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Avkash Chauhan's Blog

Windows Azure, Windows 8, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Hadoop: All together at one place.. One problem, One solution at One time...

HDInsight (Hadoop on Azure) Demo: Submit MapReduce job, process result from Pig and filter final results in Hive

In this demo we will submit a WordCount map reduce job to HDInsight cluster and process the results...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 03/28/2013

Windows Azure Powershell 0.6.10 is out and check out $DebugPreference feature to get Request and Response on PS console

Windows Azure Powershell 0.6.10 is out.Check out and you can get 0.6.10 installer from the direct...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 02/12/2013

Windows Azure Powershell 0.6.10 is out and check out $DebugPreference feature to get Request and Response on PS console

Windows Azure Powershell 0.6.10 is out.Check out and you can get 0.6.10 installer from the direct...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 02/12/2013

Powershell script to detect the Windows Azure SDK in Azure Cloud Service VM and fix the Powershell execution issue

When you try to run Powershell commands on Windows Azure Cloud Service (PaaS) VM you may have seen...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 02/05/2013

Using Fiddler to decipher Windows Azure PowerShell or REST API HTTPS traffic

If you are using publishsettings with Powershell, you may not be able to decrypt HTTPS traffic. Not...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 01/30/2013

Executing Powershell commands in Windows Azure Web or Worker Role VM Instance return exception

When trying to run Windows Azure Powershell commands in Windows Azure VM (Web Role or Worker Role)...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 01/28/2013

Using OS disk VHD to create a new Virtual Machine if OS VHD is still on lease in Windows Azure Virtual Machines

There is a situation Windows Azure Virtual machines where either you have deleted the Virtual...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 01/10/2013

Microsoft Server Products and Microsoft License Mobility for Cloud environment

License Mobility Through Software Assurance: With License Mobility through Software Assurance, you...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 11/27/2012

How does Windows Azure PowerShell import publishsettings using Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile command?

As you already know you can use Windows Azure Powershell to manage your Windows Azure Service. To...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 11/20/2012

Customer Evaluation Guide for Windows Azure Virtual Machines (IaaS)

For Customers and Partners, the following summary of resources will support the evaluation of...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 11/14/2012

Are you a Windows Phone developer? Try being part of and enjoy the perks

Website: DVLUP is only available to Windows Phone Dev Center Users in the US...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 11/13/2012

The current Windows Azure Support is FREE till December 31st, 2012

As you may have already seen announcement about comprehensive updates to Windows Azure Customer...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 11/12/2012

Hadoop adventures with Microsoft HDInsight

What is HDInsight? HDinsight is the product name for Microsoft installation of Hadoop and Hadoop on...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 11/03/2012

Windows Phone 8.0 Emulator requires a SLAT Supported Hardware Virtulization on Windows 8 Machine

If you have installed Windows Phone SDK 8 on a Windows 8 x64 machine which does not have SLAT...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 10/30/2012

Windows Phone SDK 8.0 available to download and install on Windows 8 machines

Today Windows Phone SDK 8.0 is released and you can get it from here. If you already have Windows 8...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 10/30/2012

Using Windows Server 2012 OS with Windows Azure Cloud Services and .net 4.5

With latest release of Windows Azure, Cloud service user can run their cloud service application in...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 10/29/2012

List of components installed with Windows Azure SDK 1.8

Windows Azure SDK 1.8 is live and available to work with VS2012 and VS2010SP1. You can choose any...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 10/29/2012

Using Startup Task with command line redirection in Windows Azure Role

Recently while working on an incident I found that if you use Windows Azure Startup task with launch...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 09/27/2012

Running Tomcat7 in Ubuntu Linux Virtual Machine at Windows Azure

First create a Ubuntu Virtual Machine on Windows Azure and be sure it is running. Be sure to have...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 08/17/2012

Windows Azure SDK 1.7 Storage Emulator and LocalDB

With Windows Azure SDK 1.7, Windows Azure Storage Emulator uses LocalDB instance specific...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 07/10/2012

Deploying Windows Azure Website using Visual Studio Web Publish wizard

Create your Windows Azure Websites (shared or reserved) and get the publish profile by selecting...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/26/2012

Installing Node.js on a CentOS Linux Virtual Machine in Windows Azure

First I created a CentOS Linux Virtual Machine with host names as “nodejsbox” and the...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/25/2012

WorkFlow (XAMLX) Service Activity with WCF Service in Windows Azure Websites

I have downloaded pre-built WCF-WF samples from the link here:...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/21/2012

Windows Azure Website: Uploading/Downloading files over FTP and collecting Diagnostics logs

Visit to your Go to your Windows Azure Website: In your Windows Azure Website please select the...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/19/2012

Using Git to deploy an ASP.NET website shows Windows Azure Blob Storage list at Windows Azure Websites

I have seen a few issues reported related Windows Azure Websites, when someone deploy an ASP.NET web...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/19/2012

Step 1: Install vsftpd [root@avkashcentnew ~]# yum install vsftpd Package Arch Version Repository...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/18/2012

Difference between Windows Azure Cache(Preview) and Windows Azure Shared Cache

With the release of Windows Azure Caching (Preview) and there is already Windows Azure Shared Cache...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 06/18/2012

Enabling HTTP Compression and HTTP 304 Caching (through ETag?) with Windows Azure CDN

When you try enable HTTP compression (gzip) and HTTP 304 Caching via ETags on Azure CDN, you may not...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/30/2012

Serving web resources (AXDs) with HTTP Compression through Windows Azure CDN

With Windows Azure CDN you must pass the QueryString parameter containing a compressible filename...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/29/2012

Adding MSCHART to your Windows azure Web Role and WCF service could cause exception

You might hit an exception while sdding MSCHART to your Windows azure Web Role and WCF service could...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/24/2012

Debugging Windows Azure Web Role Application_Start() method in Global.asax.cs

I am writing the detail below on how you can hit BP at Application_Start() in Global.asax.cs:First...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/22/2012

Windows Azure Management using Burp (Java based GUI tool) and REST API

Burp is a great tool to use REST API directly in the GUI. I have written this blog to understand how...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/16/2012

Downloading Windows Azure Publish Settings (Subscription Configuration) file

Time to time I need to use my Windows Azure Subscription Profile information however when I want I...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/10/2012

Request Filtering, URLScan With Windows Azure Web Role

As you may know URLScan feature is deprecated from IIS7 and Within IIS 7, all the core features of...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/03/2012

Multicast Communication in Windows Azure

In Windows Azure we can consider two types of multicast communication:Application/Service level...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 05/01/2012

Windows Azure Blob size return 0 even when blob is accessible and downloaded without any problem

Following is the code which shows Windows Azure Blob size as “0” even when the same blob...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/27/2012

Programmatically retrieving Task ID and Unique Reducer ID in MapReduce

For each Mapper and Reducer you can get Task attempt id and Task ID both. This can be done when you...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/10/2012

Programmatically setting number of reducers with MapReduce job in Hadoop Cluster

When submitting a Map/Reduce job in Hadoop cluster, you can provide number of map task for the jobs...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/05/2012

Why it is important to set proper content-type HTTP header for blobs in Azure Storage

When you try to consume a content from Windows Azure blob storage you might see that sometime the...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/04/2012

Processing already sorted data with Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs without performance overhead

While working with Map/Reduce jobs in Hadoop, it is very much possible that you have got...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/03/2012

How to submit Hadoop Map/Reduce jobs in multiple command shell to run in parallel

Sometimes it is required to run multiple Map/Reduce jobs in same Hadoop cluster however opening...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/02/2012

Scaling with application running in Cloud

Scaling is one super big advantage of having your application running in cloud. Every cloud vendor...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/02/2012

Listing current running Hadoop Jobs and Killing running Jobs

When you have jobs running in Hadoop, you can use the map/reduce web view to list the current...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 04/01/2012

How to troubleshoot MapReduce jobs in Hadoop

When writing MapReduce programs you definitely going to hit problems in your programs such as...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 03/30/2012

How to chain multiple MapReduce jobs in Hadoop

When running MapReduce jobs it is possible to have several MapReduce steps with overall job...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 03/29/2012

How to wipe out the DFS in Hadoop?

If you format only Namenode, it will remove the metadata stored by the Namenode, however all the...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 03/28/2012

Running Apache Mahout at Hadoop on Windows Azure (

Once you have access enabled to Hadoop on Windows Azure you can run any mahout sample on head node....

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 03/06/2012

Enableing gzip compression with Windows Azure CDN through Web Role

CDN picks up compression from the origin and Windows Azure Storage does not support compression...

Author: Avkash Chauhan - MSFT Date: 03/05/2012
