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Understanding encryption support

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When connecting to SQL Server, if the application requests encryption and the instance of SQL Server is configured to support TLS encryption, the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server initiates the TLS handshake. The handshake allows the server and client to negotiate the encryption and cryptographic algorithms to be used to protect data. After the TLS handshake is complete, the client and server can send the encrypted data securely. During the TLS handshake, the server sends its public key certificate to the client. The issuer of a public key certificate is known as a Certificate Authority (CA). The client is responsible for validating that the certificate authority is one the client trusts.

If the application doesn't request encryption, the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server won't force SQL Server to support TLS encryption. If the SQL Server instance isn't configured to force the TLS encryption, a connection is established without encryption. If the SQL Server instance is configured to force the TLS encryption, the driver will automatically enable TLS encryption when running on properly configured Java Virtual Machine (JVM), or else the connection is terminated and the driver will raise an error.


Make sure the value passed to serverName exactly matches the Common Name (CN) or DNS name in the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) in the server certificate for a TLS connection to succeed.

For more information about how to configure TLS for SQL Server, see Enable encrypted connections to the Database Engine.


To allow applications to use TLS encryption, the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server has introduced the following connection properties starting with the version 1.2 release: encrypt, trustServerCertificate, trustStore, trustStorePassword, and hostNameInCertificate. To allow the driver to use TDS 8.0 with TLS encryption, the connection property serverCertificate has been introduced starting with the version 11.2 release. For more information, see Setting the connection properties.

The following table summarizes how the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server version behaves for possible TLS connection scenarios. Each scenario uses a different set of TLS connection properties. The table includes:

  • blank: "The property doesn't exist in the connection string"
  • value: "The property exists in the connection string and its value is valid"
  • any: "It doesn't matter whether the property exists in the connection string or its value is valid"


The same behavior applies for SQL Server user authentication and Windows integrated authentication.

Property settings                                   Behavior
encrypt = false or blank
trustServerCertificate = any
hostNameInCertificate = any
trustStore = any
trustStorePassword = any
The driver won't force the server to support TLS encryption. If the server has a self-signed certificate, the driver initiates the TLS certificate exchange. The TLS certificate won't be validated and only the credentials (in the login packet) are encrypted.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange. The TLS certificate won't be validated, but the entire communication will be encrypted.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = true
hostNameInCertificate = any
trustStore = any
trustStorePassword = any
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange. If the trustServerCertificate property is set to "true", the driver won't validate the TLS certificate.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = blank
trustStore = blank
trustStorePassword = blank
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the serverName property specified on the connection URL to validate the server TLS certificate and rely on the trust manager factory's look-up rules to determine which certificate store to use.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = value
trustStore = blank
trustStorePassword = blank
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will validate the TLS certificate's subject value by using the value specified for the hostNameInCertificate property.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = blank
trustStore = value
trustStorePassword = value
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the trustStore property value to find the certificate trustStore file and trustStorePassword property value to check the integrity of the trustStore file.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = blank
trustStore = blank
trustStorePassword = value
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the trustStorePassword property value to check the integrity of the default trustStore file.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = blank
trustStore = value
trustStorePassword = blank
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the trustStore property value to look up the location of the trustStore file.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = value
trustStore = blank
trustStorePassword = value
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the trustStorePassword property value to check the integrity of the default trustStore file. Also, the driver will use the hostNameInCertificate property value to validate the TLS certificate.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = value
trustStore = value
trustStorePassword = blank
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the trustStore property value to look up the location of the trustStore file. Also, the driver will use the hostNameInCertificate property value to validate the TLS certificate.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = true
trustServerCertificate = false or blank
hostNameInCertificate = value
trustStore = value
trustStorePassword = value
The driver requests to use TLS encryption with the server.

If the server requires the client to support TLS encryption or if the server supports encryption, the driver will initiate the TLS certificate exchange.

The driver will use the trustStore property value to find the certificate trustStore file and trustStorePassword property value to check the integrity of the trustStore file. Also, the driver will use the hostNameInCertificate property value to validate the TLS certificate.

If the server isn't configured to support encryption, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.
encrypt = strict
hostNameInCertificate = value
trustStore = blank
trustStorePassword = blank
serverCertificate = value
The driver requests to use TDS 8.0 strict TLS encryption with the server.

The driver will initiate the TLS handshake and certificate exchange with the server as the first action.

The trustServerCertificate setting is ignored and treated as false in strict mode.

The driver will use the optional hostNameInCertificate or serverCertificate properties to validate the server TLS certificate.

If the server isn't configured to support TDS 8 connections, the driver will raise an error and terminate the connection.

If the encrypt property is set to true, the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server uses the JVM's default JSSE security provider to negotiate TLS encryption with SQL Server. The default security provider may not support all of the features required to negotiate TLS encryption successfully. For example, the default security provider may not support the size of the RSA public key used in the SQL Server TLS certificate. In this case, the default security provider might raise an error that will cause the JDBC driver to terminate the connection. To resolve this issue, one of the following options can be used:

  • Configure the SQL Server with a server certificate that has a smaller RSA public key
  • Configure the JVM to use a different JSSE security provider in the "<java-home>/lib/security/java.security" security properties file
  • Use a different JVM

Validating server TLS certificate

During the TLS handshake, the server sends its public key certificate to the client. The JDBC driver or client has to validate that the server certificate is issued by a certificate authority the client trusts. The driver requires the server certificate to meet the following conditions:

  • The certificate was issued by a trusted certificate authority.
  • The certificate must be issued for server authentication.
  • The certificate isn't expired.
  • The Common Name (CN) in the Subject or a DNS name in the Subject Alternate Name (SAN) of the certificate exactly matches the serverName value specified in the connection string or, if specified, the hostNameInCertificate property value.
  • A DNS name can include wild-card characters. Prior version 7.2, the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server doesn't support wild-card matching. That is, abc.com won't match *.com but *.com will match *.com. With version 7.2 and up, standard certificate wild-card matching is supported.

For use of TDS 8.0 with strict encryption, the serverCertificate property value provides the path to a server certificate to be used for server certificate validation. This file must use the PEM file format. The certificate received from the server must match this certificate exactly.

See also

Using encryption
Securing JDBC driver applications