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Monitor Big Data Clusters by using azdata and kubectl

This article explains how to view the status of a big data cluster using azdata and kubectl.


The Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters add-on will be retired. Support for SQL Server 2019 Big Data Clusters will end on February 28, 2025. All existing users of SQL Server 2019 with Software Assurance will be fully supported on the platform and the software will continue to be maintained through SQL Server cumulative updates until that time. For more information, see the announcement blog post and Big data options on the Microsoft SQL Server platform.

Use azdata

You can also use azdata commands to view both endpoints and the cluster status.

Service endpoints

  1. Authenticate to the big data cluster with azdata login. Set the --controller-endpoint parameter to the external IP address of the controller endpoint.

    azdata login --endpoint https://<ip-address-of-controller-svc-external>:30080 --username <user-name>
  2. Specify the username and password that you configured for the controller (AZDATA_USERNAME and AZDATA_PASSWORD) during deployment.

    For AD authentication, the command is:

    azdata login --endpoint https://<control_domain_name>:30080 --auth ad
  3. Run azdata bdc endpoint list to get a list with a description of each endpoint and their corresponding IP address and port values.

    azdata bdc endpoint list -o table

    The following list shows sample output from this command:

    Description                                             Endpoint                                                   Ip              Name               Port    Protocol
    ------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------  --------------  -----------------  ------  ----------
    Gateway to access HDFS files, Spark                                  gateway            30443   https
    Spark Jobs Management and Monitoring Dashboard  spark-history      30443   https
    Spark Diagnostics and Monitoring Dashboard      yarn-ui            30443   https
    Application Proxy                                                    app-proxy          30778   https
    Management Proxy                                                     mgmtproxy          30777   https
    Log Search Dashboard                                          logsui             30777   https
    Metrics Dashboard                                            metricsui          30777   https
    Cluster Management Service                                           controller         30080   https
    SQL Server Master Instance Front-End          ,31433                               sql-server-master  31433   tcp
    HDFS File System Proxy                          webhdfs            30443   https
    Proxy for running Spark statements, jobs, applications  livy               30443   https

View cluster status

You can view the status of the cluster with the azdata bdc status show command.

azdata bdc status show


To run the status commands, you must first log in with the azdata login command, which was shown in the previous endpoints section.

The following shows sample output from this command:

 Bdc: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                          Health Status:  healthy
 Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                     Health Status:  healthy
 Servicename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 spark          ready    healthy         -
 sql            ready    healthy         -
 hdfs           ready    healthy         -
 control        ready    healthy         -
 gateway        ready    healthy         -
 app            ready    healthy         -

 Spark Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                               Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 sparkhead       ready    healthy         StatefulSet sparkhead is healthy
 storage-0       ready    healthy         StatefulSet storage-0 is healthy

 Sql Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                 Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 master          ready    healthy         StatefulSet master is healthy
 compute-0       ready    healthy         StatefulSet compute-0 is healthy
 data-0          ready    healthy         StatefulSet data-0 is healthy
 storage-0       ready    healthy         StatefulSet storage-0 is healthy

 Hdfs Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 nmnode-0        ready    healthy         StatefulSet nmnode-0 is healthy
 zookeeper       ready    healthy         StatefulSet zookeeper is healthy
 storage-0       ready    healthy         StatefulSet storage-0 is healthy
 sparkhead       ready    healthy         StatefulSet sparkhead is healthy

 Control Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                             Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 controldb       ready    healthy         StatefulSet controldb is healthy
 control         ready    healthy         ReplicaSet control is healthy
 metricsdc       ready    healthy         DaemonSet metricsdc is healthy
 metricsui       ready    healthy         ReplicaSet metricsui is healthy
 metricsdb       ready    healthy         StatefulSet metricsdb is healthy
 logsui          ready    healthy         ReplicaSet logsui is healthy
 logsdb          ready    healthy         StatefulSet logsdb is healthy
 mgmtproxy       ready    healthy         ReplicaSet mgmtproxy is healthy
 controlwd       ready    healthy         ReplicaSet controlwd is healthy

 Gateway Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                             Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 gateway         ready    healthy         StatefulSet gateway is healthy

 App Services: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                 Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 appproxy        ready    healthy         ReplicaSet appproxy is healthy

Specific resource status

You can view the status of a specific resource within the cluster with the azdata bdc status show command. When you use this command, you can filter using --resource parameter. Few examples of inputs for --resource parameter are:

  • master
  • control
  • compute-0
  • storage-0
  • gateway

For example, the following command displays the status of the storage pool:

azdata bdc status show --all --resource storage-0

To see the status of all components that are running a specific service, you must use the corresponding command group azdata bdc <serviceName> status show. For example:

  • azdata bdc sql status show --all
  • azdata bdc hdfs status show --all
  • azdata bdc spark status show --all

Sample output:

  Storage-0: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                    Health Status:  healthy
 Instances: running                                                                                                                                                                                                  Health Status:  healthy
 Instancename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 storage-0-0     running  healthy         Pod storage-0-0 is healthy
 storage-0-1     running  healthy         Pod storage-0-1 is healthy

 Name            Url



Run the status command with --all parameters for additional health details, including links to metrics and logs dashboards corresponding to the specific instance. Here is a sample output when the --all parameters is used:

 Spark: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                        Health Status:  healthy
 Resources: ready                                                                                                                                                                                                    Health Status:  healthy
 Resourcename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 sparkhead       ready    healthy         StatefulSet sparkhead is healthy
 storage-0       ready    healthy         StatefulSet storage-0 is healthy

 Sparkhead Resources: running                                                                                                                                                                                        Health Status:  healthy
 Instancename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 sparkhead-0     running  healthy         Pod sparkhead-0 is healthy
 sparkhead-1     running  healthy         Pod sparkhead-1 is healthy

      Name            Url


 Storage-0 Resources: running                                                                                                                                                                                        Health Status:  healthy
 Instancename    State    Healthstatus    Details

 storage-0-0     running  healthy         Pod storage-0-0 is healthy
 storage-0-1     running  healthy         Pod storage-0-1 is healthy

      Name            Url


View controller status

You can view the controller status with the azdata bdc control status show command. It provides similar links to the monitoring dashboards related to the controller components of the big data cluster.