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Get subscription analytics grouped by dates or terms

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

How to get subscription analytics information for your customers grouped by dates or terms.


REST request

Request syntax

Method Request URI
GET {baseURL}/partner/v1/analytics/subscriptions?groupby={groupby_queries}

URI parameters

Use the following required path parameters to identify your organization and to group the results.

Name Type Required Description
groupby_queries pairs of strings and dateTime Yes The terms and dates to filter the result.

GroupBy syntax

The group by parameter must be composed as a series of comma separated, field values.

An unencoded example looks like this:


The following table shows a list of the supported fields for group by.

Field Type Description
customerTenantId string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the customer tenant.
customerName string The name of the customer.
customerMarket string The country/region that the customer does business in.
id string A GUID-formatted string that identifies the subscription.
status string The subscription status. Supported values are: "ACTIVE", "SUSPENDED", or "DEPROVISIONED".
productName string The name of the product.
subscriptionType string The subscription type. Note: This field is case-sensitive. Supported values are: "Office", "Azure", "Microsoft365", "Dynamics", "EMS".
autoRenewEnabled Boolean A value indicating whether the subscription is renewed automatically.
partnerId string The PartnerID. For a direct reseller, this parameter will be the PartnerID of the partner. For an indirect reseller, this parameter will be the PartnerID of the indirect reseller.
friendlyName string The name of the subscription.
partnerName string Name of the partner for whom the subscription was purchased
providerName string When subscription transaction is for the indirect reseller, provider name is the indirect provider who bought the subscription.
creationDate string in UTC date time format The date the subscription was created.
effectiveStartDate string in UTC date time format The date the subscription starts.
commitmentEndDate string in UTC date time format The date the subscription ends.
currentStateEndDate string in UTC date time format The date that the current status of the subscription will change.
trialToPaidConversionDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription converts from trial to paid. The default value is null.
trialStartDate string in UTC date time format The date that the trial period for the subscription started. The default value is null.
lastUsageDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription was last used. The default value is null.
deprovisionedDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription was deprovisioned. The default value is null.
lastRenewalDate string in UTC date time format The date that the subscription was last renewed. The default value is null.

Filter fields

The following table lists optional filter fields and their descriptions:

Field Type Description
top int The number of rows of data to return in the request. If the value isn't specified, the maximum value and the default value are 10000. If there are more rows in the query, the response body includes a next link that you can use to request the next page of data.
skip int The number of rows to skip in the query. Use this parameter to page through large data sets. For example, top=10000 and skip=0 retrieves the first 10000 rows of data, top=10000 and skip=10000 retrieves the next 10000 rows of data.
filter string One or more statements that filter the rows in the response. Each filter statement contains a field name from the response body and a value that are associated with the eq, ne, or for certain fields, the contains operator. Statements can be combined using and or or. String values must be surrounded by single quotes in the filter parameter. See the following section for a list of fields that can be filtered and the operators that are supported with those fields.
aggregationLevel string Specifies the time range for which to retrieve aggregate data. Can be one of the following strings: day, week, or month. If the value isn't specified, the default is dateRange. Note: This parameter applies only when a date field is passed as part of the groupBy parameter.
groupBy string A statement that applies data aggregation only to the specified fields.

Request headers

For more information, see Partner Center REST headers.

Request body


Request example

GET https://api.partnercenter.microsoft.com/partner/v1/analytics/subscriptions?groupBy=subscriptionType
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Accept: application/json
MS-RequestId: ca7c39f7-1a80-43bc-90d8-ee7d1cad3123
MS-CorrelationId: ec8f62e5-1d92-47e9-8d5d-1924af105123
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 0

REST response

If successful, the response body contains a collection of Subscription resources grouped by the specified terms and dates.

Response success and error codes

Each response comes with an HTTP status code that indicates success or failure and additional debugging information. Use a network trace tool to read this code, error type, and additional parameters. For the full list, see Error Codes.

Response example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 177
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
MS-CorrelationId: ca7c39f7-1a80-43bc-90d8-ee7d1cad3123
MS-RequestId: ec8f62e5-1d92-47e9-8d5d-1924af105123
  "Value": [
      "subscriptionType": "Azure",
      "subscriptionCount": "63",
      "licenseCount": "0"
      "subscriptionType": "Dynamics",
      "subscriptionCount": "62",
      "licenseCount": "405"
      "subscriptionType": "EMS",
      "subscriptionCount": "39",
      "licenseCount": "193"
      "subscriptionType": "M365",
      "subscriptionCount": "2",
      "licenseCount": "5"
      "subscriptionType": "Office",
      "subscriptionCount": "906",
      "licenseCount": "7485"
      "subscriptionType": "UNKNOWN",
      "subscriptionCount": "104",
      "licenseCount": "439"
      "subscriptionType": "Windows",
      "subscriptionCount": "2",
      "licenseCount": "2"
  "@nextLink": null,
  "TotalCount": 7

See also

Partner Center Analytics - Resources