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How to: read from comma-delimited text files in Visual Basic

The TextFieldParser object provides a way to easily and efficiently parse structured text files, such as logs. The TextFieldType property defines whether it is a delimited file or one with fixed-width fields of text.

To parse a comma delimited text file

  1. Create a new TextFieldParser. The following code creates the TextFieldParser named MyReader and opens the file test.txt.

    Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.
  2. Define the TextField type and delimiter. The following code defines the TextFieldType property as Delimited and the delimiter as ",".

    MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
  3. Loop through the fields in the file. If any lines are corrupt, report an error and continue parsing. The following code loops through the file, displaying each field in turn and reporting any fields that are formatted incorrectly.

    Dim currentRow As String()
    While Not MyReader.EndOfData
            currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
            Dim currentField As String
            For Each currentField In currentRow
        Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.
            MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message &
            "is not valid and will be skipped.")
        End Try
  4. Close the While and Using blocks with End While and End Using.

        End While
    End Using


This example reads from the file test.txt.

Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.
    MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
    Dim currentRow As String()
    While Not MyReader.EndOfData
            currentRow = MyReader.ReadFields()
            Dim currentField As String
            For Each currentField In currentRow
        Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.
            MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message &
            "is not valid and will be skipped.")
        End Try
    End While
End Using

Robust programming

The following conditions may cause an exception:

See also