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HorizontalAlignment Enum


Indicates where an element should be displayed on the horizontal axis relative to the allocated layout slot of the parent element.

public enum class HorizontalAlignment
[System.Windows.Localizability(System.Windows.LocalizationCategory.None, Readability=System.Windows.Readability.Unreadable)]
public enum HorizontalAlignment
[<System.Windows.Localizability(System.Windows.LocalizationCategory.None, Readability=System.Windows.Readability.Unreadable)>]
type HorizontalAlignment = 
Public Enum HorizontalAlignment


Center 1

An element aligned to the center of the layout slot for the parent element.

Left 0

An element aligned to the left of the layout slot for the parent element.

Right 2

An element aligned to the right of the layout slot for the parent element.

Stretch 3

An element stretched to fill the entire layout slot of the parent element.


Stretch is the default layout behavior.

Element Height and Width properties that are explicitly set take precedence over the Stretch property value.

Applies to