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Where is XAML Chick?

There has been this very quiet quiet time…for a while now, okay so about 4 months…where oh were did I go? Well Redmond, WA!

I had a great opportunity come my way to help the .NET Framework team in Redmond and I took it! With help I packed all my stuff, said goodbye to friends and colleagues and moved to Redmond, WA where I have now been for the last 2 months. When I arrived I had to find a place to live and move in.

Now that most of that is done I am acclimating to my new role as the Identity Product Manager on the .NET Framework team. I have debated whether or not to change the blog name, and have decided to keep XAML Chick, after all that is how I began. But you will see most of the topics moving forward become more Identity focused.

Yes I know what you’re thinking: “What, guess she’s lost her Identity?” or “What is her true Identity?”

Ya, Ya I’ve heard it all and I am sure you have more to share. I H O P E to explain further what I find out about Identity and how that can help you with your decisions of creating Identity as an integral part of your applications. After all I will be working for you the developers.