संपादित करें

इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

ICorProfilerInfo2::GetFunctionInfo2 Method

Gets the parent class, the metadata token, and the ClassID of each type argument, if present, of a function.


HRESULT GetFunctionInfo2(  
    [in]  FunctionID funcId,  
    [in]  COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO frameInfo,  
    [out] ClassID *pClassId,  
    [out] ModuleID *pModuleId,  
    [out] mdToken *pToken,  
    [in]  ULONG32 cTypeArgs,  
    [out] ULONG32 *pcTypeArgs,  
    [out] ClassID typeArgs[]);  


[in] The ID of the function for which to get the parent class and other information.

[in] A COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO value that points to information about a stack frame.

[out] A pointer to the parent class of the function.

[out] A pointer to the module in which the function's parent class is defined.

[out] A pointer to the metadata token for the function.

[in] The size of the typeArgs array.

[out] A pointer to the total number of ClassID values.

[out] An array of ClassID values, each of which is the ID of a type argument of the function. When the method returns, typeArgs will contain some or all of the ClassID values.


The profiler code can call ICorProfilerInfo::GetModuleMetaData to obtain a metadata interface for a given module. The metadata token that is returned to the location referenced by pToken can then be used to access the metadata for the function.

The class ID and type arguments that are returned through the pClassId and typeArgs parameters depend on the value that is passed in the frameInfo parameter, as shown in the following table.

Value of the frameInfo parameter Result
A COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO value that was obtained from a FunctionEnter2 callback The ClassID, returned in the location referenced by pClassId, and all type arguments, returned in the typeArgs array, will be exact.
A COR_PRF_FRAME_INFO that was obtained from a source other than a FunctionEnter2 callback The exact ClassID and type arguments cannot be determined. That is, the ClassID might be null and some type arguments might come back as Object.
Zero The exact ClassID and type arguments cannot be determined. That is, the ClassID might be null and some type arguments might come back as Object.

After GetFunctionInfo2 returns, you must verify that the typeArgs buffer was large enough to contain all the ClassID values. To do this, compare the value that pcTypeArgs points to with the value of the cTypeArgs parameter. If pcTypeArgs points to a value that is larger than cTypeArgs divided by the size of a ClassID value, allocate a larger pcTypeArgs buffer, update cTypeArgs with the new, larger size, and call GetFunctionInfo2 again.

Alternatively, you can first call GetFunctionInfo2 with a zero-length pcTypeArgs buffer to obtain the correct buffer size. You can then set the buffer size to the value returned in pcTypeArgs divided by the size of a ClassID value, and call GetFunctionInfo2 again.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorProf.idl, CorProf.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also