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Creazione di report Service Manager

Gli SDK Bing Ads .NET, Java e Python forniscono classi per accelerare la produttività per il download dei record dei report sulle prestazioni. Ad esempio, ReportingServiceManager invierà la richiesta di download al servizio reporting, eseguirà il polling del servizio fino al completamento e scaricherà il file nella directory locale. ReportingServiceManager gestisce automaticamente anche i campi di intestazione della richiesta comuni, consentendo di specificare le proprietà Authentication, CustomerId, AccountId e DeveloperToken nell'oggetto AuthorizationData una volta per ogni servizio. Per altre informazioni, vedere Uso di AuthorizationData e l'esempio di codice Richieste di report.


ReportingServiceManager è disponibile solo con gli SDK Bing Ads .NET, Java e Python. Indipendentemente dal fatto che si usi o meno un SDK, è possibile usare direttamente il servizio di report . Per altre informazioni, vedere Richiedere e scaricare un report.

Lettore file di report

Non è necessario implementare il proprio parser di file per leggere il file di report. È possibile utilizzare l'oggetto ReportFileReader per leggere un file CSV in un contenitore Report .


ReportingServiceManager usa reportFileReader in background quando si scaricano entità anziché file. I file temporanei vengono usati in background. Per altre informazioni, vedere Directory di lavoro e ReportingServiceManager.

Si useremo il file CSV seguente come esempio. Si supponga, ad esempio, di voler leggere il report seguente da un file.

"Report Name: My Keyword Performance Report"
"Report Time: 2/7/2020"
"Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada); Tijuana"
"Last Completed Available Day: 2/8/2020 10:15:00 PM (GMT)"
"Last Completed Available Hour: 2/8/2020 10:15:00 PM (GMT)"
"Report Aggregation: Summary"
"Report Filter: "
"Potential Incomplete Data: true"
"Rows: 5"

"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","red shoes","123","Computer","35"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","red shoes","123","Smartphone","50"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","shoes delivered","234","Computer","1"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","shoe sale","345","Computer","80"
"YourAccountId","YourCampaignId","shoe sale","345","Smartphone","5"

"@2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. "

È sufficiente fornire a ReportFileReader il percorso del file e il nome del file. Chiudere quindi il file al termine della lettura.

ReportFileReader reportFileReader = new ReportFileReader(
Report report = reportFileReader.GetReport();
IEnumerable<IReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.GetReportRecords();
ReportFileReader reportFileReader = new ReportFileReader(
Report report = reportFileReader.getReport();
Iterable<ReportRecord> reportRecords = report.getReportRecords();
report_file_reader = ReportFileReader(

Contenitore report In-Memory

Report è un contenitore in memoria che astrae il contenuto di un file di report scaricato, inclusi metadati dell'intestazione, nomi di colonna e record del report. Con questi aggiornamenti è possibile concentrarsi maggiormente sui requisiti aziendali dell'applicazione anziché analizzare il file di report.

È possibile accedere al contenitore Report in memoria tramite ReportingServiceManager inviando una nuova richiesta di download o usando ReportFileReader per leggere da un file di report già scaricato.

Ad esempio, è possibile ottenere un oggetto Report inviando una nuova richiesta di download tramite ReportingServiceManager. Anche se in questo caso non si funzionerà direttamente con il file, sotto le quinte viene inviata una richiesta al servizio reporting e il file di report viene scaricato in una directory locale. I parametri di download dei report includono il tipo di report richiesto, l'ambito, il periodo di tempo e il percorso del file di download locale.

// The ReportRequest is a ReportRequest object defined by the Reporting API.
var reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters
    ReportRequest = reportRequest,
    ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
    ResultFileName = ResultFileName,
    OverwriteResultFile = true,

Report reportContainer = await ReportingServiceManager.DownloadReportAsync(
// The ReportRequest is a ReportRequest object defined by the Reporting API.
ReportingDownloadParameters reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters();
reportingDownloadParameters.setResultFileDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

Report reportContainer = ReportingServiceManager.downloadReportAsync(
# The report_request is a ReportRequest object defined by the Reporting API.
reporting_download_parameters = ReportingDownloadParameters(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    overwrite_result_file = True

report_container = reporting_service_manager.download_report(

In caso contrario, se si dispone già di un file di report scaricato tramite l'API, è possibile ottenere un oggetto Report tramite ReportFileReader.

ReportFileReader reader = new ReportFileReader(
Report reportContainer = reader.GetReport();
ReportFileReader reader = new ReportFileReader(
    reportingDownloadParameters.getResultFileDirectory() + "\\" + reportingDownloadParameters.getResultFileName(), 
Report reportContainer = reader.getReport();
report_file_reader = ReportFileReader(
    file_path=reporting_download_parameters.result_file_directory + reporting_download_parameters.result_file_name, 
report_container = report_file_reader.get_report()

Dopo aver creato un oggetto Report tramite uno dei flussi di lavoro precedenti, è possibile accedere ai metadati e ai record del report. Se non sono presenti dati di report per le campagne e le date inviate, il risultato del download sarà Null o vuoto.

// Output the report metadata

long recordCount = reportContainer.ReportRecordCount;
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportName: {0}", reportContainer.ReportName));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportTimeStart: {0}", reportContainer.ReportTimeStart));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportTimeEnd: {0}", reportContainer.ReportTimeEnd));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("LastCompletedAvailableDate: {0}", reportContainer.LastCompletedAvailableDate.ToString()));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportAggregation: {0}", reportContainer.ReportAggregation.ToString()));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportColumns: {0}", string.Join("; ", reportContainer.ReportColumns)));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("ReportRecordCount: {0}", recordCount));

// Analyze and output performance statistics

IEnumerable<IReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.GetReportRecords();
int totalImpressions = 0;
int totalClicks = 0;
HashSet<string> distinctDevices = new HashSet<string>();
HashSet<string> distinctNetworks = new HashSet<string>();
foreach (IReportRecord record in reportContainer.GetReportRecords())
    totalImpressions += record.GetIntegerValue("Impressions");
    totalClicks += record.GetIntegerValue("Clicks");

Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Impressions: {0}", totalImpressions));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Total Clicks: {0}", totalClicks));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Average Impressions: {0}", totalImpressions * 1.0 / recordCount));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Average Clicks: {0}", totalClicks * 1.0 / recordCount));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Distinct Devices: {0}", string.Join("; ", distinctDevices)));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Distinct Networks: {0}", string.Join("; ", distinctNetworks)));

// Be sure to close the report before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.

// Output the reportRequest metadata

java.lang.Long recordCount = reportContainer.getReportRecordCount();
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportName: %s", reportContainer.getReportName()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportTimeStart: %s", reportContainer.getReportTimeStart()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportTimeEnd: %s", reportContainer.getReportTimeEnd()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("LastCompletedAvailableDate: %s", reportContainer.getLastCompletedAvailableDate().toString()));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportAggregation: %s", enumCaseToPascalCase(reportContainer.getReportAggregation().toString())));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportColumns: %s", String.join("; ", reportContainer.getReportColumns())));
outputStatusMessage(String.format("ReportRecordCount: %s", recordCount));

// Analyze and output performance statistics

    Iterable<ReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.getReportRecords();

    int totalImpressions = 0;
    int totalClicks = 0;
    HashSet<String> distinctDevices = new HashSet<>();
    HashSet<String> distinctNetworks = new HashSet<>();
    for (ReportRecord record : reportRecordIterable)
        totalImpressions += record.getIntegerValue("Impressions");
        totalClicks += record.getIntegerValue("Clicks");

    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Total Impressions: %s", totalImpressions));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Total Clicks: %s", totalClicks));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Average Impressions: %s", totalImpressions * 1.0 / recordCount));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Average Clicks: %s", totalClicks * 1.0 / recordCount));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Distinct Devices: %s", String.join("; ", distinctDevices)));
    outputStatusMessage(String.format("Distinct Networks: %s", String.join("; ", distinctNetworks)));

// Be sure to close the reportRequest before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.

# Output the reportRequest metadata
record_count = report_container.record_count
output_status_message("ReportName: {0}".format(report_container.report_name))
output_status_message("ReportTimeStart: {0}".format(report_container.report_time_start))
output_status_message("ReportTimeEnd: {0}".format(report_container.report_time_end))
output_status_message("LastCompletedAvailableDate: {0}".format(report_container.last_completed_available_date))
output_status_message("ReportAggregation: {0}".format(report_container.report_aggregation))
output_status_message("ReportColumns: {0}".format("; ".join(str(column) for column in report_container.report_columns)))
output_status_message("ReportRecordCount: {0}".format(record_count))

#Analyze and output performance statistics

if "Impressions" in report_container.report_columns and \
    "Clicks" in report_container.report_columns and \
    "DeviceType" in report_container.report_columns and \
    "Network" in report_container.report_columns:

    report_record_iterable = report_container.report_records

    total_impressions = 0
    total_clicks = 0
    distinct_devices = set()
    distinct_networks = set()
    for record in report_record_iterable:
        total_impressions += record.int_value("Impressions")
        total_clicks += record.int_value("Clicks")

    output_status_message("Total Impressions: {0}".format(total_impressions))
    output_status_message("Total Clicks: {0}".format(total_clicks))
    output_status_message("Average Impressions: {0}".format(total_impressions * 1.0 / record_count))
    output_status_message("Average Clicks: {0}".format(total_clicks * 1.0 / record_count))
    output_status_message("Distinct Devices: {0}".format("; ".join(str(device) for device in distinct_devices)))
    output_status_message("Distinct Networks: {0}".format("; ".join(str(network) for network in distinct_networks)))

#Be sure to close the report.



ReportingServiceManager supporta flussi di lavoro flessibili per il download di report.

  • È possibile creare una richiesta di download e ReportingServiceManager invierà la richiesta di download al servizio reporting, eseguirà il polling del servizio fino al completamento e scaricherà il file nella directory locale. Ad esempio, vedere Completamento in background con ReportingServiceManager.

  • È possibile inviare una richiesta di download e quindi eseguire il polling fino a quando il file dei risultati non è pronto per il download. Ad esempio, vedere Inviare e scaricare con ReportingServiceManager.

  • Se per qualsiasi motivo è necessario riprendere da uno stato precedente dell'applicazione, è possibile usare un identificatore di richiesta di download esistente e usarlo per scaricare il file dei risultati. Ad esempio, vedere Scaricare i risultati con ReportingServiceManager.

Completamento in background con ReportingServiceManager

È possibile creare una richiesta di download e ReportingServiceManager invierà la richiesta di download al servizio reporting, eseguirà il polling del servizio fino al completamento e scaricherà il file nella directory locale.

public async Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
    ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

    var reportRequest = GetCampaignPerformanceReportRequest(authorizationData.AccountId);

    var reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters
        ReportRequest = reportRequest,
        ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
        ResultFileName = ResultFileName,
        OverwriteResultFile = true,

    // Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).
    reportingServiceManager.StatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds = 5000;
    // Sets the timeout of the HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000 (100s).
    reportingServiceManager.DownloadHttpTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 100);

    // You may optionally cancel the DownloadFileAsync operation after a specified time interval. 
    // Pass this object to the DownloadFileAsync operation or specify CancellationToken.None. 
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    // The ReportingServiceManager will submit your download request to the Reporting service, 
    // poll the service until completed, and download the file to your local directory.

    var resultFilePath = await reportingServiceManager.DownloadFileAsync(
        parameters: reportingDownloadParameters, 
        cancellationToken: tokenSource.Token
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Download result file: {0}\n", resultFilePath));
ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

ReportRequest reportRequest = getCampaignPerformanceReportRequest();

ReportingDownloadParameters reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters();
reportingDownloadParameters.setResultFileDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

// Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).
// Sets the timeout of the HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000 (100s).

// The ReportingServiceManager will submit your download request to the Reporting service, 
// poll the service until completed, and download the file to your local directory. 
// You may optionally cancel the downloadFileAsync operation after a specified time interval.
File resultFile = reportingServiceManager.downloadFileAsync(
).get(3600000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

System.out.println(String.format("Download result file: %s\n", resultFile.getName()));
    # Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. 
    # The default value is 5000 (5 seconds).


reporting_download_parameters = ReportingDownloadParameters(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    overwrite_result_file = True, # Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.
    timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000 # You may optionally cancel the download after a specified time interval.

# The ReportingServiceManager will submit your download request to the Reporting service, 
# poll the service until completed, and download the file to your local directory.
result_file_path = reporting_service_manager.download_file(
print("Download result file: {0}\n".format(result_file_path))

Inviare e scaricare con ReportingServiceManager

Inviare la richiesta di download e quindi usare il risultato ReportingDownloadOperation per tenere traccia dello stato usando GetStatusAsync.

public async Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
    ReportingService = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

    var reportRequest = GetCampaignPerformanceReportRequest(authorizationData.AccountId);

    var reportingDownloadOperation = await ReportingService.SubmitDownloadAsync(reportRequest);

    // You may optionally cancel the TrackAsync operation after a specified time interval. 
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    var reportingDownloadOperation = await ReportingService.SubmitDownloadAsync(reportRequest);

    ReportingOperationStatus reportingOperationStatus = await reportingDownloadOperation.TrackAsync(tokenSource.Token);

    var resultFilePath = await reportingDownloadOperation.DownloadResultFileAsync(
        decompress: true,
        overwrite: true  // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.

    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Download result file: {0}\n", resultFilePath));
ReportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

ReportRequest reportRequest = getCampaignPerformanceReportRequest();

ReportingDownloadOperation reportingDownloadOperation = ReportingServiceManager.submitDownloadAsync(

// You may optionally cancel the trackAsync operation after a specified time interval.
ReportingOperationStatus reportingOperationStatus = reportingDownloadOperation.trackAsync(
).get(3600000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

File resultFile = reportingDownloadOperation.downloadResultFileAsync(
    new File(FileDirectory),
    true, // Set this value to true if you want to decompress the ZIP file.
    true,  // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the named file.

System.out.println(String.format("Download result file: %s\n", resultFile.getName()));

# In addition to ReportingServiceManager, you will need a reporting ServiceClient 
# to build the ReportRequest.



reporting_download_operation = reporting_service_manager.submit_download(report_request)

# You may optionally cancel the track() operation after a specified time interval.
reporting_operation_status = reporting_download_operation.track(timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000)
result_file_path = reporting_download_operation.download_result_file(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    decompress = True, 
    overwrite = True,  # Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.
    timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000 # You may optionally cancel the download after a specified time interval.
print("Download result file: {0}\n".format(result_file_path))

Scaricare i risultati con ReportingServiceManager

Se per qualsiasi motivo è necessario riprendere da uno stato precedente dell'applicazione, è possibile usare un identificatore di richiesta di download esistente e usarlo per scaricare il file dei risultati. Usare TrackAsync per indicare che l'applicazione deve attendere per assicurarsi che lo stato di download sia stato completato.

public async Task RunAsync(AuthorizationData authorizationData)
    ReportingService = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData);

    // You may optionally cancel the TrackAsync operation after a specified time interval. 
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    var reportingDownloadOperation = new ReportingDownloadOperation(RequestIdGoesHere, authorizationData);

    // Use TrackAsync to indicate that the application should wait to ensure that 
    // the download status is completed.
    var reportingOperationStatus = await reportingDownloadOperation.TrackAsync(tokenSource.Token);

    var resultFilePath = await reportingDownloadOperation.DownloadResultFileAsync(
        decompress: true,
        overwrite: true   // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.

    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Download result file: {0}", resultFilePath));
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Status: {0}", reportingOperationStatus.Status));
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("TrackingId: {0}\n", reportingOperationStatus.TrackingId));
java.lang.String requestId = RequestIdGoesHere;

ReportingDownloadOperation reportingDownloadOperation = new ReportingDownloadOperation(


// You can use trackAsync to poll until complete as shown here, 
// or use custom polling logic with getStatusAsync.

// You may optionally cancel the trackAsync operation after a specified time interval.
ReportingOperationStatus reportingOperationStatus = reportingDownloadOperation.trackAsync(
).get(3600000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

File resultFile = reportingDownloadOperation.downloadResultFileAsync(
    new File(FileDirectory),
    true, // Set this value to true if you want to decompress the ZIP file
    true,  // Set this value true if you want to overwrite the named file.

System.out.println(String.format("Download result file: %s", resultFile.getName()));
System.out.println(String.format("Status: %s", reportingOperationStatus.getStatus()));
System.out.println(String.format("TrackingId: %s\n", reportingOperationStatus.getTrackingId()));
reporting_download_operation = ReportingDownloadOperation(
    request_id = RequestIdGoesHere, 

# Use track() to indicate that the application should wait to ensure that 
# the download status is completed.
# You may optionally cancel the track() operation after a specified time interval.
reporting_operation_status = reporting_download_operation.track(timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000)
result_file_path = reporting_download_operation.download_result_file(
    result_file_directory = FILE_DIRECTORY, 
    result_file_name = DOWNLOAD_FILE_NAME, 
    decompress = True, 
    overwrite = True,  # Set this value true if you want to overwrite the same file.
    timeout_in_milliseconds=3600000 # You may optionally cancel the download after a specified time interval.

print("Download result file: {0}".format(result_file_path))
print("Status: {0}\n".format(reporting_operation_status.status))

Polling e ripetizione dei tentativi

ReportingServiceManager esegue automaticamente il polling in intervalli di 1000 millisecondi per i primi cinque tentativi e tale comportamento non è configurabile. La proprietà StatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds determina l'intervallo di tempo tra ogni tentativo di polling dopo i cinque tentativi iniziali. Per un esempio, vedere Completamento in background sopra. Il valore predefinito è 5000, quindi se non si imposta questo valore, ReportingServiceManager eseguirà il polling nella sequenza seguente: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20 e così via. Se si imposta questo valore su 10000, ReportingServiceManager eseguirà il polling nella sequenza seguente: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 25, 35 e così via. L'intervallo di polling minimo è 1000 e se si specifica un valore minore di 1000 verrà generata un'eccezione.

ReportingServiceManager ritenterà automaticamente le operazioni di download e polling fino alla durata massima di timeout specificata. È possibile impostare la durata massima del timeout dei tentativi. Se non viene specificato alcun timeout, ReportingServiceManager continuerà a riprovare fino a quando il server non restituisce un timeout o un errore interno. Separatamente, se si scaricano file di grandi dimensioni, è consigliabile impostare la proprietà DownloadHttpTimeout .

Working Directory e ReportingServiceManager

Con Gli SDK Bing Ads .NET e Java, è possibile impostare la directory di lavoro in cui ReportingServiceManager deve archiviare i file di report temporanei. Ad esempio, quando si scarica un contenitore report, anche se si userà solo un oggetto Report, un file di report viene scaricato nella directory di lavoro. La directory temporanea di sistema verrà usata se non viene specificata un'altra directory di lavoro.

Se si usa un servizio ospitato, ad esempio Microsoft Azure, assicurarsi di non superare i limiti della directory temporanea. Potrebbero esserci altri motivi per usare una directory di lavoro personalizzata. È possibile specificare una directory di lavoro diversa per ogni istanza di ReportingServiceManager impostando la proprietà WorkingDirectory . L'utente è anche responsabile della creazione e della rimozione di eventuali directory.


Dopo aver eseguito l'iterazione sui record del report, è possibile pulire i file dalla directory di lavoro. Il metodo CleanupTempFiles rimuove tutti i file (ma non le sottodirectory) all'interno della directory di lavoro, indipendentemente dal fatto che i file siano stati creati o meno dall'istanza di ReportingServiceManager corrente.

ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(
    authorizationData: authorizationData, 
    apiEnvironment: environment

var reportRequest = GetReportRequest(authorizationData.AccountId);

var reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters
    ReportRequest = reportRequest,
    ResultFileDirectory = FileDirectory,
    ResultFileName = ResultFileName,
    OverwriteResultFile = true,

// The system temp directory will be used if another working directory is not specified. If you are 
// using a hosted service such as Microsoft Azure you'll want to ensure you do not exceed the file or directory limits. 
// You can specify a different working directory for each ReportingServiceManager instance.

reportingServiceManager.WorkingDirectory = FileDirectory;

// You can get a Report object by submitting a new download request via ReportingServiceManager. 
// Although in this case you won't work directly with the file, under the covers a request is 
// submitted to the Reporting service and the report file is downloaded to a local directory. 

Report reportContainer = await reportingServiceManager.DownloadReportAsync(
    parameters: reportingDownloadParameters,
    cancellationToken: CancellationToken.None

IEnumerable<IReportRecord> reportRecordIterable = reportContainer.GetReportRecords();

// Be sure to close the report before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.


// The CleanupTempFiles method removes all files (but not sub-directories) within the working directory, 
// whether or not the files were created by this ReportingServiceManager instance. 

ReportingServiceManager reportingServiceManager = new ReportingServiceManager(authorizationData, API_ENVIRONMENT);

ReportRequest reportRequest = getReportRequest(authorizationData.getAccountId());

ReportingDownloadParameters reportingDownloadParameters = new ReportingDownloadParameters();
reportingDownloadParameters.setResultFileDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

// The system temp directory will be used if another working directory is not specified. If you are 
// using a hosted service such as Microsoft Azure you'll want to ensure you do not exceed the file or directory limits. 
// You can specify a different working directory for each ReportingServiceManager instance.

reportingServiceManager.setWorkingDirectory(new File(FileDirectory));

// You can get a Report object by submitting a new download request via ReportingServiceManager. 
// Although in this case you won't work directly with the file, under the covers a request is 
// submitted to the Reporting service and the report file is downloaded to a local directory. 

Report reportContainer = reportingServiceManager.downloadReportAsync(

java.lang.Long recordCount = reportContainer.getReportRecordCount();

// Be sure to close the reportRequest before you attempt to clean up files within the working directory.


// The cleanupTempFiles method removes all files (but not sub-directories) within the working directory, 
// whether or not the files were created by this ReportingServiceManager instance. 


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