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How to add sub domain into Compatibility View List



We have introduced two methods to add web site to Compatibility View List in blog “How to add web site to Compatibility View List via GPO” as below reference shows: .

Many customer asked us if sub-domain can be added into Compatibility View List. We’ll provide illustration with simple sample.

Target & Suggestions

The Solution 2(Workaround) in “How to add web site to Compatibility View List via GPO” will help customer to add sub domain into Compatibility View List, but please NOTE, it does NOT get reflected in IE user interface.

We see the sites loading in the compatibility mode by opening the developer tool bar (press F12) and checking the browser mode.

Also, we can verify the setting in the client machine registry. The configuration is written to registry under HKCU(HKLM)\Software\[Wow6432Node]\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\BrowserEmulation\PolicyList.

Detailed Steps:

Steps for add sub domain into “Use Policy List of Internet Explorer 7 sites”:

1. Open Group Policy Management by “gpmc” command on DC and enter into Editor for Domain Policy that you want to edit.

2. Choose path from either Computer configuration or User Configuration as “Computer or User Configuration-> Policies-> Administrative Templates-> Windows Components ->Internet Explorer -> Compatibility View”. Open Group Policy Management Editor by “gpmc” command for Domain Policy that you want to edit.

Use Policy List of Internet Explorer 7 sites = Enabled and sites added to the list

3. Sample as below picture: add “”.


4. In Client machine such as Windows 7 & IE9:


Please NOTE: sub domain “” is displayed in “IE7 Standards”, the top domain “” is still displayed in “IE9 Standards”.





Anik, Aaron and Xiaoman from GBSD DSI Team