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Generating Reports (SybaseToSQL)

The reports of certain activities performed using commands are generated in SSMA Console at object tree level.

Use the following procedure to generate reports:

  1. Specify the write-summary-report-to parameter. The related report is stored as the file name (if specified) or in the folder you specify. The file name is system-predefined as mentioned in the table below where, <n> is the unique file number that increments with a digit with each execution of the same command.

    The reports vis-à-vis commands are:

    Sl. No. Command Report Title
    1 generate-assessment-report AssessmentReport<n>.XML
    2 convert-schema SchemaConversionReport<n>.XML
    3 migrate-data DataMigrationReport<n>.XML
    4 convert-sql-statement ConvertSQLReport<n>.XML
    5 synchronize-target TargetSynchronizationReport<n>.XML
    6 refresh-from-database SourceDBRefreshReport<n>.XML


    An output report is different from Assessment Report. The former is a report on the performance of an executed command while, the latter is an XML report for programmatic consumption.

    For the command options for output reports (from Sl. No. 2-4 above), refer to the Executing the SSMA Console (SybaseToSQL) section.

  2. Indicate the extent of detail you desire in the output report using the Report Verbosity settings:

    Sl. No. Command and Parameter Output Description
    1 verbose="false" Generates a summarized report of the activity.
    2 verbose="true" Generates a summarized and detailed status report for each activity.


    The Report Verbosity Settings specified above are applicable for generate-assessment-report, convert-schema, migrate-data, convert-sql-statement commands.

  3. Indicate the extent of detail you desire in the error reports using the Error Reporting settings:

    Sl. No. Command and Parameter Output Description
    1 report-errors="false" No details on error/ warning/ info messages.
    2 report-errors="true" Detailed error/ warning/ info messages.


    The Error Reporting Settings specified above are applicable for generate-assessment-report, convert-schema, migrate-data, convert-sql-statement commands.



The command synchronize-target has report-errors-to parameter, which specifies the location of error report for the synchronization operation. Then, a file by name TargetSynchronizationReport<n>.XML is created at the specified location, where <n> is the unique file number that increments with a digit with each execution of the same command.

Note: If the folder path is given, then 'report-errors-to' parameter becomes an optional attribute for the command 'synchronize-target'.

<!-- Example: Synchronize target entire Database with all attributes-->  

object-name: Specifies the object(s) considered for synchronization (It can also have indivdual object names or a group object name).

on-error: Specifies whether to specify synchronization errors as warnings or error. Available options for on-error:

  • report-total-as-warning

  • report-each-as-warning

  • fail-script


The command refresh-from-database has report-errors-to parameter, which specifies the location of error report for the refresh operation. Then, a file by name SourceDBRefreshReport<n>.XML is created at the specified location, where <n> is the unique file number that increments with a digit with each execution of the same command.

Note: If the folder path is given, then 'report-errors-to' parameter becomes an optional attribute for the command 'synchronize-target'.

<!-- Example: Refresh entire Schema (with all attributes)-->  
    object-type ="<object-type>"  
    report-errors-to="<file-name/folder-name> "  

object-name: Specifies the object(s) considered for refresh (It can also have indivdual object names or a group object name).

on-error: Specifies whether to specify refresh errors as warnings or error. Available options for on-error:

  • report-total-as-warning

  • report-each-as-warning

  • fail-script

See Also

Executing the SSMA Console (Sybase)