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Detailed activity properties in the audit log

When you export the results of an audit log search from the Microsoft Purview portal or from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, you can download all the results that meet your search criteria. You can export this information by selecting Export results > Download all results on the Audit log search page. For more information, see Search the audit log.

When you export all results for an audit log search, the raw data from the unified audit log is copied to a comma-separated value (CSV) file that is downloaded to your local computer. This file contains additional property information from each audit activity record in a column named AuditData. This column contains a multi-value property for multiple properties from the audit log record. Each of the property: value pairs in this multi-value property are separated by a comma.

The following table describes the activity properties that are included (depending on the service in which an activity occurs) in the multi-property AuditData column. The Microsoft service that has this property column indicates the service and type of activity (user or admin) that includes the property. For more detailed information about these properties or about properties that may not be listed in this article, see Management Activity API Schema.


You can use the JSON transform feature in Power Query in Excel to split the AuditData column into multiple columns so that each property has its own column. This lets you sort and filter on one or more of these properties. To learn how to do this, see Export, configure, and view audit log records.

Property Description Microsoft service that has this property
Actor The user or service account that performed the action. Azure Active Directory
AddOnName The name of an add-on that was added, removed, or updated in a team. The type of add-ons in Microsoft Teams is a bot, a connector, or a tab. Microsoft Teams
AddOnType The type of an add-on that was added, removed, or updated in a team. The following values indicate the type of add-on.
1 - Indicates a bot.
2 - Indicates a connector.
3 - Indicates a tab.
Microsoft Teams
AppAccessContext The application context for the user or service principal that performed the action. Microsoft Teams
ArtifactShared Files or content shared by the user. Microsoft Teams
AzureActiveDirectoryEventType The type of Azure Active Directory activity. The following values indicate the type of activity.
0 - Indicates an account login activity.
1 - Indicates an Azure application security activity.
Azure Active Directory
ChannelGuid The ID of a Microsoft Teams channel. The team that the channel is located in is identified by the TeamName and TeamGuid properties. Microsoft Teams
ChannelName The name of a Microsoft Teams channel. The team that the channel is located in is identified by the TeamName and TeamGuid properties. Microsoft Teams
Client The client device, the device OS, and the device browser used for the login activity (for example, Nokia Lumia 920; Windows Phone 8; IE Mobile 11). Azure Active Directory
ClientInfoString Information about the email client that was used to perform the operation, such as a browser version, Outlook version, and mobile device information Exchange (mailbox activity)
ClientIP The IP address of the device that was used when the activity was logged. The IP address is displayed in either an IPv4 or IPv6 address format.

For some services, the value displayed in this property might be the IP address for a trusted application (for example, Office on the web apps) calling into the service on behalf of a user and not the IP address of the device used by person who performed the activity.

Also, for admin activity (or activity performed by a system account) for Azure Active Directory-related activities, the IP address isn't logged and the value for the ClientIP property is null.
Azure Active Directory, Exchange, SharePoint
CreationTime The date and time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when the audit log record is generated. All
CurrentProtectionType A complex property type containing fields to describe the current protection status of a document. Includes the following:

ProtectionType: Enumerates the type of protection applied to the document. These values and their meanings apply: 0 (no protection), 1 (template-based protection), 2 (don't forward, for email), 3 (encrypt only), and 4 (custom, user configured protection)
Owner: The email address of the user that configured protection.
TemplateId: When the ProtectionType is set to 1 (template), this field contains the GUID of the template applied to the document. When the value of ProtectionType doesn't equal 1, this field is blank.
DocumentEncrypted: Boolean flag indicating if any type of encryption is applied to the document. Values are True or False.
DestinationFileExtension The file extension of a file that is copied or moved. This property is displayed only for the FileCopied and FileMoved user activities. SharePoint
DestinationFileName The name of the file is copied or moved. This property is displayed only for the FileCopied and FileMoved actions. SharePoint
DestinationRelativeUrl The URL of the destination folder where a file is copied or moved. The combination of the values for the SiteURL, the DestinationRelativeURL, and the DestinationFileName property is the same as the value for the ObjectID property, which is the full path name for the file that was copied. This property is displayed only for the FileCopied and FileMoved user activities. SharePoint
EventSource Identifies that an activity occurred in SharePoint. Possible values are SharePoint and ObjectModel. SharePoint
ExternalAccess For Exchange admin activity, specifies whether the cmdlet was run by a user in your organization, by Microsoft datacenter personnel or a datacenter service account, or by a delegated administrator. The value False indicates that the cmdlet was run by someone in your organization. The value True indicates that the cmdlet was run by datacenter personnel, a datacenter service account, or a delegated administrator.
For Exchange mailbox activity, specifies whether a mailbox was accessed by a user outside your organization.
ExtendedProperties The extended properties for an Azure Active Directory activity. Azure Active Directory
ID The ID of the report entry. The ID uniquely identifies the report entry. All
InternalLogonType Reserved for internal use. Exchange (mailbox activity)
ItemType The type of object that was accessed or modified. Possible values include File, Folder, Web, Site, Tenant, and DocumentLibrary. SharePoint
IsJoinedFromLobby Whether or not the user joined a Teams session from the lobby. Microsoft Teams
LoginStatus Identifies login failures that might have occurred. Azure Active Directory
LogonType The type of mailbox access. The following values indicate the type of user who accessed the mailbox.

0 - Indicates a mailbox owner.
1 - Indicates an administrator.
2 - Indicates a delegate.
3 - Indicates the transport service in the Microsoft datacenter.
4 - Indicates a service account in the Microsoft datacenter.
6 - Indicates a delegated administrator.
Exchange (mailbox activity)
MailboxGuid The Exchange GUID of the mailbox that was accessed. Exchange (mailbox activity)
MailboxOwnerUPN The email address of the person who owns the mailbox that was accessed. Exchange (mailbox activity)
Members Lists the users that have been added or removed from a team. The following values indicate the Role type assigned to the user.

1 - Indicates the Owner role.
2 - Indicates the Member role.
3 - Indicates the Guest role.

The Members property also includes the name of your organization, and the member's email address.
Microsoft Teams
ModifiedProperties (Name, NewValue, OldValue) The property is included for admin activities, such as adding a user as a member of a site or a site collection admin group. The property includes the name of the property that was modified (for example, the Site Admin group) the new value of the modified property (such the user who was added as a site admin, and the previous value of the modified object). All (admin activity)
ObjectFullyQualifiedName The fully qualified name for an entity. Microsoft Purview (governance)
ObjectId For Exchange admin audit logging, the name of the object that was modified by the cmdlet.
For SharePoint activity, the full URL path name of the file or folder accessed by a user.
For Azure AD activity, the name of the user account that was modified.
ObjectName The main entity name. Microsoft Purview (governance)
ObjectType The entity type. Microsoft Purview (governance)
OldValue The value before a change, includes all properties updated or deleted. Microsoft Purview (governance)
Operation The name of the user or admin activity. The value of this property corresponds to the value that was selected in the Activities drop down list. If Show results for all activities was selected, the report will included entries for all user and admin activities for all services. For a description of the operations/activities that are logged in the audit log, see the Audited activities tab in Search the audit log in the Office 365.
For Exchange admin activity, this property identifies the name of the cmdlet that was run.
OrganizationId The GUID for your organization. All
NewValue The value after a change, includes all properties updated or deleted. Microsoft Purview (governance)
Path The name of the mailbox folder where the message that was accessed is located. This property also identifies the folder a where a message is created in or copied/moved to. Exchange (mailbox activity)
Parameters For Exchange admin activity, the name and value for all parameters that were used with the cmdlet that is identified in the Operation property. Exchange (admin activity)
ParticipantInfo Additional properties about the participant identity. Microsoft Teams
ParticipatingDomainInformation Domain information about the participant. Microsoft Teams
PreviousProtectionType A complex property type containing fields to describe the previous protection status of a document. Includes the following:

ProtectionType: Enumerates the type of protection applied to the document. These values and their meanings apply: 0 (no protection), 1 (template-based protection), 2 (don't forward, for email), 3 (encrypt only), and 4 (custom, user configured protection)
Owner: The email address of the user that configured protection.
TemplateId: When the ProtectionType is set to 1 (template), this field contains the GUID of the template applied to the document. When the value of ProtectionType doesn't equal 1, this field is blank.
DocumentEncrypted: Boolean flag indicating if any type of encryption is applied to the document. Values are True or False.
ProtectionEventType Enumerates how the protection was changed by the operation being audited. The following values and meanings apply:

0 - Indicates unchanged.
1 - Indicates added.
2 - Indicates changed.
3 - Indicates removed.
RecordType The type of operation indicated by the record. This property indicates the service or feature that the operation was triggered in. For a list of record types and their corresponding ENUM value (which is the value displayed in the RecordType property in an audit record), see Audit log record type.
ResultStatus Indicates whether the action (specified in the Operation property) was successful or not.
For Exchange admin activity, the value is either True (successful) or False (failed).
SecurityComplianceCenterEventType Indicates that the activity was a Microsoft Purview portal and compliance portal activity. All Microsoft Purview portal and compliance portal activities will have a value of 0 for this property. Microsoft Purview portal
Microsoft Purview compliance portal
SensitivityLabel The sensitivity label assigned to a specific mail item. Exchange
SharingType The type of sharing permissions that was assigned to the user that the resource was shared with. This user is identified in the UserSharedWith property. SharePoint
Site The GUID of the site where the file or folder accessed by the user is located. SharePoint
SiteUrl The URL of the site where the file or folder accessed by the user is located. SharePoint
SourceFileExtension The file extension of the file that was accessed by the user. This property is blank if the object that was accessed is a folder. SharePoint
SourceFileName The name of the file or folder accessed by the user. SharePoint
SourceRelativeUrl The URL of the folder that contains the file accessed by the user. The combination of the values for the SiteURL, the SourceRelativeURL, and the SourceFileName property is the same as the value for the ObjectID property, which is the full path name for the file accessed by the user. SharePoint
Subject The subject line of the message that was accessed. Exchange (mailbox activity)
TabType The type of tab added, removed, or updated in a team. The possible values for this property are:

Excel pin - An Excel tab.
Extension - All first-party and third-party apps; such as Class Schedule, VSTS, and Forms.
Notes - OneNote tab.
Pdfpin - A PDF tab.
Powerbi - A Power BI tab.
Powerpointpin - A PowerPoint tab.
Sharepointfiles - A SharePoint tab.
Webpage - A pinned website tab.
Wiki-tab - A wiki tab.
Wordpin - A Word tab.
Microsoft Teams
Target The user that the action (identified in the Operation property) was performed on. For example, if a guest is added to SharePoint or a Microsoft Team, that user would be listed in this property. Azure Active Directory
TeamGuid The ID of a team in Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams
TeamName The name of a team in Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams
UserAgent Information about the user's browser. This information is provided by the browser. SharePoint
UserDomain Identity information about the tenant organization of the user (actor) who performed the action. Azure Active Directory
UserId The user who performed the action (specified in the Operation property) that resulted in the record being logged. Audit records for activity performed by system accounts (such as SHAREPOINT\system or NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) are also included in the audit log. Another common value for the UserId property is app@sharepoint. This indicates that the "user" who performed the activity was an application that has the necessary permissions in SharePoint to perform organization-wide actions (such as search a SharePoint site or OneDrive account) on behalf of a user, admin, or service.

For more information, see:
The app@sharepoint user in audit records
System accounts in Exchange mailbox audit records.
UserKey Contains a valid Azure Active Directory Object ID in GUID format or hex format. For scenarios where the primary actor isn't a user, the UserKey is an empty string. See UserType and UserKey scenarios for details on various UserKey scenarios. All
UserType The type of user that performed the operation. See the UserType and UserKey scenarios for details on various UserType scenarios. All
Version Indicates the version number of the activity (identified by the Operation property) that's logged. All
Workload The Microsoft 365 service where the activity occurred. All

UserType and UserKey scenarios

The following table provides details for UserType and UserKey scenarios:

Value UserType member name Description UserKey
0 Regular A regular user without admin permissions. Microsoft Entra Object ID in GUID format
2 Admin An administrator in your Microsoft 365 organization.1 Microsoft Entra Object ID in GUID format
3 DCAdmin A Microsoft datacenter administrator or datacenter system account. Microsoft Entra Object ID in GUID format
4 System An audit event triggered by server-side logic. For example, Windows services or background processes. Guid.Empty.ToString() (or the value '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
5 Application An audit event triggered by a Microsoft Entra application. Microsoft Entra Application Name or Application ID (when available). Otherwise, an empty string.
6 ServicePrincipal A service principal. Guid.Empty.ToString() (or the value '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
7 CustomPolicy A customer created or managed policy. Guid.Empty.ToString() (or the value '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
8 SystemPolicy A Microsoft-managed or system policy. Guid.Empty.ToString() (or the value '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
9 PartnerTechnician A partner tenant's user working on behalf of the customer tenant (in GDAP scenarios). Guid.Empty.ToString() (or the value '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').
10 Guest A guest or anonymous user. Guid.Empty.ToString() (or the value '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000').


1 For Microsoft Entra related events, the value for an administrator isn't used in an audit record. Audit records for activities performed by administrators will indicate that a regular user (for example, UserType: 0) performed the activity. The UserID property will identify the person (regular user or administrator) who performed the activity.