Cart resources
Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government
A partner places an order when a customer wants to buy a subscription from a list of offers.
Describes a cart.
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | A cart identifier that is supplied upon successful creation of the cart. |
creationTimeStamp | DateTime | The date the cart was created, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the cart. |
lastModifiedTimeStamp | DateTime | The date the cart was last updated, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of the cart. |
expirationTimeStamp | DateTime | The date the cart will expire, in date-time format. Applied upon successful creation of cart. |
lastModifiedUser | string | The user who last updated the cart. Applied upon successful creation of cart. |
lineItems | Array of objects | An Array of CartLineItem resources. |
status | string | The status of the cart. Possible values are "Active" (can be updated/submitted) and "Ordered" (has already been submitted). |
Represents one item contained in a cart.
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | A unique identifier for a cart line item. Applied upon successful creation of cart. |
catalogItemId | string | The catalog item identifier. |
friendlyName | string | Optional. The friendly name for the item defined by the partner to help disambiguate. |
quantity | int | The number of licenses or instances. |
currencyCode | string | The currency code. |
billingCycle | Object | The type of billing cycle set for the current period. |
termDuration | string | An ISO 8601 representation of the term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (one month), P1Y (one year) and P3Y (three years). |
participants | List of Object String pairs | A collection of PartnerID on Record on the purchase. |
provisioningContext | Dictionary<string, string> | Additional context used when provisioning the purchased item. To determine which values are needed for a particular item, refer to the SKU's provisioningVariables property. |
orderGroup | string | A group to indicate which items can be submitted together in the same order. |
addonItems | List of CartLineItem objects | A collection of cart line items for addons. These items will be purchased towards the base subscription that results from the root cart line item's purchase. |
error | Object | Applied after cart is created if an error occurred. |
renewsTo | Array of objects | An array of RenewsTo resources. |
AttestationAccepted | bool | Indicates agreement to offer or sku conditions. Required only for offers or skus where SkuAttestationProperties or OfferAttestationProperties enforceAttestation is True. |
promotionId | string | The promotion ID that is about to be applied to the cart line item. |
customTermEndDate | DateTime | The end date of the first billing term of the new subscription. |
Represents the price details. Price amounts are provided before taxation.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
listPrice | double | No | Price listed in the catalog without any pricing modifiers applied. |
discountedPrice | double | No | Price after applying all applicable pricing modifier. |
proratedPrice | double | No | Discounted price after proration has been performed. |
price | double | No | Price in the applicable billing currency after all discounts have been applied and proration has been performed. |
extendedPrice | double | No | Price of the line item with quantity, discounts and proration applied, in the applicable billing currency. |
Represents one item contained in a cart line item.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
termDuration | string | No | An ISO 8601 representation of the renewal term's duration. The current supported values are P1M (one month) and P1Y (one year). |
Response success and error codes
Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center error codes.
Represents an error that occurs after a cart is created.
Property | Type | Description |
errorCode | CartErrorCode | The type of cart error. |
errorDescription | string | The error description, including any notes about supported values, default values, or limits. |
additionalInformation | AdditionalInformation | Additional information for the error. |
Additional information about the error.
Property | Type | Description |
availableQuantity | int | The number of remaining licenses that can be purchased for the given product SKU. |
purchasedQuantity | int | The number of licenses being purchased. |
Types of cart errors.
Name | ErrorCode | Description |
CurrencyIsNotSupported | 10000 | Currency isn't supported for given market |
CatalogItemIdIsNotValid | 10001 | Catalog item ID isn't valid |
QuotaNotAvailable | 10002 | Not enough quota available |
InventoryNotAvailable | 10003 | Inventory isn't available for selected offer |
ParticipantsIsNotSupportedForPartner | 10004 | Setting participants isn't supported for Partner |
UnableToProcessCartLineItem | 10006 | Unable to process cart line item. |
SubscriptionIsNotValid | 10007 | Subscription isn't valid. |
SubscriptionIsNotEnabledForRI | 10008 | Subscription isn't enabled for reservation purchases. |
SandboxLimitExceeded | 10009 | The sandbox limit has been exceeded. |
InvalidInput | 10010 | Generic input isn't valid. |
SubscriptionNotRegistered | 10011 | Subscription isn't valid. |
AttestationNotAccepted | 10012 | Attestation hasn't been accepted. |
MaxAllowedSeatsPerSubscriptionExceeded | 10015 | Requested number of seats exceeds the limit. |
Unknown | 0 | Default value |
Represents the result of a cart checkout.
Property | Type | Description |
orders | List of Order objects. | The collection of orders. |
orderErrors | List of OrderError objects. | The collection of order errors. |
Represents an error that occurs during a cart checkout when an order is created.
Property | Type | Description |
orderGroupId | string | The order group ID of the order with the error. |
code | int | The error code. |
description | string | The description of the error. |