Tags on Microsoft Q&A
A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
You can tag any question with up to 5 tags as necessary, based on your scenario.
Tags now align with Microsoft Learn and show with the product name, developer language, or offering, so you can easily find them in Q&A and also find related content in Microsoft Learn as well on the same technology.
During the Q&A system switch, we did a great amount of changes for tags, including:
- All tags show a display name vs. a slug like before.
- We have done a great level of consolidation, so experts can stay focused on bigger product of offering areas.
To provide visibility and help you with the transition, the table below represents the mapping of the tags between the previous and the current Q&A systems.
This table only represents the mapping between the two systems. It might not reflect any additional consolidation or new tags that were added as part of the new system launch.
Tag slug from Previous Q&A | Current Q&A tag slug | Current Q&A tag label |
windows-active-directory, adfs-to-aad-migration | active-directory | Active Directory |
adfs | active-directory-federation-services | Active Directory Federation Services |
dotnet-aspnet-ajax, dotnet-aspnetcore-security, dotnet-aspnet-data, dotnet-aspnet-general, dotnet-aspnet-signalr, dotnet-aspnet-spa, dotnet-aspnet-webpages | aspnet | ASP.NET |
dotnet-aspnet-webapi | aspnet-api | ASP.NET API |
dotnet-aspnet-core-auth, dotnet-aspnetcore-general, dotnet-aspnet-core-general, dotnet-aspnetcore-mvc, dotnet-aspnet-core-mvc, dotnet-aspnetcore-razor, dotnet-aspnet-core-razor, dotnet-aspnetcore-realtime, dotnet-aspnet-core-realtime, dotnet-aspnet-core-security, dotnet-aspnetcore-webapi, dotnet-aspnet-core-webapi, dotnet-aspnet-iisnet | aspnet-core | ASP.NET Core |
dotnet-aspnet-mvc | aspnet-mvc | ASP.NET MVC |
dotnet-aspnet-webforms | aspnet-web-forms | ASP.NET Web Forms |
windows-autopatch | autopatch | Windows Autopatch |
azure-active-directory, azure-ad-access-reviews, azure-ad-adal-deprecation, azure-ad-app-consent, azure-ad-app-development, azure-ad-application-proxy, azure-ad-app-management, azure-ad-app-registration, azure-ad-audit-logs, azure-ad-authentication, azure-ad-authentication-protocols, azure-ad-cloud-provisioning, azure-ad-conditional-access, azure-ad-connect, azure-ad-connect-health, azure-ad-device-management, azure-ad-enterpriseapps, azure-ad-graph, azure-ad-graph-deprecation, azure-ad-group-management, azure-ad-hybrid-identity, azure-ad-identity-governance, azure-ad-identity-protection, azure-ad-libraries, azure-ad-licensing, azure-ad-microsoft-account, azure-ad-msal, azure-ad-multi-factor-authentication, azure-ad-myapps, azure-ad-openid-connect, azure-ad-pass-through-authentication, azure-ad-password-hash-sync, azure-ad-passwordless-authentication, azure-ad-password-protection, azure-ad-rbac, azure-ad-saml-sso, azure-ad-sign-in-logs, azure-ad-single-sign-on, azure-ad-sspr, azure-ad-tenant, azure-ad-user-management, azure-ad-user-provisioning, azure-managed-identity, azure-ad-b2b, azure-ad-b2c, azure-ad-verifiable-credentials, azure-ad-domain-services, azure-ad-privileged-identity-management | azure-active-directory | Azure Active Directory |
azure-advisor | azure-advisor | Azure Advisor |
azure-analysis-services | azure-analysis-services | Azure Analysis Services |
azure-anomaly-detector | azure-anomaly-detector | Azure Anomaly Detector |
azure-api-management | azure-api-management | Azure API Management |
azure-app-configuration | azure-app-configuration | Azure App Configuration |
azure-application-gateway | azure-application-gateway | Azure Application Gateway |
azure-applied-ai-services | azure-applied-ai-services | Azure Applied AI Services |
azure-static-web-apps | azure-app-service-static | Azure App Service Static Web Apps |
azure-arc | azure-arc | Azure Arc |
azure-archive-storage | azure-archive-storage | Azure Archive Storage |
azure-automanage | azure-automanage | Azure Automanage |
azure-automation | azure-automation | Azure Automation |
azure-avere-vfxt | azure-avere-vFXT | Avere vFXT for Azure |
azure-backup | azure-backup | Azure Backup |
azure-bastion | azure-bastion | Azure Bastion |
azure-batch | azure-batch | Azure Batch |
azure-bing-autosuggest | azure-bing-autosuggest | Bing Autosuggest |
azure-bing-custom | azure-bing-custom | Bing Custom Search |
azure-bing-entity | azure-bing-entity | Bing Entity Search |
azure-bing-image | azure-bing-image | Bing Image Search |
azure-bing-news | azure-bing-news | Bing News Search |
azure-bing-spellcheck | azure-bing-spellcheck | Bing Spell Check |
azure-bing-video | azure-bing-video | Bing Video Search |
azure-bing-visual | azure-bing-visual | Bing Visual Search |
azure-bing-web | azure-bing-web | Bing Web Search |
azure-blob-storage | azure-blob-storage | Azure Blob Storage |
azure-blueprints | azure-blueprints | Azure Blueprints |
azure-bot-service | azure-bot-service | Azure Bot Service |
azure-cache-redis | azure-cache-redis | Azure Cache for Redis |
azure-cdn | azure-cdn | Azure Content Delivery Network |
azure-cloud-services, azure-cloud-services-extended-support | azure-cloud-services | Azure Cloud Services |
azure-cognitive-search | azure-cognitive-search | Azure Cognitive Search |
azure-cognitive-services, azure-responsible-ai | azure-cognitive-services | Azure Cognitive Services |
azure-communication-services | azure-communication-services | Azure Communication Services |
azure-computer-vision | azure-computer-vision | Azure Computer Vision |
azure-container-apps | azure-container-apps | Azure Container Apps |
azure-container-instances | azure-container-instances | Azure Container Instances |
azure-container-registry | azure-container-registry | Azure Container Registry |
azure-content-moderator | azure-content-moderator | Azure Content Moderator |
azure-cosmos-db | azure-cosmos-db | Azure Cosmos DB |
azure-cost-management | azure-cost-management | Azure Cost Management |
azure-custom-vision | azure-custom-vision | Azure Custom Vision |
azure-cyclecloud | azure-cyclecloud | Azure CycleCloud |
azure-database-mariadb | azure-database-mariadb | Azure Database for MariaDB |
azure-database-migration | azure-database-migration | Azure Database Migration service |
azure-database-mysql | azure-database-mysql | Azure Database for MySQL |
azure-database-postgresql | azure-database-postgresql | Azure Database for PostgreSQL |
azure-data-box-family | azure-data-box-family | Azure Data Box Family |
azure-databricks | azure-databricks | Azure Databricks |
azure-data-catalog | azure-data-catalog | Azure Data Catalog |
azure-data-explorer | azure-data-explorer | Azure Data Explorer |
azure-data-factory | azure-data-factory | Azure Data Factory |
azure-data-lake-analytics | azure-data-lake-analytics | Azure Data Lake Analytics |
azure-data-lake-storage | azure-data-lake-storage | Azure Data Lake Storage |
azure-data-science-vm | azure-data-science-vm | Azure Data Science Virtual Machines |
azure-data-share | azure-data-share | Azure Data Share |
azure-ddos-protection | azure-ddos-protection | Azure DDos Protection |
azure-dedicated-host | azure-dedicated-host | Azure Dedicated Host |
azure-dedicated-hsm | azure-dedicated-hsm | Azure Dedicated HSM |
azure-devtestlabs, azure-dtl-arm-enviorments, azure-dtl-artifacts, azure-dtl-automation, azure-dtl-base-images, azure-dtl-networks, azure-dtl-schedules, azure-dtl-virtual-machines | azure-devtest-labs | Azure DevTest Labs |
azure-digital-twins | azure-digital-twins | Azure Digital Twins |
azure-disk-encryption | azure-disk-encryption | Azure Disk Encryption |
azure-disk-storage, azure-managed-disks | azure-disk-storage | Azure Disk Storage |
azure-dns | azure-dns | Azure DNS |
azure-event-grid | azure-event-grid | Azure Event Grid |
azure-event-hubs | azure-event-hubs | Azure Event Hubs |
azure-expressroute | azure-expressroute | Azure ExpressRoute |
azure-face | azure-face | Azure Face API |
fasttrack-azure, fasttrack-azure-asia, fasttrack-azure-isv, fasttrack-azure-startup | azure-fasttrack | Azure Fasttrack |
azure-files, azure-file-storage | azure-files | Azure Files |
azure-firewall | azure-firewall | Azure Firewall |
azure-firewall-manager | azure-firewall-manager | Azure Firewall Manager |
azure-fluid-relay | azure-fluid-relay | Azure Fluid Relay |
azure-form-recognizer, azure-ink-recognizer | azure-form-recognizer | Azure Form Recognizer |
azure-front-door | azure-front-door | Azure Front Door |
azure-functions | azure-functions | Azure Functions |
azure-fundamentals | azure-fundamentals | Azure Fundamentals |
azure-fxt-edge-filer | azure-fxt-edge-filer | Azure FXT Edge Filer |
azure-genomics | azure-genomics | Azure Microsoft Genomics |
azure-hdinsight | azure-hdinsight | Azure HDInsight |
azure-hdinsight-rserver | azure-hdinsight-rserver | Azure R Server for HDInsight |
azure-api-fhir, azure-healthcare-apis | azure-health-data-services | Azure Health Data Services |
azure-hpc-cache | azure-hpc-cache | Azure HPC Cache |
azure-immersive-reader | azure-immersive-reader | Azure Immersive Reader |
azure-information-protection | azure-information-protection | Azure Information Protection |
azure-internet-analyzer | azure-internet-analyzer | Azure Internet Analyzer |
azure-iot | azure-iot | Azure IoT |
azure-iot-central | azure-iot-central | Azure IoT Central |
azure-iot-dps | azure-iot-dps | Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service |
azure-iot-edge | azure-iot-edge | Azure IoT Edge |
azure-iot-hub | azure-iot-hub | Azure IoT Hub |
azure-iot-pnp | azure-iot-pnp | Azure IoT Plug and Play |
azure-iot-sdk | azure-iot-sdk | Azure IoT SDK |
azure-key-vault | azure-key-vault | Azure Key Vault |
azure-kinect-dk | azure-kinect-dk | Azure Kinect DK |
azure-kubernetes-service | azure-kubernetes-service | Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) |
azure-classroom-labs, azure-labservices, azure-lab-services-accounts, azure-lab-services-automation, azure-lab-services-base-images, azure-lab-services-pricing, azure-lab-services-schedules, azure-lab-services-templates-virtual-machines | azure-lab-services | Azure Lab Services |
azure-language-understanding | azure-language-understanding | Azure Language Understanding (LUIS) |
azure-lighthouse | azure-lighthouse | Azure Lighthouse |
azure-load-balancer | azure-load-balancer | Azure Load Balancer |
azure-logic-apps | azure-logic-apps | Azure Logic Apps |
azure-machine-learning, azure-machine-learning-inference, azure-machine-learning-studio-classic | azure-machine-learning | Azure Machine Learning |
azure-managed-applications | azure-managed-applications | Azure Managed Applications |
azure-managed-grafana | azure-managed-grafana | Azure Managed Grafana |
azure-maps | azure-maps | Azure Maps |
azure-media-services | azure-media-services | Azure Media Services |
azure-metrics-advisor | azure-metrics-advisor | Azure Metrics Advisor |
azure-migrate | azure-migrate | Azure Migrate |
azure-monitor | azure-monitor | Azure Monitor |
azure-netapp-files | azure-netapp-files | Azure NetApp Files |
azure-network-watcher | azure-network-watcher | Azure Network Watcher |
azure-notification-hubs | azure-notification-hubs | Azure Notification Hubs |
azure-object-anchors | azure-object-anchors | Azure Object Anchors |
azure-openai | azure-openai | Azure OpenAI Service |
azure-open-datasets | azure-open-datasets | Azure Open Datasets |
azure-percept | azure-percept | Azure Percept |
azure-personalizer | azure-personalizer | Azure Personalizer |
azure-policy | azure-policy | Azure Policy |
azure-private-link | azure-private-link | Azure Private Link |
azure-qna-maker | azure-qna-maker | Azure QnA Maker |
azure-quantum | azure-quantum | Azure Quantum |
azure-queue-storage | azure-queue-storage | Azure Queue Storage |
azure-rbac | azure-rbac | Azure Role-based access control |
azure-redhat-openshift | azure-redhat-openshift | Azure Red Hat OpenShift |
azure-remote-rendering | azure-remote-rendering | Azure Remote Rendering |
azure-resource-mover | azure-resource-mover | Azure Resource Mover |
azure-rtos | azure-rtos | Azure RTOS |
azure-sap | azure-sap | SAP HANA on Azure Large Instances |
azure-service-bus | azure-service-bus | Azure Service Bus |
azure-service-fabric, azure-service-fabric-mesh, service-fabric-standalone | azure-service-fabric | Azure Service Fabric |
azure-signalr-service | azure-signalr-service | Azure SignalR Service |
azure-site-recovery | azure-site-recovery | Azure Site Recovery |
azure-spatial-anchors | azure-spatial-anchors | Azure Spatial Anchors |
azure-speech | azure-speech | Azure Speech |
azure-sphere | azure-sphere | Azure Sphere |
azure-spring-cloud | azure-spring-apps | Azure Spring Apps |
azure-sql-database | azure-sql-database | Azure SQL Database |
azure-sqldatabase-edge | azure-sql-edge | Azure SQL Edge |
azure-sql-virtual-machines, azure-virtual-machines-sql | azure-sql-virtual-machines | SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines |
azure-stack-hci | azure-stack-hci | Azure Stack HCI |
azure-stack-hub | azure-stack-hub | Azure Stack Hub |
azure-storage-accounts | azure-storage-accounts | Azure Storage Accounts |
azure-storage-explorer | azure-storage-explorer | Azure Storage Explorer |
azure-storsimple | azure-storsimple | Azure StorSimple |
azure-stream-analytics | azure-stream-analytics | Azure Stream Analytics |
azure-synapse-analytics | azure-synapse-analytics | Azure Synapse Analytics |
azure-table-storage | azure-table-storage | Azure Table Storage |
azure-time-series-insights | azure-time-series-insights | Azure Time Series Insights |
azure-traffic-manager | azure-traffic-manager | Azure Traffic Manager |
azure-translator | azure-translator | Azure Translator |
azure-video-indexer | azure-video-indexer | Azure Video Indexer |
windows-virtual-desktop, azure-virtual-desktop, azure-hpc-pack, azure-spot, azure-virtual-machines, azure-virtual-machines-backup, azure-virtual-machines-extension, azure-virtual-machines-images, azure-virtual-machines-migration, azure-virtual-machines-monitoring, azure-virtual-machines-networking, azure-virtual-machines-storage | azure-virtual-desktop | Azure Virtual Desktop |
azure-virtual-network | azure-virtual-network | Azure Virtual Network |
azure-virtual-wan | azure-virtual-wan | Azure Virtual WAN |
azure-virtual-machines-scale-set | azure-vm-scalesets | Azure Virtual Machines |
azure-vmware-solution | azure-vmware-solution | Azure VMware Solution |
azure-vpn-gateway | azure-vpn-gateway | Azure VPN Gateway |
azure-web-application-firewall | azure-web-application-firewall | Azure Web Application Firewall |
azure-webapps, azure-webapps-apis, azure-webapps-authentication, azure-webapps-auto-heal, azure-webapps-availability, azure-webapps-backup, azure-webapps-compliance-reports, azure-webapps-content-deployment, azure-webapps-custom-domains, azure-webapps-development, azure-webapps-hybrid-connection, azure-webapps-ip-addresses, azure-webapps-migration, azure-webapps-monitoring, azure-webapps-performance, azure-webapps-scaling, azure-webapps-security, azure-webapps-ssh, azure-webapps-ssl-certifcates, azure-webapps-ssl-certificates, azure-webapps-vnet, azure-webapps-webjobs, azure-web-pubsub | azure-web-apps | Azure Web Apps |
azure-web-pubsub | azure-web-pubsub | Azure Web PubSub |
biztalk-server, biztalk-server-all | biztalk-server | Microsoft BizTalk Server |
dotnet-aspnetcore-blazor, dotnet-aspnet-core-blazor | blazor | Blazor |
me-cm-analytics, me-cm-cmpivot, me-cm-general, me-cm-sdk, mem-cm-cmpivot, mem-cm-general, mem-cm-sdk, configuration-manager-general, configuration-manager-cloud-attach, me-cm-co-management, mem-cm-co-management, mem-cm-analytics | configuration-manager | Microsoft Configuration Manager |
me-cm-application, mem-cm-application, configuration-manager-application | configuration-manager-application | Microsoft Configuration Manager Application |
me-cm-site-deployment, configuration-manager-site-deployment, me-cm-osd, mem-cm-osd, configuration-manager-osd, mem-cm-site-deployment | configuration-manager-deployment | Microsoft Configuration Manager Deployment |
me-cm-updates, mem-cm-updates, configuration-manager-updates | configuration-manager-updates | Microsoft Configuration Manager Updates |
c++ | cpp | C++ |
dotnet-csharp | csharp | C# |
azure-security-center | defender-for-cloud | Microsoft Defender for Cloud |
dotnet-ad, dotnet-ad-docker, dotnet-adonet, dotnet-package-management, dotnet-ad-enterprise, dotnet-ad-installer, dotnet-ad-linux, dotnet-ad-vs, dotnet-apache-spark | dotnet | .NET |
dotnet-cli, dotnet-console | dotnetcli | .NET CLI |
dotnet-fsharp | dotnet-fsharp | F# |
dotnet-iot | dotnet-iot | .NET IOT |
dotnet-ml-big-data, dotnet-mlnet | dotnet-machine-learning | .NET Machine Learning |
dotnet-maui | dotnet-maui | .NET MAUI |
dotnet-runtime, dotnet-runtime-core, dotnet-runtime-framework | dotnet-runtime | .NET Runtime |
dotnet-standard | dotnet-standard | .NET Standard |
dotnet-entity-framework | ef6 | Entity Framework 6.0 |
dotnet-entity-framework-core | ef-core | Entity Framework Core |
windows-server-fslogix | fslogix | FSLogix |
hololens-development | hololens-development | HoloLens Development |
windows-10-hyperv, windows-10-virtualization, windows-server-hyper-v | Hyper-v | Hyper-V |
microsoft-identity-manager | identity-manager | Microsoft Identity Manager |
mem-intune-admin-center, intune-admin-center, mem-intune-conditional-access, mem-intune-general, intune-general, intune-graph, mem-intune-graph, intune-endpoint-analytics, intune-settings-catalog, intune-windows, intune-chromeos, intune-android-open-source, mem-analytics-reporting | intune | Microsoft Intune |
intune-android | intune-android | Microsoft Intune Android |
mem-intune-application-management, intune-application-management | intune-application-management | Microsoft Intune Aplication Management |
intune-compliance | intune-compliance | Microsoft Intune Compliance |
mem-intune-device-configurations, intune-device-configuration | intune-configuration | Microsoft Intune Configuration |
mem-intune-enrollment, intune-enrollment | intune-enrollment | Microsoft Intune Enrollment |
intune-grouping-targeting | intune-grouping | Microsoft Intune Grouping |
intune-ios | intune-ios | Microsoft Intune Ios |
intune-linux | intune-linux | Microsoft Intune Linux |
intune-macos | intune-macos | Microsoft Intune MacOs |
intune-reporting | intune-reporting | Microsoft Intune Reporting |
intune-endpoint-security, intune-application-protection-policies | intune-security | Microsoft Intune Security |
intune-updates | intune-updates | Microsoft Intune Updates |
office-scriptlab-dev, office-js-dev | javascript-api | JavaScript API |
azure-language-service, azure-text-analytics | language-service | Cognitive Service for Language |
m365-apps-publishing-dev, microsoft-365-apps-publishing-dev | m365-publishing | Microsoft 365 Publishing |
ems-advanced-threat-analytics | mem | Microsoft Endpoint Manager |
N/A | microsoft-advertising | Microsoft Advertising |
advertising-api | microsoft-advertising-api | Microsoft Advertising API |
microsoft-authenticator | microsoft-authenticator | Microsoft Authenticator |
vs-msbuild | microsoft-build | Microsoft Build |
mem-mdt, microsoft-deployment-toolkit | microsoft-deployment-toolkit | Microsoft Deployment Toolkit |
ms-edge | microsoft-edge | Microsoft Edge |
microsoft-graph-applications | microsoft-graph-applications-api | Microsoft Graph Applications API |
microsoft-graph-azure-ad | microsoft-graph-azure-ad-api | Microsoft Graph Azure AD API |
microsoft-graph-calendar, microsoft-graph-calendar-places | microsoft-graph-calendar-api | Microsoft Graph Calendar API |
microsoft-graph-change-notifications | microsoft-graph-change-notifications-api | Microsoft Graph Change Notifications API |
microsoft-graph-cloud-communications | microsoft-graph-cloud-communications-api | Microsoft Graph Cloud Communications API |
microsoft-graph-cloud-pc | microsoft-graph-cloud-pc-api | Microsoft Graph Cloud PC API |
microsoft-graph-compliance | microsoft-graph-compliance-api | Microsoft Graph Compliance API |
microsoft-graph-connectors | microsoft-graph-connectors-api | Microsoft Graph Connectors API |
microsoft-graph-contacts | microsoft-graph-contacts-api | Microsoft Graph Contacts API |
microsoft-graph-corporate-mgmt | microsoft-graph-corporate-management-api | Microsoft Graph Corporate Management API |
microsoft-graph-customer-booking | microsoft-graph-customer-booking-api | Microsoft Graph Customer Booking API |
microsoft-graph-data, microsoft-graph-data-connect | microsoft-graph-data-connect-api | Microsoft Graph Data Connect |
microsoft-graph-device-updates | microsoft-graph-device-updates-api | Microsoft Graph Device Updates API |
microsoft-graph-directory-mgmt | microsoft-graph-directory-management-api | Microsoft Graph Directory Management API |
microsoft-graph-education | microsoft-graph-education-api | Microsoft Graph Education API |
microsoft-graph-explorer | microsoft-graph-explorer-api | Microsoft Graph Explorer API |
microsoft-graph-extensions | microsoft-graph-extensions-api | Microsoft Graph Extensions API |
microsoft-graph-files | microsoft-graph-files-api | Microsoft Graph Files API |
microsoft-graph-financials | microsoft-graph-financials-api | Microsoft Graph Financials API |
microsoft-graph-groups | microsoft-graph-groups-api | Microsoft Graph Groups API |
microsoft-graph-identity | microsoft-graph-identity-api | Microsoft Graph Identity API |
microsoft-graph-analytics, microsoft-graph-insights | microsoft-graph-insights-api | Microsoft Graph Insights API |
microsoft-graph-mail | microsoft-graph-mail-api | Microsoft Graph Mail API |
microsoft-graph-notes, microsoft-graph-onenote | microsoft-graph-notes-api | Microsoft Graph Notes API |
microsoft-graph-notifications, microsoft-graph-user-notifications | microsoft-graph-notifications-api | Microsoft Graph Notifications API |
microsoft-graph-paging | microsoft-graph-paging-api | Microsoft Graph Paging API |
microsoft-graph-people | microsoft-graph-people-api | Microsoft Graph People API |
microsoft-graph-permissions | microsoft-graph-permissions-api | Microsoft Graph Permissions API |
microsoft-graph-print | microsoft-graph-print-api | Microsoft Graph Print API |
microsoft-graph-profile, ms-graph-profile | microsoft-graph-profile-api | Microsoft Graph Profile API |
microsoft-graph-reports | microsoft-graph-reports-api | Microsoft Graph Reports API |
microsoft-graph-sdk | microsoft-graph-sdk | Microsoft Graph SDK |
microsoft-graph-search | microsoft-graph-search-api | Microsoft Graph Search API |
microsoft-graph-security | microsoft-graph-security-api | Microsoft Graph Security API |
microsoft-graph-sites-lists | microsoft-graph-site-lists-api | Microsoft Graph Site Lists API |
microsoft-graph-tasks-plans | microsoft-graph-tasks-plans-api | Microsoft Graph Tasks Plans API |
microsoft-graph-teams, microsoft-graph-teamwork | microsoft-graph-teamwork-api | Microsoft Graph Teamwork API |
microsoft-graph-todo | microsoft-graph-todotasks-api | Microsoft Graph to Do Tasks API |
microsoft-graph-toolkit | microsoft-graph-toolkit | Microsoft Graph Toolkit |
microsoft-graph-users | microsoft-graph-users-api | Microsoft Graph Users API |
microsoft-graph-workbooks | microsoft-graph-workbooks-api | Microsoft Graph Workbooks API |
microsoft-managed-desktop | microsoft-managed-desktop | Microsoft Managed Desktop |
partner-center-general, partner-center-submission, windows-partner-center-general, windows-partner-center-submission | microsoft-partner-center | Microsoft Partner Center |
partner-center-api, partner-center-rest-api, partner-center-sdk, csp-ap | microsoft-partner-center-api | Microsoft Partner Center API |
azure-purview | microsoft-purview | Microsoft Purview |
microsoft-sentinel, azure-sentinel | microsoft-sentinel | Microsoft Sentinel |
msc-essentials, msc-essentials-2010, msc-essentials-deployment, msc-essentials-general, msc-essentials-inventory, msc-essentials-monitoring, msc-essentials-rom, msc-essentials-software, msc-essentials-updates | msc | Microsoft System Center |
msc-operations-manager, msc-operations-manager-apm, msc-operations-manager-authoring, msc-operations-manager-deployment, msc-operations-manager-extensibility, msc-operations-manager-general, msc-operations-manager-linux, msc-operations-manager-mp, msc-operations-manager-reporting | msc-operations-manager | Operations Manager |
msc-orchestrator, msc-orchestrator-deployment, msc-orchestrator-general, msc-orchestrator-sc-integration, msc-orchestrator-sdk, msc-orchestrator-spf, msc-orchestrator-third-party-integration | msc-orchestrator | System Center Orchestrator |
msc-service-manager, msc-service-manager-setup, msc-service-manager-administration, msc-service-manager-authoring, msc-service-manager-connector, msc-service-manager-data-warehouse, msc-service-manager-general, msc-service-manager-itil, msc-service-manager-portal | msc-service-manager | Service Manager |
msc-virtual-machine-manager, msc-virtual-machine-manager-clustering, msc-virtual-machine-manager-extension-handler, msc-virtual-machine-manager-general, msc-virtual-machine-manager-hyper-v, msc-virtual-machine-manager-sc-integration, msc-virtual-machine-manager-self-service-portal, msc-virtual-machine-manager-setup, msc-virtual-machine-manager-v2v | msc-virtual-machine-manager | System Center Virtual Machine Manager |
microsoft-graph-general, microsoft-graph-authentication, microsoft-graph-batching, microsoft-graph-cross-device, microsoft-graph-governance, microsoft-graph-multi-tenant-mgmt, microsoft-graph-query-parameters, microsoft-graph-throttling | ms-graph | Microsoft Graph |
windows-uwp-feedback | N/A | #N/A |
azure-farmbeats, azure-blockchain-service, azure-blockchain-workbench, azure-dev-tool-integrations, azure-mobile-app, azure-scheduler, power-query-connectors, power-query-dataflows, power-query-desktop, power-query-m, power-query-not-supported, power-query-online, not-supported-azure, not-supported, windows-azure-pack | not-monitored | Not monitored |
office-access-dev | office-access-development | Access Development |
office-addins-dev, office-vsto-com-dev, office-scripts-excel-dev | office-development | Office Development |
office-excel-itpro | office-excel-management | Excel Management |
office-exchange-hybrid-itpro | office-exchange-hybrid-management | Microsoft Exchange Hybrid Management |
N/A | office-exchange-online | Microsoft Exchange Online |
office-exchange-online-itpro | office-exchange-online-management | Microsoft Exchange Online Management |
office-exchange-server-dev | office-exchange-server-development | Exchange Server Development |
office-exchange-server-administration, office-exchange-server-connectivity, office-exchange-server-deployment, office-exchange-server-ha, office-exchange-server-itpro, office-exchange-server-mailflow | office-exchange-server-management | Exchange Server Management |
openspecs-office-exchange | office-exchange-server-open-specs | Exchange Open Specifications |
office-lync-server, office-lync-server-administration, office-lync-server-conferencing, office-lync-server-deployment, office-lync-server-edge-servers, office-lync-server-enterprise-voice, office-lync-server-itpro-general, office-lync-server-sign-in | office-lync-server | Lync Server |
office-for-mac-itpro | office-mac | Office Mac |
office-deployment, office-itpro | office-management | Office Management |
office-onedrive-client-itpro, office-onenote-client-itpro | office-onedrive-management | OneDrive Management |
office-online-server-deployment, office-online-server-exchange, office-online-server-general, office-online-server-sfb, office-online-server-sharepoint, office-online-server-view-edit | office-online-server | Microsoft Office Online Server |
openspecs-office, openspecs-office-fileformats, openspecs-office-sharepoint | office-open-specs | Office Open Specifications |
office-outlook-itpro | office-outlook-management | Outlook Management |
office-powerpoint-itpro | office-powerpoint-management | PowerPoint Management |
office-skype-business-online-itpro, office-skype-business-server-administration, office-skype-business-server-conferencing, office-skype-business-server-deployment, office-skype-business-server-edge-servers, office-skype-business-server-enterprise-voice, office-skype-business-server-itpro-general, office-skype-business-server-sign-in | office-skype-business | Skype for Business |
office-teams-linux-itpro, teams-linux | office-skype-business-linux | Skype for Business Linux |
office-sharepoint-online | office-sp | SharePoint |
sharepoint-apps-general-dev, sharepoint-dev | office-sp-development | SharePoint Development |
office-sharepoint-server-customization, office-sharepoint-server-itpro, office-sharepoint-server-search-itpro | office-sp-server | SharePoint Server |
office-sharepoint-server-development | office-sp-server-development | SharePoint Server Development |
office-sharepoint-server-administration | office-sp-server-management | SharePoint Server Management |
sharepoint-workflow | office-sp-workflow | SharePoint Workflow |
office-teams-windows-itpro, teams | office-teams | Microsoft Teams |
office-teams-app-dev | office-teams-development | Microsoft Teams Development |
office-vba-dev | office-vba | Visual Basic for Applications |
office-visio-itpro | office-visio-management | Visio Management |
office-word-itpro | office-word-management | Word Management |
remote-desktop-client, remote-desktop-services, windows-remote-desktop-client, windows-remote-desktop-services | remote-desktop | Remote Desktop |
small-basic, small-basic-community-challenges, small-basic-discussion, small-basic-featured-program, small-basic-general | small-basic | Small Basic |
dotnet-sqlclient, dotnet-sqlite, sql-server-general | sql-server | SQL Server |
sql-server-analysis-services | sql-server-analysis-services | SQL Server Analysis Services |
sql-server-integration-services | sql-server-intergration-services | SQL Server Integration Services |
sql-server-migration, sql-server-migration-assistant | sql-server-migration-assistant | SQL Server Migration Assistant |
openspecs-questions, openspecs-sqlserver | sql-server-open-specs | SQL Server Open Specifications |
sql-server-reporting-services | sql-server-reporting-services | SQL Server Reporting Services |
sql-server-transact-sql | sql-server-tsql | Transact-SQL |
azure-update-management-center | update-management-center | Update management center |
dotnet-visual-basic | vb | VB |
viva-connections-sharepoint, viva-connections-teams-desktop | viva-connections | Viva Connections |
viva-insights | viva-insights | Viva Insights |
viva-learning | viva-learning | Viva Learning |
viva-topics | viva-topics | Viva Topics |
vs-general | vs | Visual Studio |
vs-debugging | vs-debugging | Visual Studio Debugging |
vs-extensions | vs-extentions | Visual Studio Extensions |
vs-setup | vs-setup | Visual Studio Setup |
vs-testing | vs-testing | Visual Studio Testing |
windows-wcf | wcf | Windows Communication Foundation |
windows-subsystem-for-android | windows | Windows |
windows-10-general | windows-10 | Windows 10 |
windows-10-application-compatibility | windows-10-compatibility | Visual Studio Setup |
windows-10-hardware-performance | windows-10-hardware performance | Visual Studio Testing |
windows-10-network | windows-10-network | Windows 10 Network |
windows-10-security | windows-10-security | Windows 10 Security |
windows-10-setup | windows-10-setup | Windows 10 Setup |
windows-11 | windows-11 | Windows 11 |
windows-365-business | windows365-business | Windows 365 Business |
windows-365-enterprise | windows365-enterprise | Windows 365 Enterprise |
windows-7, windows-7-application-hardware-compatibility, windows-7-general, windows-7-network, windows-7-setup, windows-7-virtual-pc-xp-mode | windows-7 | Windows 7 |
windows-8, windows-8-application-hardware-compatibility, windows-8-general, windows-8-network, windows-8-setup, windows-8-virtualization | windows-8 | Windows 8 |
winapi-audio-video, winapi-compatibility, winapi-general, winapi-sdk, winapi-security, winapi-ui, windows-api, windows-api-accessibility, windows-api-com, windows-api-general, windows-api-graphics-media, windows-api-loc-glob, windows-api-networking, windows-api-security-crypto, windows-api-system-services, windows-api-ui | windows-api-win32 | Windows API - Win32 |
windows-app-sdk, windows-app-sdk-general, windows-app-sdk-text-rendering, windows-app-sdk-winui3 | windows-app-sdk | Windows App SDK |
mem-autopilot, windows-autopilot | windows-autopilot | Windows Autopilot |
windows-dhcp-dns | windows-dhcp | Windows DHCP |
windows-forms | windows-forms | Windows Forms |
windows-group-policy | windows-group-policy | Windows Group Policy |
windows-hardware, windows-hardware-certification, windows-hardware-code-audio, windows-hardware-code-camera, windows-hardware-code-general, windows-hardware-code-ndis, windows-hardware-code-storage, windows-hardware-ewdk, windows-hardware-wdk, windows-hardware-wdk-general | windows-hardware-performance | Windows Hardware |
windows-home-server-2011 | windows-home-server-2011 | Windows Home Server 2011 |
windows-server-iis, windows-server-iis-configuration, windows-server-iis-general, windows-server-iis-performance, windows-server-iis-platform, windows-server-iis-security, windows-server-iis-troubleshooting | windows-iis | Internet Information Services |
windows-embedded, windows-embedded-8.1-industry, windows-embedded-8-standard, windows-embedded-posready7, windows-embedded-standard7, windows-wec-platform | windows-iot | Windows IoT |
windows-iot-10core, windows-iot-10-core | windows-iot-10core | Windows 10 IoT Core |
windows-maps | windows-maps | Windows Maps |
windows-platform-network | windows-network | Windows Network |
openspecs-windows, openspecs-windows-filesharing | windows-open-specs | Windows Open Specifications |
windows-hardware-wpt | windows-performance-toolkit | Windows Performance Toolkit |
windows-network-access-protection, windows-server, windows-server-applicationcompatibility-certification, windows-server-branch-office, windows-server-core, windows-server-essentials, windows-server-ipv6, windows-server-nano, windows-server-update-services, windows-server-virtualization | windows-server | Windows Server |
windows-server-2012 | windows-server-2012 | Windows Server 2012 |
windows-server-2016 | windows-server-2016 | Windows Server 2016 |
windows-server-2019 | windows-server-2019 | Windows Server 2019 |
windows-server-backup | windows-server-backup | Windows Server Backup |
windows-server-clustering | windows-server-clustering | Windows Server Clustering |
windows-server-infrastructure | windows-server-infrastructure | Windows Server Infrastructure |
windows-server-management, windows-server-manager | windows-server-management | Windows Server Management |
windows-server-migration | windows-server-migration | Windows Server Migration |
windows-server-powershell | windows-server-powershell | PowerShell |
windows-server-print | windows-server-printing | Windows Server Printing |
windows-server-security | windows-server-security | Windows Server Security |
windows-server-setup | windows-server-setup | Windows Server Setup |
windows-server-storage | windows-server-storage | Windows Server Storage |
windows-small-business-server | windows-smb-server | Windows Small Business Server |
windows-sysinternals-general, windows-sysinternals-autoruns, windows-sysinternals-bginfo, windows-sysinternals-misc-utilities, windows-sysinternals-procexp, windows-sysinternals-procmon, windows-sysinternals-pstools, windows-sysinternals-sysmon | windows-sysinternals | Windows Sysinternals |
desktop-bridge, uwp, uwp-xaml, windows-runtime, windows-desktop-bridge, windows-uwp, windows-uwp-runtime, windows-uwp-xaml | windows-uwp | Universal Windows Platform (UWP) |
windows-wpf, wpf | windows-wpf | Windows Presentation Foundation |
dotnet-mobile-general, dotnet-xamarin, dotnet-xamarinessentials, dotnet-xamarinforms, dotnet-xamarinforms-xaml | xamarin | Xamarin |
dotnet-wpf-xaml | xaml | XAML |