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Recent MS Build 2018 - Azure DevOps Related Announcements

Chef Gillani - Shimail Gillani - Cloud Solutions Architect Microsoft @Chef Gillani

Azure DevOps with VSTS

by Damian Brady, Abel Wang


Container DevOps in Azure

by Steven Murawski, Jessica Deen


Building Windows – how the bits flow from check-in to the fast-ring

by Edward Thomson and Jill Campbell


Git patterns and anti-patterns for successful developers

by Edward Thomson


Analyze and report on your work using the new VSTS analytics service

by Romi Koifman


Migrating your code to the cloud – how to move from TFS to VSTS

by Rogan Ferguson


Continuous, efficient & reliable testing with integrated reporting in CI/CD

by Vinod Joshi


Some Other Related News

VSTS Announcement Highlights


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Shimail Ahmed Gillani
Cloud Solutions Architect
Microsost US Education @ChefGillani  @ChefGillani