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My Favorite Shortcuts

Using mouse is inefficient and slow - for detailed explanation go here

These are my favorite (those I actually use) shortcuts.

[Ed. - I am updating it constantly as I find more useful shortcuts I actually use] 

  • Visual Studio
    • Ctrl + Shift + B - build
    • Ctrl + Tab - switching between open files
    • Ctrl + Shift + F - find in files (actually FindStr inside Visual Studio)
    • Ctrl + KK - bookmarking
    • Ctrl + KW - show bookmarks windows
    • Ctrl + Pg UP/Pg Dn - switch between ASPX markup and design view
    • Ctrl + i - incremental search, try it - very cool. Thanks, Memi, for sharing
  • Outlook
    • Ctrl + Shift + M - new email
    • Ctrl + Shift + S - new post to folder (posts are my tool of trade to manage my pipeline - My Pipeline Is My Inbox)
    • Ctrl + 1 - emails
    • Ctrl + 2 - calendar
    • Ctrl + try other numbers...
    • Ctrl + R - reply
    • Ctrl + Shift + R - reply all
    • Ctrl + F - forward mail item
    • Ctrl + Enter - send email
  • Word
    • Ctrl + Shift + C - copy style
    • Ctrl + Shift + V - paste style
    • Ctrl + ] - enlarge font size
    • Ctrl + [ - decrease font size
    • Shift + F5 - go to last edited location
    • F4 - repeat last action, very handy when refactoring
  • Windows
    • Windows + R - bring up "Run" dialog.
    • Ctrl + Shift + Esc - bring up task manager
    • Windows + E - run explorer
  • Notepad
    • Ctrl + G - got to line number, avail also in other products
    • Ctrl + H - Find/Replace
  • Windows Explorer
    • F2 - rename file/folder
    • Shift + Delete - unrecoverable delete of item (actually this one does unrecoverable delete - SDelete)
  • Internet Explorer
    • Type domain name and then Ctrl + Enter - wraps domain with "https://www." ... ".com"
  • The all time winner
    • Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V

[Ed. - the following added from Chris online]

Visual Basic Shortcuts poster

Visual C# Shortcuts poster

Visual C++ Shortcuts poster

What are yours?

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