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Claims customization using a policy

A policy object represents a set of rules enforced on individual applications or on all applications in an organization. Each type of policy has a unique structure, with a set of properties that are then applied to objects to which they're assigned.

Microsoft Entra ID supports two ways to customize claims using Microsoft Graph/PowerShell for your applications:

Custom claims policy and claims mapping policy are two different types of policy objects that modify the claims included in tokens.

Custom Claims Policy(Preview) allows admins to customize additional claims for their applications. It can be used interchangeably with the claims customization offered through the Microsoft Entra admin center allowing admins to manage claims either through the Microsoft Entra admin center or MS Graph/PowerShell. Both Custom Claims Policy and claims customization offered through Microsoft Entra admin center use the same underlying policy to configure additional claims for the service principals. However, admins can only configure one Custom Claims Policy(Preview) per service principal. The PUT method allows admins to create or replace an existing a policy object with the values passed in the request body while PATCH method allows admins to update the policy object with the values which are passed in the request body. Learn how to configure and manage additional claims using Custom Claims Policy here.

Claims Mapping Policy also allows admins to customize additional claims for their applications. Admins can configure one Claims Mapping Policy and assign it to multiple applications in their tenant. If an admin chooses to use Claims Mapping Policy to manage additional claims for their applications, they won't be able to edit or update the claims in the claims customization blade in Microsoft Entra admin center for those applications. Learn how to configure and manage additional claims using Claims Mapping Policy here.


Claims Mapping Policy supersedes both Custom Claims policy and the claims customization offered through the Microsoft Entra admin center. Customizing claims for an application using the Claims Mapping Policy means that tokens issued for that application will ignore the configuration in Custom Claims Policy or the configuration in claims customization blade on Microsoft Entra admin center. For more information on claims customization, see Customize claims issued in the token for enterprise applications.

Claim sets

The following table lists the sets of claims that define how and when they're used in tokens.

Claim set Description
Core claim set Present in every token regardless of the policy. These claims are also considered restricted, and can't be modified.
Basic claim set Includes the claims that are included by default for tokens in addition to the core claim set. You can omit or modify basic claims by using the custom claims policies and claims mapping policies.
Restricted claim set Can't be modified using a policy. The data source can't be changed, and no transformation is applied when generating these claims.

JSON Web Token (JWT) restricted claim set

The following claims are in the restricted claim set for a JWT.

  • .
  • _claim_names
  • _claim_sources
  • aai
  • access_token
  • account_type
  • acct
  • acr
  • acrs
  • actor
  • actortoken
  • ageGroup
  • aio
  • altsecid
  • amr
  • app_chain
  • app_displayname
  • app_res
  • appctx
  • appctxsender
  • appid
  • appidacr
  • assertion
  • at_hash
  • aud
  • auth_data
  • auth_time
  • authorization_code
  • azp
  • azpacr
  • bk_claim
  • bk_enclave
  • bk_pub
  • brk_client_id
  • brk_redirect_uri
  • c_hash
  • ca_enf
  • ca_policy_result
  • capolids
  • capolids_latebind
  • cc
  • cert_token_use
  • child_client_id
  • child_redirect_uri
  • client_id
  • client_ip
  • cloud_graph_host_name
  • cloud_instance_host_name
  • cloud_instance_name
  • CloudAssignedMdmId
  • cnf
  • code
  • controls
  • controls_auds
  • credential_keys
  • csr
  • csr_type
  • ctry
  • deviceid
  • dns_names
  • domain_dns_name
  • domain_netbios_name
  • e_exp
  • email
  • endpoint
  • enfpolids
  • exp
  • expires_on
  • extn. as prefix
  • fido_auth_data
  • fido_ver
  • fwd
  • fwd_appidacr
  • grant_type
  • graph
  • group_sids
  • groups
  • hasgroups
  • hash_alg
  • haswids
  • home_oid
  • home_puid
  • home_tid
  • iat
  • identityprovider
  • idp
  • idtyp
  • in_corp
  • instance
  • inviteTicket
  • ipaddr
  • isbrowserhostedapp
  • iss
  • isViral
  • jwk
  • key_id
  • key_type
  • login_hint
  • mam_compliance_url
  • mam_enrollment_url
  • mam_terms_of_use_url
  • mdm_compliance_url
  • mdm_enrollment_url
  • mdm_terms_of_use_url
  • msgraph_host
  • msproxy
  • nameid
  • nbf
  • netbios_name
  • nickname
  • nonce
  • oid
  • on_prem_id
  • onprem_sam_account_name
  • onprem_sid
  • openid2_id
  • origin_header
  • password
  • platf
  • polids
  • pop_jwk
  • preferred_username
  • previous_refresh_token
  • primary_sid
  • prov_data
  • puid
  • pwd_exp
  • pwd_url
  • rdp_bt
  • redirect_uri
  • refresh_token
  • refresh_token_issued_on
  • refreshtoken
  • request_nonce
  • resource
  • rh
  • role
  • roles
  • rp_id
  • rt_type
  • scope
  • scp
  • secaud
  • sid
  • sid
  • signature
  • signin_state
  • source_anchor
  • src1
  • src2
  • sub
  • target_deviceid
  • tbid
  • tbidv2
  • tenant_ctry
  • tenant_display_name
  • tenant_id
  • tenant_region_scope
  • tenant_region_sub_scope
  • thumbnail_photo
  • tid
  • tokenAutologonEnabled
  • trustedfordelegation
  • ttr
  • unique_name
  • upn
  • user_agent
  • user_setting_sync_url
  • username
  • uti
  • ver
  • verified_primary_email
  • verified_secondary_email
  • vnet
  • vsm_binding_key
  • wamcompat_client_info
  • wamcompat_id_token
  • wamcompat_scopes
  • wids
  • win_ver
  • x5c_ca
  • xcb2b_rclient
  • xcb2b_rcloud
  • xcb2b_rtenant
  • ztdid


Any claim starting with xms_ is restricted.

SAML restricted claim set

The following table lists the SAML claims that are in the restricted claim set.

Restricted Claim type (URI):

  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/2012/01/devicecontext/claims/ismanaged
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/2014/02/devicecontext/claims/isknown
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/2014/03/psso
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/2014/09/devicecontext/claims/iscompliant
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/claims/authnmethodsreferences
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/claims/groups.link
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/accesstoken
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/acct
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/agegroup
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/aio
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/identityprovider
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/openid2_id
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/puid
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/scope
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/tenantid
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/xms_et
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/authenticationinstant
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/authenticationmethod
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/confirmationkey
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/denyonlyprimarygroupsid
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/denyonlyprimarysid
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/denyonlywindowsdevicegroup
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/expiration
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/expired
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groups
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/groupsid
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/ispersistent
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/samlissuername
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/wids
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsdeviceclaim
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsdevicegroup
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsfqbnversion
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowssubauthority
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsuserclaim
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/authentication
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/authorizationdecision
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/denyonlysid
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/privatepersonalidentifier
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/spn
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2009/09/identity/claims/actor

These claims are restricted by default, but aren't restricted if you have a custom signing key. Avoid setting acceptMappedClaims in the app manifest.

  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/windowsaccountname
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/primarysid
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/primarygroupsid
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/sid
  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/x500distinguishedname

These claims are restricted by default, but aren't restricted if you have a custom signing key:

  • http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn
  • http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role

Properties of the policy used for claims customization

To control the claims that are included and where the data comes from, use the properties of the policy for claims customization. Without a policy, the system issues tokens with the following claims:

  • The core claim set.
  • The basic claim set.
  • Any optional claims that the application has chosen to receive.


Claims in the core claim set are present in every token, regardless of what this property is set to.

String Data type Summary
IncludeBasicClaimSet Boolean (True or False) Determines whether the basic claim set is included in tokens affected by this policy. If set to True, all claims in the basic claim set are emitted in tokens affected by the policy. If set to False, claims in the basic claim set aren't in the tokens, unless they're individually added in the claims schema property of the same policy.
ClaimsSchema JSON blob with one or more claim schema entries Defines which claims are present in the tokens affected by the policy, in addition to the basic claim set and the core claim set. For each claim schema entry defined in this property, certain information is required. Specify where the data is coming from (Value, Source/ID pair, or Source/ExtensionID pair), and Claim Type, which is emitted as (JWTClaimType or SamlClaimType).

Claim schema entry elements

  • Value - Defines a static value as the data to be emitted in the claim.
  • SAMLNameForm - Defines the value for the NameFormat attribute for this claim. If present, the allowed values are:
    • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:unspecified
    • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri
    • urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic
  • Source/ID pair - Defines where the data in the claim is sourced from.
  • Source/ExtensionID pair - Defines the directory extension attribute where the data in the claim is sourced from. For more information, see Using directory extension attributes in claims.
  • Claim Type - The JwtClaimType and SamlClaimType elements define which claim this claim schema entry refers to.
    • The JwtClaimType must contain the name of the claim to be emitted in JWTs.
    • The SamlClaimType must contain the URI of the claim to be emitted in SAML tokens.

Set the Source element to one of the values in the following table.

Source value Data in claim
user Property on the User object.
application Property on the application (client) service principal.
resource Property on the resource service principal.
audience Property on the service principal that is the audience of the token (either the client or resource service principal).
company Property on the resource tenant's Company object.
transformation Claims transformation. When you use this claim, the TransformationID element must be included in the claim definition. The TransformationID element must match the ID element of the transformation entry in the ClaimsTransformation property that defines how the data for the claim is generated.

The ID element identifies the property on the source that provides the value for the claim. The following table lists the values of the ID element for each value of Source.

Source ID Description
user surname The family name of the user.
user givenname The given name of the user.
user displayname The display name of the user.
user objectid The object ID of the user.
user mail The email address of the user.
user userprincipalname The user principal name of the user.
user department The department of the user.
user onpremisessamaccountname The on-premises SAM account name of the user.
user netbiosname The NetBios name of the user.
user dnsdomainname The DNS domain name of the user.
user onpremisesecurityidentifier The on-premises security identifier of the user.
user companyname The organization name of the user.
user streetaddress The street address of the user.
user postalcode The postal code of the user.
user preferredlanguage The preferred language of the user.
user onpremisesuserprincipalname The on-premises UPN of the user. When you use an alternate ID, the on-premises attribute userPrincipalName is synchronized with the onPremisesUserPrincipalName attribute. This attribute is only available when Alternate ID is configured.
user mailnickname The mail nickname of the user.
user extensionattribute1 Extension attribute 1.
user extensionattribute2 Extension attribute 2.
user extensionattribute3 Extension attribute 3.
user extensionattribute4 Extension attribute 4.
user extensionattribute5 Extension attribute 5.
user extensionattribute6 Extension attribute 6.
user extensionattribute7 Extension attribute 7.
user extensionattribute8 Extension attribute 8.
user extensionattribute9 Extension attribute 9.
user extensionattribute10 Extension attribute 10.
user extensionattribute11 Extension attribute 11.
user extensionattribute12 Extension attribute 12.
user extensionattribute13 Extension attribute 13.
user extensionattribute14 Extension attribute 14.
user extensionattribute15 Extension attribute 15.
user othermail The other mail of the user.
user country The country/region of the user.
user city The city of the user.
user state The state of the user.
user jobtitle The job title of the user.
user employeeid The employee ID of the user.
user facsimiletelephonenumber The facsimile telephone number of the user.
user assignedroles The list of app roles assigned to the user.
user accountEnabled Indicates whether the user account is enabled.
user consentprovidedforminor Indicates whether consent was provided for a minor.
user createddatetime The date and time that the user account was created.
user creationtype Indicates how the user account was creation.
user lastpasswordchangedatetime The last date and time that the password was changed.
user mobilephone The mobile phone of the user.
user officelocation The office location of the user.
user onpremisesdomainname The on-premises domain name of the user.
user onpremisesimmutableid The on-premises immutable ID of the user.
user onpremisessyncenabled Indicates whether on-premises sync is enabled.
user preferreddatalocation Defines the preferred data location of the user.
user proxyaddresses The proxy addresses of the user.
user usertype The type of user account.
user telephonenumber The business or office phones of the user.
application, resource, audience displayname The display name of the object.
application, resource, audience objectid The ID of the object.
application, resource, audience tags The service principal tag of the object.
company tenantcountry The country/region of the tenant.

The only available multi-valued claim sources on a user object are multi-valued extension attributes that have been synced from Active Directory Connect. Other properties, such as othermails and tags, are multi-valued but only one value is emitted when selected as a source.

Names and URIs of claims in the restricted claim set can't be used for the claim type elements.

Group Filter

  • String - GroupFilter
  • Data type: - JSON blob
  • Summary - Use this property to apply a filter on the user’s groups to be included in the group claim. This property can be a useful means of reducing the token size.
  • MatchOn: - Identifies the group attribute on which to apply the filter. Set the MatchOn property to one of the following values:
    • displayname - The group display name.
    • samaccountname - The on-premises SAM account name.
  • Type - Defines the type of filter applied to the attribute selected by the MatchOn property. Set the Type property to one of the following values:
    • prefix - Include groups where the MatchOn property starts with the provided Value property.
    • suffix Include groups where the MatchOn property ends with the provided Value property.
    • contains - Include groups where the MatchOn property contains with the provided Value property.

Claims transformation

  • String - ClaimsTransformation
  • Data type - JSON blob, with one or more transformation entries
  • Summary - Use this property to apply common transformations to source data to generate the output data for claims specified in the Claims Schema.
  • ID - References the transformation entry in the TransformationID Claims Schema entry. This value must be unique for each transformation entry within this policy.
  • TransformationMethod - Identifies the operation that's performed to generate the data for the claim.

Based on the method chosen, a set of inputs and outputs is expected. Define the inputs and outputs by using the InputClaims, InputParameters and OutputClaims elements.

TransformationMethod Expected input Expected output Description
Join string1, string2, separator output claim Joins input strings by using a separator in between. For example, string1:foo@bar.com , string2:sandbox , separator:. results in output claim:foo@bar.com.sandbox.
ExtractMailPrefix Email or UPN extracted string Extension attributes 1-15 or any other directory extensions, which store a UPN or email address value for the user. For example, johndoe@contoso.com. Extracts the local part of an email address. For example, mail:foo@bar.com results in output claim:foo. If no @ sign is present, then the original input string is returned.
ToLowercase() string output string Converts the characters of the selected attribute into lowercase characters.
ToUppercase() string output string Converts the characters of the selected attribute into uppercase characters.
RegexReplace() RegexReplace() transformation accepts as input parameters:
- Parameter 1: a user attribute as regex input
- An option to trust the source as multivalued
- Regex pattern
- Replacement pattern. The replacement pattern may contain static text format along with a reference that points to regex output groups and more input parameters.
  • InputClaims - Used to pass the data from a claim schema entry to a transformation. It has three attributes: ClaimTypeReferenceId, TransformationClaimType and TreatAsMultiValue.
    • ClaimTypeReferenceId - Joined with the ID element of the claim schema entry to find the appropriate input claim.
    • TransformationClaimType Gives a unique name to this input. This name must match one of the expected inputs for the transformation method.
    • TreatAsMultiValue is a Boolean flag that indicates whether the transform should be applied to all values or just the first. By default, transformations are only applied to the first element in a multi-value claim. Setting this value to true ensures it's applied to all. ProxyAddresses and groups are two examples for input claims that you would likely want to treat as a multi-value claim.
  • InputParameters - Passes a constant value to a transformation. It has two attributes: Value and ID.
    • Value is the actual constant value to be passed.
    • ID is used to give a unique name to the input. The name must match one of the expected inputs for the transformation method.
  • OutputClaims - Holds the data generated by a transformation, and ties it to a claim schema entry. It has two attributes: ClaimTypeReferenceId and TransformationClaimType.
    • ClaimTypeReferenceId is joined with the ID of the claim schema entry to find the appropriate output claim.
    • TransformationClaimType is used to give a unique name to the output. The name must match one of the expected outputs for the transformation method.

Exceptions and restrictions

SAML NameID and UPN - The attributes from which you source the NameID and UPN values, and the claims transformations that are permitted, are limited.

Source ID Description
user mail The email address of the user.
user userprincipalname The user principal name of the user.
user onpremisessamaccountname On-premises Sam Account Name
user employeeid The employee ID of the user.
user telephonenumber The business or office phones of the user.
user extensionattribute1 Extension attribute 1.
user extensionattribute2 Extension attribute 2.
user extensionattribute3 Extension attribute 3.
user extensionattribute4 Extension attribute 4.
user extensionattribute5 Extension attribute 5.
user extensionattribute6 Extension attribute 6.
user extensionattribute7 Extension attribute 7.
user extensionattribute8 Extension attribute 8.
user extensionattribute9 Extension Attribute 9.
user extensionattribute10 Extension attribute 10.
user extensionattribute11 Extension attribute 11.
user extensionattribute12 Extension attribute 12.
user extensionattribute13 Extension attribute 13.
user extensionattribute14 Extension attribute 14.
User extensionattribute15 Extension attribute 15.

The transformation methods listed in the following table are allowed for SAML NameID.

TransformationMethod Restrictions
ExtractMailPrefix None
Join The suffix being joined must be a verified domain of the resource tenant.

Issuer With Application ID

  • String - issuerWithApplicationId
  • Data type - Boolean (True or False)
    • If set to True, the application ID is added to the issuer claim in tokens affected by the policy.
    • If set to False, the application ID isn't added to the issuer claim in tokens affected by the policy. (default)
  • Summary - Enables the application ID to be included in the issuer claim. Ensures that multiple instances of the same application have a unique claim value for each instance. This setting is ignored if a custom signing key isn't configured for the application.

Audience Override

  • String - audienceOverride
  • Data type - String
  • Summary - Enables you to override the audience claim sent to the application. The value provided must be a valid absolute URI. This setting is ignored if no custom signing key is configured for the application.

Next steps