByteCount () As Integer Implements IBinaryInteger(Of UInt128).GetByteCount


The number of bytes that will be written as part of TryWriteLittleEndian(Span<Byte>, Int32).


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