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Create a SelfServePolicy

This article explains how to create a new self-serve policy.



Create a self-serve policy:

  1. Call the IAggregatePartner.SelfServePolicies.Create or IAggregatePartner.SelfServePolicies.CreateAsync method with the self-serve policy info.
// IAggregatePartner partnerOperations;
string customerIdAsEntity;

var selfServePolicy = new SelfServePolicy
    SelfServeEntity = new SelfServeEntity
        SelfServeEntityType = "customer",
        TenantID = customerIdAsEntity,
    Grantor = new Grantor
        GrantorType = "billToPartner",
        TenantID = partnerIdAsGrantor,
    Permissions = new Permission[]
        new Permission
        Action = "Purchase",
        Resource = "AzureReservedInstances",
        new Permission
        Action = "Purchase",
        Resource = "AzureSavingsPlan",

// All the operations executed on this partner operation instance will share the same correlation Id but will differ in request Id
IPartner scopedPartnerOperations = partnerOperations.With(RequestContextFactory.Instance.Create(Guid.NewGuid()));

// creates the self-serve policy
SelfServePolicy createdSelfServePolicy = scopedPartnerOperations.selfServePolicies.Create(selfServePolicy);

For an example, see the following:

  • Sample: Console test app
  • Project: PartnerSDK.FeatureSamples
  • Class: CreateSelfServePolicies.cs

REST request

Request syntax

Method Request URI
POST {baseURL}/v1/SelfServePolicy HTTP/1.1

Request headers

Request body

This table describes the required properties in the request body.

Name Type Description
SelfServePolicy object The self-serve policy information.


This table describes the minimum required fields from the SelfServePolicy resource needed to create a new self-serve policy.

Property Type Description
SelfServeEntity SelfServeEntity The self-serve entity that is being granted access.
Grantor Grantor The grantor that is granting access.
Permissions Array of Permission An Array of Permission resources.

Request example

POST https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/v1/SelfServePolicy HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: 94e4e214-6b06-4fb7-96d1-94d559f9b47f
MS-CorrelationId: ab993325-1605-4cf4-bac4-fb584142a31b
X-Locale: en-US
Content-Type: application/json
Host: api.partnercenter.microsoft.com
Content-Length: 789
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

    "selfServeEntity": {
        "selfServeEntityType": "customer",
        "tenantID": "0431a72c-7d8a-4393-b25e-ef63f5efb415"
    "grantor": {
        "grantorType": "billToPartner",
        "tenantID": "634f6379-ad54-449b-9821-564f737158ab"
    "permissions": [
            "resource": "AzureReservedInstances",
            "action": "Purchase"
            "resource": "AzureSavingsPlan",
            "action": "Purchase"

REST response

If successful, this API returns a SelfServePolicy resource for the new self-serve policy.

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Partner Center REST error codes.

This method returns the following error codes:

HTTP Status Code Error code Description
409 600041 Self-serve policy already exists.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 834
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: ab993325-1605-4cf4-bac4-fb584142a31b
MS-RequestId: 94e4e214-6b06-4fb7-96d1-94d559f9b47f
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2017 20:06:02 GMT

    "id": "634f6379-ad54-449b-9821-564f737158ab_0431a72c-7d8a-4393-b25e-ef63f5efb415",
    "selfServeEntity": {
        "selfServeEntityType": "customer",
        "tenantID": "0431a72c-7d8a-4393-b25e-ef63f5efb415"
    "grantor": {
        "grantorType": "billToPartner",
        "tenantID": "634f6379-ad54-449b-9821-564f737158ab"
    "permissions": [
            "resource": "AzureReservedInstances",
            "action": "Purchase"
            "resource": "AzureSavingsPlan",
            "action": "Purchase"
    "attributes": {
        "etag": "\"933523d1-3f63-4fc3-8789-5e21c02cdaed\"",
        "objectType": "SelfServePolicy"