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dbo.sysdownloadlist (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Holds the queue of download instructions for all target servers.

Column name Data type Description
instance_id int Identity column that provides the natural insertion sequence of rows.
source_server sysname Name of the source server.
operation_code tinyint Operation code for the job:





5 = STOP
object_type tinyint Object type code.
object_id 1 uniqueidentifier Object identification number.
target_server sysname Name of the target server.
error_message nvarchar(1024) Error message if the target server encounters an error when processing the particular row.
date_posted datetime Date and time the job was posted to the target server.
date_downloaded datetime Date and time job was last downloaded.
status tinyint Status of the job:

0 = Not yet downloaded

1 = Successfully downloaded
deleted_object_name sysname Name of deleted object.

1 The object_id column can be a value of -1, which corresponds to a value of ALL if the operation_code column is a value of DELETE.