संपादित करें

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Report.RunRequestPage(Integer [, Text]) Method

Version: Available or changed with runtime version 1.0.

Runs the request page for a report without running the report. Returns an XML string that contains the request page parameters that are entered on the request page.


Parameters :=   Report.RunRequestPage(Number: Integer [, Parameters: Text])


 Type: Integer
The ID of the report for which you want to run the request page. If the report that you specify does not exist, then a run-time error occurs.

[Optional] Parameters
 Type: Text
A string of request page parameters as XML to use to run the report.

Return Value

 Type: Text
XML string that contains the request page parameters that are entered on the request page


This method opens the request page for the specified report to allow the user to provide parameters for the report. When the user closes the request page by choosing the OK button, a string that contains the parameter values that were set by the user is returned. When the user chooses the Cancel button, an empty string is returned. The returned parameter string can be picked up by calling one of the following methods:


You can use these methods to schedule reports in the job queue.

Because the request page runs in the context of where it was invoked from, users can't bookmark a link to this page from the user interface.

Example: Using Report::<object ID> syntax

As mentioned previously, the Report.RunRequestPage method throws a runtime error if no report with the supplied object ID exists. If you know the report object, a safe way to call Report.RunRequestPage is to use the Report::<object identifier> syntax because the compiler will tell you if the report object doesn't exist.

procedure RunRequestPageKnownReport()
    XmlParameters: Text;
    XmlParameters := Report.RunRequestPage(Report::MyReport);

Example: End-to-end scenario

This example illustrates how to use the RunRequestPage method to run the request page for report ID 206 Sales Invoice. The request page parameters are saved to a table. The parameters are then used with the Execute, SaveAs, and Print methods to preview the report, save it as a PDF file, and print it.

This example requires that you create a table for holding parameters that are entered on the report request page and a codeunit that runs the report methods.

Create a table called ReportParameters that has the following fields.

table 50103 ReportParameters
    DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        field(1; ReportId; Integer)
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        field(2; UserId; Code[100])
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
        field(3; Parameters; Blob)
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

Create a codeunit and add the following code to the OnRun trigger of the codeunit.

    ReportParameters: Record "Report Parameters";
    XmlParameters: Text;
    OStream: OutStream;
    IStream: InStream;
    CurrentUser: Code[100];
    Content: File;
    TempFileName: Text;
    // Use the Report.RunRequestPage method to run the request page to get report parameters  
    XmlParameters := Report.RunRequestPage(Report::"Sales Invoice");  
    CurrentUser := UserId;  
    // Save the request page parameters to the database table  
    with ReportParameters do begin  
        // Cleanup  
        if Get(206,CurrentUser) then  
        ReportId := 206;  
        UserId := CurrentUser;  
    XmlParameters := '';  
    // Read the request page parameters from the database table  
    with ReportParameters do begin  
    // Use the Report.SaveAs method to save the report as a PDF file  
    Report.SaveAs(Report::"Sales Invoice", XmlParameters,ReportFormat::Pdf,OStream);  
    // Use the Report.Execute method to preview the report  
    Report.Execute(Report::"Sales Invoice", XmlParameters);  
    // Use the Report.Print method to print the report  
    Report.Print(Report::"Sales Invoice", XmlParameters);  

See Also

Report Data Type
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