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Upgrades, updates, and hotfixes resources

Upgrades, updates, and hotfixes can include moving to new product versions, code migration and upgrade, moving to an update, or deploying a hotfix.

The processes for each type of upgrade are similar, but different enough that we think that you should review the topics for a specific task before you begin.

Upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to finance and operations

To get started, review the following topics:

Migration from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 to finance and operations

This Tech Talk video provides an introduction to migration from AX 2009 to finance and operations: Dynamics 365 for Operations – Tech Talk: Migration tools.

Upgrade from a previous version of finance and operations

The steps for applying updates and upgrading differ between cloud and on-premises implementations.


If you are upgrading a cloud version of finance and operations, review the following topics:


If you are applying updates to an on-premises version of finance and operations, review the following article:


This Tech Talk video provides an introduction servicing (applying code updates, requesting sandbox database refreshes, and filing support requests): Dynamics 365 for Operations – Tech Talk: Servicing.

For more information, see: