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DataGridViewRowHeaderCell.DataGridViewRowHeaderCellAccessibleObject.Select Method


Modifies the row selection depending on the selection mode.

 override void Select(System::Windows::Forms::AccessibleSelection flags);
public override void Select (System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleSelection flags);
override this.Select : System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleSelection -> unit
Public Overrides Sub Select (flags As AccessibleSelection)



A bitwise combination of the AccessibleSelection values.


The Owner property value is null.


If the owning cell does not belong to a DataGridView control, no action is taken. Otherwise, the following table describes the action performed for each flags value.

Parameter value Action
TakeFocus Moves input focus to the DataGridView control.
TakeSelection or AddSelection If the DataGridView control that contains the owning cell has a SelectionMode property value of FullRowSelect or RowHeaderSelect, the row containing the cell is selected.
RemoveSelection If the row containing the cell is selected, the selection is canceled.
All other AccessibleSelection values No action is taken.

Applies to

See also