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Introducing my WebLog

hi my name is Ali Alvi. I am a developer for Internet Explorer. I have been working at Microsoft almost for the past 4 years now with (in my opinion) the greatest browser team on the planet.

I did my BS in computer science from Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). I worked for a while with ABN AMRO Bank's Global IT department, mostly working with Banking applications and their deployment. I then got a chance to interview with Microsoft. And since then i've been here with the IE team, albeit in different roles over the years.

The things that i am passionate about in my job is the tremendous challenge of working on the single most widely used application in the world. The application that truly takes more CPU time on any computer than anything else that has ever been created. The immense impact in ppl's everyday lives of what we do here is mind boggling. But with that great impact comes responsibility of making sure that the world is secure and free of any malware. Ppl have lately become very skeptical about web security. One of the biggest challenges that the browser development community faces is to get back ppl's confidence in connecting to the internet and thinking of it as a safe place. This blog is just another attempt to get everyone to talk about what hurts them the most and what they love about browsing by using IE and how they feel their lives could be made a lot easier by making small/big changes in the way IE works.