Understand usage-based reconciliation files and their specific fields in Partner Center
Appropriate roles: Account admin | Billing admin
To reconcile your charges against a customer's usage, compare the ResellerID, ResellerName, and ResellerBillableAccount from the reconciliation file with the Customer name and Subscription ID from Partner Center.
Fields in usage-based reconciliation files
The following fields explain which services were used and their rate.
Column | Description | Sample values |
PartnerId | PartnerIDentifier, in GUID format. | DA41BC5F-C52D-4464-8A8D-8C8DCC43503B |
PartnerName | Partner name. | Contoso, Ltd. |
PartnerBillableAccountId | Partner account identifier. | 1010578050 |
CustomerCompanyName | Customer's organization name, as reported in Partner Center. Important for reconciling the invoice with your system information. | Test customer |
MpnId | Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program identifier of the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partner. | 4390934 |
ResellerMpnId | Identifier of the reseller of record for the subscription. | |
InvoiceNumber | Invoice number where the specified transaction appears. | D020001IVK |
ChargeStartDate | Start date of billing cycle, except when presenting dates of previously uncharged latent usage data (from previous bill cycle). The time is always the beginning of the day, 0:00. | 2/1/2019 0:00 |
ChargeEndDate | End date of billing cycle, except when presenting dates of previously uncharged latent usage data (from previous bill cycle). The time is always the end of the day, 23:59. | 2/28/2019 23:59 |
SubscriptionId | Unique identifier for a subscription in the Microsoft billing platform. May be useful to identify the subscription when contacting support. Not used for reconciliation. This value isn't the same as the Subscription ID on the Partner Admin Console. | usCBMgAAAAAAAAIA |
SubscriptionName | Nickname for the service offering. | Microsoft Azure |
SubscriptionDescription | Line of business of the service offering. | Microsoft Azure |
OrderID | Unique identifier for an order in the Microsoft billing platform. May be useful to identify the subscription when contacting support. Not used for reconciliation. | 566890604832738111 |
ServiceName | The name of the Azure service in question. | VIRTUAL MACHINES |
ServiceType | The specific type of Azure service. | Service Bus – Individual or Pack, SQL Azure database – Business or Web Edition |
ResourceGuid | Specific unique identifier for all the service data and pricing structure. | DA41BC5F-C52D-4464-8A8D-8C8DCC43503B |
ResourceName | The name of the Azure resource. | Data Transfer In (GB), Data Transfer Out (GB) |
Region | The region where the usage is applicable. Primarily used to assign rates to data transfers, because rates vary by region. | Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, North America |
Sku | Unique Microsoft identifier for an offer. | 7UD-00001 |
DetailLineItemId | An identifier and quantity to itemize different rates for a service or resource in a given billing period. For Azure tiered pricing, there might be one rate for up to a certain quantity of billable units, then a different rate after that quantity. | 1 |
ConsumedQuantity | The amount of service consumed (such as hours or GB) during the reporting period. Also includes any unbilled usage from previous reporting periods. | 11 |
IncludedQuantity | Units included as part of the offer. Typically not present in CSP. | 0 |
OverageQuantity | Units not included as part of the offer. The partner must pay for these excess usage. Equal to ConsumedQuantity minus IncludedQuantity. | 11 |
ListPrice | Offer price in effect at subscription's start date. | $0.0808 |
PretaxCharges | Equal to ListPrist multiplied by OverageQuantity, rounded to the nearest cent. | $0.085 |
TaxAmount | Tax amount charged. Based on your market's tax rules and specific circumstances. | $0.08 |
PostTaxTotal | Total after tax, when tax is applicable. | $0.93 |
Currency | Currency type. Each billing entity has only one currency. Check that it matches your first invoice and then after any major billing platform updates. | EUR |
PretaxEffectiveRate | Pretax price per unit. Equal to PretaxCharges divided by OverageQuantity, rounded to the nearest cent. | $0.08 |
PostTaxEffectiveRate | Post tax price per unit. Equal to PostTaxTotal divided by OverageQuantity, rounded to the nearest cent. Or, equal to PretaxEffectiveRate plus the tax rate per unit amount, rounded to the nearest cent. | $0.08 |
ChargeType | The type of charge or adjustment. | See charge types. |
CustomerId | Unique Microsoft identifier for the customer, in GUID format. | ORDDC52E52FDEF405786F0642DD0108BE4 |
DomainName | Customer's domain name. This field might appear blank until the second billing cycle. | example.onmicrosoft.com |
BillingCycleType | Time billing frequency. | Monthly |
Unit | The unit of the resource Name. | GB or HOURS |
CustomerBillableAccount | Unique account identifier in the Microsoft billing platform. | 1280018095 |
UsageDate | Date of service deployment. | 2/1/2019 0:00 |
MeteredRegion | Identifies the location of a data center within the region (for services where this value is applicable and populated). | East Asia, South East Asia, North Europe, West Europe, North Central US, South Central US |
MeteredService | Identifies individual Azure service usage when the ServiceName column doesn’t specify it. For example, data transfers are reported as Microsoft Azure - All Services in the ServiceName column. | AccessControl, CDN, Compute, Database, ServiceBus, Storage |
MeteredServiceType | Subheading for MeteredService field that provides another clarification of Azure service usage. | EXTERNAL |
Project | Customer-defined name for their service instance. | ORDDC52E52FDEF405786F0642DD0108BE4 |
ServiceInfo | The number of Azure Service Bus connections that were provisioned and utilized on a given day. | 1.000000 Connections / 30 days (if you had an individually provisioned connection during a 30-day month), 25 Connections / 30 Days – Used: 1.000000 (if you had a 25 pack of Service Bus connections provisioned and you utilized 1 during that day) |