इसके माध्यम से साझा किया गया

AttributeMetadata EntityType

Base type: 
Operations supported: 


Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity.

Name Type Details
AttributeOf Edm.String

The name of the attribute that this attribute extends.

AttributeType AttributeTypeCode

The type for the attribute.

AttributeTypeName AttributeTypeDisplayName

The name of the type for the attribute.

AutoNumberFormat Edm.String

Defines the output string format of an autonumber value.

CanBeSecuredForCreate Edm.Boolean

Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from adding data to this attribute.

CanBeSecuredForRead Edm.Boolean

Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from viewing data from this attribute.

CanBeSecuredForUpdate Edm.Boolean

Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from updating data for this attribute.

CanModifyAdditionalSettings BooleanManagedProperty

Whether any settings not controlled by managed properties can be changed.

ColumnNumber Edm.Int32

An organization-specific ID for the attribute used for auditing.

CreatedOn Edm.DateTimeOffset

When the column was created.

DeprecatedVersion Edm.String

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 version that the attribute was deprecated in.

Description Label

The label containing the description for the attribute.

DisplayName Label

A label containing the display name for the attribute.

EntityLogicalName Edm.String

The logical name of the entity that contains the attribute.

ExternalName Edm.String

The external name of an object, typically based on it's name in it's original source.

HasChanged Edm.Boolean

Indicates whether the item of metadata has changed.

Inherited from: MetadataBase

InheritsFrom Edm.String

For internal use only.

IntroducedVersion Edm.String

A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in.

IsAuditEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the attribute is enabled for auditing.

IsCustomAttribute Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute is a custom attribute.

IsCustomizable BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the attribute allows customization.

IsDataSourceSecret Edm.Boolean
IsFilterable Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsGlobalFilterEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

For internal use only.

IsLogical Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute is a logical attribute.

IsManaged Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute is part of a managed solution.

IsPrimaryId Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute represents the unique identifier for the record.

IsPrimaryName Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute represents the primary attribute for the entity.

IsRenameable BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the attribute display name can be changed.

IsRequiredForForm Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute must be included in a form in a model-driven app.

IsRetrievable Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsSearchable Edm.Boolean

For internal use only.

IsSecured Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute is secured for field-level security.

IsSortableEnabled BooleanManagedProperty

For internal use only.

IsValidForAdvancedFind BooleanManagedProperty

Whether the attribute appears in Advanced Find.

IsValidForCreate Edm.Boolean

Whether the value can be set when a record is created.

IsValidForForm Edm.Boolean

Whether the column can be added to a form in a model-driven app.

IsValidForGrid Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute can be included in a view.

IsValidForRead Edm.Boolean

Whether the value can be retrieved.

IsValidForUpdate Edm.Boolean

Whether the value can be updated.

IsValidODataAttribute Edm.Boolean

Whether the attribute represents a property that is available in the Web API.

LinkedAttributeId Edm.Guid

The id of the attribute that is linked between appointments and recurring appointments.

LogicalName Edm.String

The logical name for the attribute.

MetadataId Edm.Guid

A unique identifier for the metadata item.

Inherited from: MetadataBase

ModifiedOn Edm.DateTimeOffset

When the column was last modified.

RequiredLevel AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty

The property that determines the data entry requirement level enforced for the attribute.

SchemaName Edm.String

The schema name for the attribute.

Settings Collection(EntitySetting)

For internal use only.

SourceType Edm.Int32

A value that indicates the source type for a calculated or rollup attribute.

Derived types

The following entity types inherit from the AttributeMetadata entity type.

Name Description
BigIntAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a BigInt attribute.
BooleanAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a Boolean attribute.
DateTimeAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a DateTime attribute.
DecimalAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a Decimal attribute.
DoubleAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a Double attribute.
EnumAttributeMetadata An abstract class that contains the data for an attribute that provides options.
FileAttributeMetadata An abstract class that contains the metadata for an attribute type File.
ImageAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a Image attribute
IntegerAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a Integer attribute.
LookupAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a lookup attribute.
ManagedPropertyAttributeMetadata For internal use only.
MemoAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for the attribute type Memo.
MoneyAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a Money attribute.
StringAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for an String attribute.
UniqueIdentifierAttributeMetadata Represents the unique identifier attribute metadata.

Used by

The following use the AttributeMetadata metadata entity type.

Name How used
EntityMetadata Attributes NavigationProperty

See also