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LinkLabel.LinkCollection.Remove(LinkLabel+Link) Method


Removes the specified link from the collection.

 void Remove(System::Windows::Forms::LinkLabel::Link ^ value);
public void Remove (System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.Link value);
member this.Remove : System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel.Link -> unit
Public Sub Remove (value As LinkLabel.Link)



A LinkLabel.Link that represents the link to remove from the collection.


When you remove a link from the collection, the indexes change for subsequent items in the collection. All information about the removed item is deleted. You can use this method to remove a specific link from the collection by specifying the actual item to remove from the collection. To specify the index of the link to remove instead of the link itself, use the RemoveAt method. To remove all links from the collection, use the Clear method.

Applies to

See also